Anthony Weiner is only recognizable candidate in NY mayoral race... Heh.

Sorry about the hijacking I made a comment on #5 and shit for brains took it to another thread . My error was returning on #7 .As you can see he just keeps babbling the same shit over and over till the other person gets tired so he gets the last post and scores a win in his mind. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That is his MO described to a "T".

He has a bad case of narcissism coupled with OCD.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No, it is YOUR twisted logic. And I won't call it "twisted redneck logic", either. Not even rednecks are are stupid as you are being right now.

And the dick picture shows up in the link you posted over and over and over. Weiner's "dick" picture shows up in YOUR link: your thread, you dumb Yankee asshole; hence, by your twisted, Yankee logic you're responsible. You don't get to exclude yourself. By your twisted Yankee logic, you cannot exclude yourself either, you dumb Yankee asshole.

On the other hand, I never posted a dick picture OR a link to a dick picture. Your thread is your "link" to Weiner's "dick" picture, you dumb Yankee asshole. And I can't control what you and CJ7 and I've Biggen post. So, clearly YOU own it, little twat. Your thread is your "link" to Weiner's "dick" picture, you dumb Yankee asshole, so clearly YOU are the one who owns it, using your twisted Yankee logic.

It is spelled "misogynistic". And unless you are a woman (an open question, I admit), I don't see how calling you a little twat is misogynistic. It is akin to calling you a pussy or a cunt. A tad homophobic perhaps, but not misogynistic.

As for me not liking women, do you really want to go there, little twat? Originally Posted by ExNYer
And your dumb Yankee ass misspelled "too."

...You are just to narcissistic to see your own fault ....

I have no idea what that last bit of drivel means, little twat.

Originally Posted by ExNYer

oooopsie .. I before e except after c !! Originally Posted by CJ7
This is some more of that "substantive and meaningful discourse" you mentioned earlier, right CBJ7? BTW, you ignorant retard:

. . . and Anthony Weiner spells his name "W-E-I-N-E-R", you ignorant jackass.

IB HAN ..KRING + WEINERS WEINER = DMFOB THE END Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Ekim the Inbred, you're the one salivating all over the picture and you copied it as a personal keepsake, you deviant homo-slut. You're the one who attends all of the deviant Dimotard parties where you slobber all over Weiner's weiner @: count=5 & =7.

He should do pretty good with this add, lol. Originally Posted by acp5762
Whatever the video is about, ACP, it's notable you knew where to find it and troubled yourself to find and preview it before you posted it. Ekim the Inbred, no doubt, enjoyed it as much as you do.

Sorry about the hijacking I made a comment on #5 and shit for brains took it to another thread . My error was returning on #7 .As you can see he just keeps babbling the same shit over and over till the other person gets tired so he gets the last post and scores a win in his mind. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That is his MO described to a "T".

He has a bad case of narcissism coupled with OCD. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Even Ekim the Inbred admits he hijacked your lame ass thread, you ignorant dumb Yankee asshole. But you're such a jackass Yankee asshole, you would never admit it, asshole.

Actually that picture has BSwine's slaver all over it.

But you can pretend its a turd, not his junk, Corpy, and jack off to it anyway! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're a hypocritical, lying, thread-hijacking, dumb-ass golem fuck. The distinction is all yours, you dumb-ass golem fuck, and that's why your dumb-fuck golem ass was elected:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you call someone a "Yankee fuck" again?

I guess the latest IBProfen meltdown is headed for day three. I seem to recall the lady time you went nuts for more than three days you left in a HUFF for a couple of weeks. The valet called, shit-for-lunch... Your HUFF is out front waiting to take you away again.

Maybe you can get a stretch HUFF with its own bathroom. Then you can take your sick show on the road.

SPEAKING OF THAT, did you know your shit cam has gone viral?

That said, Corpy...which of your graphics is doctored more, you turd tongued golem fuck?

the one in your avatar or the one that proclaims you "IBHung?" You won't post links to either, so may b they're both big lies. what does the dictionary say about that, Corpy?

You're like one of those kids in elementary school who takes beating after beating and thinks he's winning. I know, you get hard when someone beats the shit out of you. Then you can have sexy fun time!

You didn't answer my question last night shit for food! You want to post the link to my poll or shall I?
I B Hankering's Avatar
so which of your graphics is doctored worse, you turd tongued golem fuck?

the one in your avatar or the one that proclaims you "IBHung?"

You're like one of those kids in elementary school who takes beating after beating and thinks he's winning. I know, you get hard when someone beats the shit out of you. Then you can have sexy fun time!

You didn't answer my question last night shit for food! You want to post the link to my poll or shall I? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Your dumb-fuck golem ass admitted you started the poll, and you were subsequently elected:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you call someone a "Yankee fuck" again?

I guess the latest IBProfen meltdown is headed for day three. I seem to recall the lady time you went nuts for more than three days you left in a HUFF for a couple of weeks. The valet called, shit-for-lunch... Your HUFF is out front waiting to take you away again.

Maybe you can get a stretch HUFF with its own bathroom. Then you can take your sick show on the road.

SPEAKING OF THAT, did you know your shit cam has gone viral?

That said, Corpy...which of your graphics is doctored more, you turd tongued golem fuck?

the one in your avatar or the one that proclaims you "IBHung?" You won't post links to either, so may b they're both big lies. what does the dictionary say about that, Corpy?

You're like one of those kids in elementary school who takes beating after beating and thinks he's winning. I know, you get hard when someone beats the shit out of you. Then you can have sexy fun time!

You didn't answer my question last night shit for food! You want to post the link to my poll or shall I? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Where's the link you ignorant redneck shit swallower?
I B Hankering's Avatar

I guess the latest IBProfen meltdown is headed for day three. I seem to recall the lady time you went nuts for more than three days you left in a HUFF for a couple of weeks. The valet called, shit-for-lunch... Your HUFF is out front waiting to take you away again.

Maybe you can get a stretch HUFF with its own bathroom. Then you can take your sick show on the road.

SPEAKING OF THAT, did you know your shit cam has gone viral?

Where's the link you ignorant redneck shit swallower? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

The only melt down is yours, you dumb-ass golem fuck. Your dumb-fuck golem ass admitted you started the poll, and you were subsequently elected:

More verbal diarrhea from IB Hankerwrong.

You can't help yourself, can you, little twat?

What did you do? Get dinner and then run back to the computer to stick in a bunch more cut and paste responses?
I B Hankering's Avatar
More verbal diarrhea from IB Hankerwrong.

You can't help yourself, can you, little twat?

What did you do? Get dinner and then run back to the computer to stick in a bunch more cut and paste responses? Originally Posted by ExNYer
All that needs to be said, you dumb Yankee fuck, has been said. Ekim the Inbred admitted he hijacked your lame-ass thread. But since you're such an illiterate Yankee jackass, here it is again.

Sorry about the hijacking I made a comment on #5 and shit for brains took it to another thread . My error was returning on #7 .As you can see he just keeps babbling the same shit over and over till the other person gets tired so he gets the last post and scores a win in his mind. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Little Twat:

You keep writing this over and over:

"Your thread is your "link" to Weiner's "dick" picture, you dumb Yankee asshole, so clearly YOU are the one who owns it, using your twisted Yankee logic."

What does that mean exactly? What is my "twisted Yankee logic"? Does that have some secret definition you alone know?

Because the only twisted logic I see is yours. OTHER people, including you, post links to dick pictures in the thread. I do not. But because I started the thread, YOU, the poster of dick picture links, somehow think that I own them.

Rather self-serving and twisted logic, wouldn't you say, little twat?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Little Twat:

You keep writing this over and over:

"Your thread is your "link" to Weiner's "dick" picture, you dumb Yankee asshole, so clearly YOU are the one who owns it, using your twisted Yankee logic."

What does that mean exactly? What is my "twisted Yankee logic"? Does that have some secret definition you alone know?

Because the only twisted logic I see is yours. OTHER people, including you, post links to dick pictures in the thread. I do not. But because I started the thread, YOU, the poster of dick picture links, somehow think that I own them.

Rather self-serving and twisted logic, wouldn't you say, little twat? Originally Posted by ExNYer
It means exactly what it says, you ignorant Yankee asshole.
All that needs to be said, you dumb Yankee fuck, has been said. Ekim the Inbred admitted he hijacked your lame-ass thread. But since you're such an illiterate Yankee jackass, here it is again. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I know he admitted that. And I forgive him.

But that doesn't absolve you of your part in hijacking the thread. YOU got into your typical reposting mode and kept posting dick picture links.

So you are to blame too.

There is no rule that says only the first guy can hijack the thread. More than one can be to blame.

When you got into your pissing match with Iva Biggen, YOU participated in the hijack.

So Iva Biggen's confession doesn't control anything.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How about Mark Sanford, you thread hijacking Rebel scum?

BTW -- who does your hair?

How about Mark Sanford, you thread hijacking Rebel scum?

BTW -- who does your hair?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
God, that is some funny shit right there.

It may not by IBHankering, but "she" bears a close resemblance to some of the providers IBHankerwrong has reviewed.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I know he admitted that. And I forgive him.

But that doesn't absolve you of your part in hijacking the thread. YOU got into your typical reposting mode and kept posting dick picture links.

So you are to blame too.

There is no rule that says only the first guy can hijack the thread. More than one can be to blame.

When you got into your pissing match with Iva Biggen, YOU participated in the hijack.

So Iva Biggen's confession doesn't control anything. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Nothing to absolve, you ignorant Yankee asshole. The guilty party confessed, and YOUR thread still has Weiner's weiner on display every time someone opens the thread. That means, by your jackass Yankee logic, you own it, asshole!

P.S., you dumb Yankee fuck, you're off topic and "hijacking" -- by your own, cockeyed Yankee logic -- your own lame-ass thread.

How about Mark Sanford, you thread hijacking Rebel scum?

BTW -- who does your hair? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

God, that is some funny shit right there.

It may not by IBHankering, but "she" bears a close resemblance to some of the providers IBHankerwrong has reviewed. Originally Posted by ExNYer
And you said you liked women, you dumb Yankee asshole, and here you are creaming in your panties looking at the dumb-ass golem fuck's TS pictures.

Your deviant, homo-erotic personal pictures are still noxious, you dumb golem fuck, and you really shouldn't post them in public. That you do such things is why your dumb golem ass was elected:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Im still waiting for an answer you inbred dumbfuck redneck!

Or are you willing to further your reputation as the stupidest motherfucker on ECCIE by repeating the same lie over and over and over again?

What a question! Of course you are.

Say what, Corpy?

OH!! I see now! You can't post the link to my poll because the shit's got your tongue!