Why did the GOP nominate Trump?

  • Tiny
  • 12-04-2020, 05:15 PM
Why did the GOP nominate Trump in the primaries? Hell if I know. I voted for Bill Weld.

A serious answer, Trump has a co-dependent relationship with many in the Republican Party. He needs their adulation, and they believe they need him to win. I don't think the latter part is true. Just look at how Republicans down ballot outperformed the president this year.
Lapdog's Avatar
I can't picture ever hooking my wagon to that asshole and I'm glad that I never have. I'm not a politician, though. I'm a businessman, and I see Trump as a businessman (but not a very successful one) who burns his creditors. That's the way I've always seen him, long before he ever had any political and world dominance aspirations. The man has never had any credibility with me, and because I vet ALL of my customers, he would never qualify to be one of them. That's pretty fucking sad.
JRLawrence's Avatar
And Biden got 80 million legal votes. Do the math, Einstein. Originally Posted by Lapdog
He did not get that many legal votes, and you know it. There is a very strong possibility that Trump will remain the president because of all of the illegal votes, and other illegal activity.

If he doesn't make it by way of the courts; don't discount the 78 million voters when those are the people who have all of the guns. Many people have purchased all of the available ammunition. I personally know of several guys with over 60,000 rounds stored up and ready. I wish I has started purchasing ammo earlier, now there is very little available.
Lapdog's Avatar
So youre a rtm button pushing pansy !

No surprise, given how easily your fweelings get hwurt! Originally Posted by winn dixie

Give me a reason and push it on you too, racist. In a fucking heartbeat.
winn dixie's Avatar
Give me a reason and push it on you too, racist. In a fucking heartbeat. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Only blousee folks do that. Your insults and abrasive posts are fair game now! Thats chicken shit unless it violates the core rules! outting folks ,under 18 talk and illicit drugs being the core rules!
Keep calling me a racist. Thats just ignorant! I proved yesterday you have selective labeling!
Thats called bigotry! bigot
winn dixie's Avatar
Give me a reason and push it on you too, racist. In a fucking heartbeat. Originally Posted by Lapdog
I take that as a threat!
winn dixie's Avatar
Give me a reason and push it on you too, racist. In a fucking heartbeat. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Do you even know that the people that live below the National Landmark Stone Mountain Monument in the city of Stone Mountain Are predominantly black? These people rely heavily on the tourism there! Most have jobs that are created by the Mountain. These folks dont have a problem with the landmark!
The protesters that occasionally show up are organized and bus or fly in.
Fuck the kkk. But just because they held a meeting there means nothing and has nothing to do with the landmarks spirit! Just like the flag, i hate they use it! But they just as well could use a rainbow flag! Then what? Will you condemn that? I hope so!
Your ignorance and true bigotry of folks that dont share your opinions shows!
bambino's Avatar
Why did the GOP nominate Trump in the primaries? Hell if I know. I voted for Bill Weld.

A serious answer, Trump has a co-dependent relationship with many in the Republican Party. He needs their adulation, and they believe they need him to win. I don't think the latter part is true. Just look at how Republicans down ballot outperformed the president this year. Originally Posted by Tiny
Bill Weld? Wow.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You people had the first three years of Trump's dismal performance to see whether he was qualified for a second term. He wasn't, and yet you went ahead and nominated him anyway and fronted him against Biden, who you all feel was a very poor choice for a candidate. Well, Biden won fair and square by six million votes and now you want to claim that the Democrats stole the fucking election, when in actuality, the Democrats did not steal the election, there has been no credible proof brought forward that they did, and you still can't admit you backed the wrong horse. Trump was by far a worse candidate than Biden. His track record made that pretty fucking obvious. Face it, y'all fucked up. Quit whining. Learn from your mistakes. Next time, bring a better horse to the track. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Hundreds have come forward in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona saying that they have witnessed something which we will call vote fraud to keep it simple. They risk jail time and fines if they are found to be lying. So, unless you want to call of of these people liars then you have to admit that something happened. Something so obvious that a normal reasonable person sees malfeasance. The choice is binary; they are lying or they are not lying. Now if they are lying, prove that they are lying. Seems simple enough. Like Blasie-Ford, they just showed that she had no idea where she was, when it was, or even her supporting witnesses did not support her recollection of events. So prove these people are lying.
The other choice is that they did see something which should prompt an investigation without regard to party. Who wants our elections to be questioned? An interesting thing for the "they all do it crowd", where are the charges of voter fraud against Trump? There are none now. For four years we heard nothing from the left except voter fraud. Now everything is good. That should raise suspicions in anyone except the most stupid or the most partisan people.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Do you even know that the people that live below the National Landmark Stone Mountain Monument in the city of Stone Mountain Are predominantly black? These people rely heavily on the tourism there! Most have jobs that are created by the Mountain. These folks dont have a problem with the landmark!
The protesters that occasionally show up are organized and bus or fly in.
Fuck the kkk. But just because they held a meeting there means nothing and has nothing to do with the landmarks spirit! Just like the flag, i hate they use it! But they just as well could use a rainbow flag! Then what? Will you condemn that? I hope so!
Your ignorance and true bigotry of folks that dont share your opinions shows! Originally Posted by winn dixie
isn't Bedford on that rock? hes the creep that formed the KKK.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
He did not get that many legal votes, and you know it. There is a very strong possibility that Trump will remain the president because of all of the illegal votes, and other illegal activity.

If he doesn't make it by way of the courts; don't discount the 78 million voters when those are the people who have all of the guns. Many people have purchased all of the available ammunition. I personally know of several guys with over 60,000 rounds stored up and ready. I wish I has started purchasing ammo earlier, now there is very little available. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Be careful! Don't shoot yourself in the foot!

  • UHB
  • 12-04-2020, 10:25 PM
Be careful! Don't shoot yourself in the foot!

Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
homemade food too, watch naruto village vs pain the live food animal control look at legs of the animal
Ripmany's Avatar
David Duke all the way
winn dixie's Avatar
isn't Bedford on that rock? hes the creep that formed the KKK. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and Stonewall Jackson are the three on the Mountain.

Forrest joined the Ku Klux Klan in 1867 (two years after its founding) and was elected its first Grand Wizard.

Bedford should have been hung for war crimes!
winn dixie's Avatar
David Duke all the way Originally Posted by Ripmany
He was an idiot!