Elizabeth believes in "Equal Rights"!

I B Hankering's Avatar
The Federal Government was the key in both immigration to Native American lands and the defeat of Native Americans.

Beginning in the early 1870s, railroad construction in the United States increased dramatically. Prior to 1871, approximately 45,000 miles of track had been laid. Between 1871 and 1900, another 170,000 miles were added to the nation's growing railroad system. Much of the growth can be attributed to the building of the transcontinental railroads. In 1862, Congress passed the Pacific Railway Act, which authorized the construction of a transcontinental railroad. The first such railroad was completed on May 10, 1869. By 1900, four additional transcontinental railroads connected the eastern states with the Pacific Coast.
Four of the five transcontinental railroads were built with assistance from the federal government through land grants. Receiving millions of acres of public lands from Congress, the railroads were assured land on which to lay the tracks and land to sell, the proceeds of which helped companies finance the construction of their railroads. Not all railroads were built with government assistance, however. Smaller railroads had to purchase land on which to lay their tracks from private owners, some of whom objected to the railroads and refused to grant rights of way

The Indian Wars

http://www.cyberlearning-world.com/n...ct/totears.htmThis series of bloody battles started several years after the end of the Civil War, due to the demand of Indian territory by the white Americans and ended with the massacre at Wounded Knee in 1890. Thousands of native Americans were slaughtered by the cruel Union Army, led by generals such as Custer, Gabon, and Sherman. The Native Americans, led by heroes such as Sitting Bull, Chief Joseph, and Crazy Horse, fought outnumbered for many years before being defeated one by one at the hands of the Federal Government. They won many battles, such as the Kidder massacre, in which they killed an entire regiment, with only 2 casualties themselves. Originally Posted by WTF
There was no "Federal Government" when Boone and Kenton crossed over the Appalachian Mountains into "Kan-tuck-ee". They educated their own children, they built their own roads, they built their own factories, they cleared their own fields and they grew their own food. And to defend themselves from marauding bands of Frenchmen and Warren's **ancestors**, they built their own forts which they manned themselves. When good old King George said they couldn't keep what they had built, they fought the British too.

BTW, your source should have said "Gibbon", Major General (Colonel) John Gibbon, and Custer was a Lieutenant Colonel at the Little Big Horn.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You forgot Pope and I'm curious as to why you think a source that calls the union army "cruel" and the native americans "heroic" is relialbly unbiased?

As usual though we've been drawn away from the OP. Is Warren a socialist or not and is Deb mentally unbalanced or just ditzy.
LexusLover's Avatar
As usual though we've been drawn away ...... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Deflection is the Art Form of Obaminable.

Just ask Gruber.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
WTF is wrong with this statement?

Nobody gets rich in a vacuum. We are all connected, ignorant folks that think they have no social contract with society should move to the great state of Anarchy. Originally Posted by WTF
Where is the social contract when a motherfucker won't hire American citizen's at his work site?
You forgot Pope and I'm curious as to why you think a source that calls the union army "cruel" and the native americans "heroic" is relialbly unbiased?

As usual though we've been drawn away from the OP. Is Warren a socialist or not and is Deb mentally unbalanced or just ditzy. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How about you explain how you could not understand SOTF's point first. Originally Posted by WTF
In other words, you didn't understand a word of what you read. As usual.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2014, 10:09 AM
In other words, you didn't understand a word of what you read. As usual. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I understand that you fucked up reading SOTF posts. I sure ain't taking the time explaining anything like the Tragedy of the Commons to your dumbass.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2014, 10:12 AM
Where is the social contract when a motherfucker won't hire American citizen's at his work site? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
My contractor (the olny person I hired) is American citizen, played College Football at a Texas University and would stomp your ass into obligatory if you were to come on his job site.
My contractor (the olny person I hired) is American citizen, played College Football at a Texas University and would stomp your ass into obligatory if you were to come on his job site.
Originally Posted by WTF
obligatory? or is it purgatory?
The OP has funny thoughts, and the way it is put. However, I'd have to agree with the others here, women are not going to band behind someone who fakes being a Native American Teacher for that ridiculous amount of money.

But it clearly does show how the education system has been corrupted by politicians and the unioins.
But Opurplelips and his muppets hand picked Lizzie. Surely she wouldn't hurt the country?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
My contractor (the olny person I hired) is American citizen, played College Football at a Texas University and would stomp your ass into obligatory if you were to come on his job site.
Originally Posted by WTF
Perhaps you could introduce him to the concept of the social contract so you will not be a willing party to the obliteration of the obligation thereto appertaining...Sergeant Shultz!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
obligatory? or is it purgatory? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
He is looking up the definitions and will soon blame it on autocorrect...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WPF, you don't even understand your own posts, I'm not surprised you don't understand mine. And really, obligatory?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-22-2014, 01:39 AM
WPF, you don't even understand your own posts, I'm not surprised you don't understand mine. And really, obligatory? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
obligatory, fuck you