The only thing that is going to stem the out of control inflation is interest rate hikes.

  • Tiny
  • 01-11-2022, 12:20 PM
How the hell can anyone shill for this supposed "leadership" when what is happening to the country is disastrous and if things aren't reversed, I don't even want to forecast what the ultimatum outcome of this disastrous ideology will be.

I'm fearful for our future and the children that aren't even born yet being strapped with debt they'll never be able to repay and that is no fault of theirs....

If the BBBoondoogle had passed, we would have inflation like never seen in my lifetime or most likely yours or any one alive today. I don't know how the left thinks big gumment is the solution TO ANYTHING!! President Reagan was right..."you can't spend your way to prosperity" and "if you get a knock at your door and it's the gumment saying we here to help run like hell"
These were words of wisdom from him that will ALWAYS ring true!! Originally Posted by bb1961
I share your concerns about inflation and the debt.

Many figured Biden would govern as a moderate and try to seek bipartisan solutions. It doesn't seem to be working out that way. Elizabeth Warren's people and other progressives are occupying a lot of positions in the Biden administration. They seem to be calling the shots. Sanders was proposing a $6 or $7 trillion BBB early on, and I bet Biden would have gone along with it if it had a snowball's chance in hell of passing.

Fortunately, as you pointed out in this thread, Sinema and Manchin are stopping the worst of it. There are probably some other Congressmen out there like Tester and Warner who likewise would if push came to shove, but are content to hide in the shadows and let the Senators from Arizona and West Virginia do the dirty work.

If Republicans get control of the House this year, maybe we'll see some fiscal discipline again, like we did in Bill Clinton's second term when Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the House. That may be too much to hope for though.

Your comments about Trump were spot on. As you pointed out he was willing to open the floodgates and spend, spend, spend around election time, and for that matter throughout 2020. Towards the end McConnell and Republican Senators held him back. I hope he doesn't run again in 2024, and steps back from the "Kingmaker" role in Republican primaries this year. That would be best for the Republican Party.
  • Tiny
  • 01-11-2022, 12:21 PM
I point out how VM posts nonsense then doubles down on it with more nonsense....

BTY YR always confuses fact with opinion...he has got to stick to that tribalism!! Originally Posted by bb1961

You can only remind him of his poor behavior and hope he gets the message....

Consumed by the dark side he is. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Bb1961, I grew up in a small town in the Panhandle. There was only one Jewish family. Seth Rothstein was in my class. So you had Seth (the Jew), Tiny (the Methodist), and most of our other classmates were Baptist or Church of Christ.

The Baptists all wanted to convert Seth. So they told him how he was going to hell if he didn't see the truth and the light and start going to church with them. He'd spend eternity surrounded by fire and brimstone. And they'd ask him things like why his people killed Jesus.

I on the other hand appealed to Seth with reason. Jews don't exactly believe in an afterlife. So I told Seth, the Baptists are probably full of it, but what if they're right? You might as well cover all the bases, just in case.

And you know what, Seth went to church with me. He didn't exactly become a closet Methodist, and he did say he thought we were a little off for drinking grape juice and eating bread and pretending they were the blood and body of Christ. But he latched on to just enough Methodism that he figured if he were falling out of plane or something he could pray a quick prayer and be safe, just in case God is Methodist.

And that is the approach I believe we should take with Yssup and Vitaman. I'd love to convert them to the Free Markets Church of Tiny. That would be a real feather in my cap. But it probably will never happen. Maybe, just maybe, though I can get them to see our side, the truth and the light, from time to time.

As to Seth, my time and efforts were well spent. Seth was Pre-Med but dropped out of college and joined the military. He ended up in the Philppines and split his time between there and the USA after his service to our country, because of the women. He has a new 23 year old wife, and just bought her new breasts and a new butt. And she wants me to fix me up with all her friends! So when I visit the Philippines after COVID I'll have hot and cold running women! So, any way you look at it, my ministry to Seth paid off!
VitaMan's Avatar
No one tries harder than the Trumpeter to attract cult members.

How many rallies has it been for the ex President so far ? Of course, contributions are needed to be made to the Trump bank accounts. And you only have a limited time to make a contribution, or you will be damned.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bb1961, I grew up in a small town in the Panhandle. There was only one Jewish family. Seth Rothstein was in my class. So you had Seth (the Jew), Tiny (the Methodist), and most of our other classmates were Baptist or Church of Christ.

The Baptists all wanted to convert Seth. So they told him how he was going to hell if he didn't see the truth and the light and start going to church with them. He'd spend eternity surrounded by fire and brimstone. And they'd ask him things like why his people killed Jesus.

I on the other hand appealed to Seth with reason. Jews don't exactly believe in an afterlife. So I told Seth, the Baptists are probably full of it, but what if they're right? You might as well cover all the bases, just in case.

And you know what, Seth went to church with me. He didn't exactly become a closet Methodist, and he did say he thought we were a little off for drinking grape juice and eating bread and pretending they were the blood and body of Christ. But he latched on to just enough Methodism that he figured if he were falling out of plane or something he could pray a quick prayer and be safe, just in case God is Methodist.

And that is the approach I believe we should take with Yssup and Vitaman. I'd love to convert them to the Free Markets Church of Tiny. That would be a real feather in my cap. But it probably will never happen. Maybe, just maybe, though I can get them to see our side, the truth and the light, from time to time.

As to Seth, my time and efforts were well spent. Seth was Pre-Med but dropped out of college and joined the military. He ended up in the Philppines and split his time between there and the USA after his service to our country, because of the women. He has a new 23 year old wife, and just bought her new breasts and a new butt. And she wants me to fix me up with all her friends! So when I visit the Philippines after COVID I'll have hot and cold running women! So, any way you look at it, my ministry to Seth paid off! Originally Posted by Tiny

People have been trying to "convert" me since Lexus Lover was in Buster Browns! Seth obviously was playing you for a fool or else couldn't get a good bottle of Mogen David in wherever in the god-forsaken wilderness you grew up.

Either that, or the obvious product of a Hebrew school teacher's union education. Cain't hep a fella who don't know no better, eh!

BB on the other hand couldn't convert rice sitting on Uncle Ben's knee! His angry, frenzied and comical supplications will continue to be ignored.

You can try, but the one true DOG will prevail. Omeyn!

  • Tiny
  • 01-11-2022, 04:49 PM
Seth obviously was playing you for a fool or else couldn't get a good bottle of Mogen David in wherever in the god-forsaken wilderness you grew up. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
WRONG! Seth's parents had the only liquor cabinet in our parched, god-forsaken, dry town. And besides we were too young to buy booze. I raided HIS liquor cabinet.

You can try, but the one true DOG will prevail. Omeyn!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I pray to the saints every night for your immortal soul Yssup. Saint Milton Friedman, Saint Friedrich Hayek and Saint Ludwig von Mises.

But my patience is wearing thin. I'm going to give it six more months. And if there's still no progress I'll start praying to the dark spirits like Murray Rothbard and Ayn Rand and sticking pins in my Yssup Voodoo doll.
  • Tiny
  • 01-11-2022, 05:05 PM
No one tries harder than the Trumpeter to attract cult members.

How many rallies has it been for the ex President so far ? Of course, contributions are needed to be made to the Trump bank accounts. And you only have a limited time to make a contribution, or you will be damned.

BYEDON 2020 Originally Posted by VitaMan
I donated money to Kelly Loeffler's and David Perdue's campaigns back around December of 2020 before the Georgia runoffs. Looking back Perdue was a mistake -- Trump later recruited him to run against Brian Kemp for governor. Kemp's a good governor who refused to overturn the election in Georgia. And a tough primary campaign between Perdue and Kemp may hand the governorship to Stacey Abrams.

Anyway I keep getting bizarre text messages from Rudy Giuliani and Trump family members and others asking me for money. Somebody's going to match me 8 for 1 for every dollar I put up for Trump's PAC. Or if I don't send money then I must be against Donald Trump. Sending "STOP" messages and texting back to Fuck Off doesn't work. They keep coming.

I think the Donald has discovered a great business. You just ask people to send money to your PAC and they do it! I've been trying something similar with the Free Markets Church of Tiny, asking for contributions, but I'm just not getting the same traction.
Bb1961, I grew up in a small town in the Panhandle. There was only one Jewish family. Seth Rothstein was in my class. So you had Seth (the Jew), Tiny (the Methodist), and most of our other classmates were Baptist or Church of Christ.

The Baptists all wanted to convert Seth. So they told him how he was going to hell if he didn't see the truth and the light and start going to church with them. He'd spend eternity surrounded by fire and brimstone. And they'd ask him things like why his people killed Jesus.

I on the other hand appealed to Seth with reason. Jews don't exactly believe in an afterlife. So I told Seth, the Baptists are probably full of it, but what if they're right? You might as well cover all the bases, just in case.

And you know what, Seth went to church with me. He didn't exactly become a closet Methodist, and he did say he thought we were a little off for drinking grape juice and eating bread and pretending they were the blood and body of Christ. But he latched on to just enough Methodism that he figured if he were falling out of plane or something he could pray a quick prayer and be safe, just in case God is Methodist.

And that is the approach I believe we should take with Yssup and Vitaman. I'd love to convert them to the Free Markets Church of Tiny. That would be a real feather in my cap. But it probably will never happen. Maybe, just maybe, though I can get them to see our side, the truth and the light, from time to time.

As to Seth, my time and efforts were well spent. Seth was Pre-Med but dropped out of college and joined the military. He ended up in the Philppines and split his time between there and the USA after his service to our country, because of the women. He has a new 23 year old wife, and just bought her new breasts and a new butt. And she wants me to fix me up with all her friends! So when I visit the Philippines after COVID I'll have hot and cold running women! So, any way you look at it, my ministry to Seth paid off! Originally Posted by Tiny
Don't you see the pattern they both respond with nonsense as usual...

I don't care to convert them they're beyond help. Tribalism has eaten their minds up. Liberalism is a gutless choice. There is nothing positive that has come from liberalism EVER. They have no cogent response to this...because there isn't one, hence the usual nonsense.

We are experiencing and seeing this in real time. I have asked them to point to any successes from this sorry bunch and they have nothing but to deflect on the FACTS which they consider option, this is sad on any level. They are part of the "woke" crowd, they ignore reality as if sticking their heads in the sand is going to insulate them reality.

If what has transpired in the last year hasn't had any effect on the realization that their ideology is a complete failure than there isn't hope for them. His 35% approval is well earned. Fact is the economy is worse than it has been since carter...45yrs ago. They can't defend that senile old goat so they continue to attack Trump....he's been out of office a year!!

The good thing is a majority of the American people see this unlike the leftwing poster on here, and if history repeat itself as it did after carter when the executive branch was held by the GOP for twelve years. The way things are shaping up now it appears the the GOP will take back the house and hopefully the senate.

I'm sure YR's psychic powers will help him respond to this..since he can't read the posts or threads of mine...but him being the consummate blowhard post hound he is he will respond to this post anyway, having no idea of what I said...that is definitely crazy behavior but that is what he excels at. He will response like clock work 3...2...1
  • Tiny
  • 01-11-2022, 05:23 PM
The good thing is a majority of the American people see this unlike the leftwing poster on here, and if history repeat itself as it did after carter when the executive branch was held by the GOP for twelve years. The way things are shaping up now it appears the the GOP will take back the house and hopefully the senate. Originally Posted by bb1961
I worry about the long term, given the demographic changes. The biggie is Millenials, who are replacing the Baby Boomers as the big voting block. Many younger Americans are progressives.

But yeah, things are shaping up OK for the next few years, politically, if Trump will just act rationally. And with people like Sinema and Manchin holding the balance of power.

The problem is that bad policies can go on for a long while before they blow up in your face. I've pointed to Chavez in Venezuela as an example. He was propped up by high oil prices and lots of government spending for years. The system didn't fall apart until after he died.

You could see something similar happen here with government providing everything for free and the massive deficit spending that would go along with it. At least you'd have massive deficits as long as you refuse to put hefty taxes on the middle class, and the Progressives don't appear to be willing to do that. That could go on for a long while before we have to face the music.
VitaMan's Avatar
This boat sailed a long time ago when theories about government debt and deficits changed.

You can go back and look at each Presidential term back to George Washington and see the government debt. For a long long time, it was believed balanced budgets were necessary. Currency backed by gold. Economic theory changed, and the new idea became that deficits and debt are not a main concern for governments, as long as the debt can be serviced comfortably....especially with a $ 22 trillion dollar economy like the US has.

Venezuela economy: 0.48 trillion

The US is not exactly a banana republic.

  • Tiny
  • 01-11-2022, 08:04 PM
This boat sailed a long time ago when theories about government debt and deficits changed.

You can go back and look at each Presidential term back to George Washington and see the government debt. For a long long time, it was believed balanced budgets were necessary. Currency backed by gold. Economic theory changed, and the new idea became that deficits and debt are not a main concern for governments, as long as the debt can be serviced comfortably....especially with a $ 22 trillion dollar economy like the US has.

Venezuela economy: 0.48 trillion

The US is not exactly a banana republic.

Originally Posted by VitaMan
I disagree. Take a look at the table here, and sort by gross public debt as a % of GDP, from high to low.

Now I wish they showed data for net debt for most of the countries. Net debt would subtract out, for example, debt held by the Fed, that is, debt owed by the government to the government. Contrary to what esteemed poster WTF has said, I believe that's the better number to look at. And the USA would look better, farther down in the table, if you did that.

Anyway, as you implied, Venezuela is at the top of the list. The other countries with higher gross public debt as % of GDP than the USA fit into three categories:

1. Real basket cases, like Venezuela, Sudan, Eritrea, etc.
2. Marginal basket cases, being Greece, Italy and Portugal, which might fit into the real basket case category if they weren't members of the European Union, and able to rely on stronger members like Germany for support
3. Japan. Japanese citizens, companies and institutions own most Japanese government debt. They owe the money to themselves.
4. Singapore. Singapore has gross national savings of 54.6% of GDP, close to the highest in the world. Like Japan, they can finance a big chunk of government debt internally, if they so choose.

Now we might be able to run higher government debt as a % of GDP than some other countries without the shit hitting the fan as long as the dollar continues to be the world's reserve currency and as long as the Germans and the Chinese and the Japanese and others remain ready investors in our debt. That's getting a bit beyond my pay grade though, probably one for Captain Midnight or Lusty Lad.
I disagree. Take a look at the table here, and sort by gross public debt as a % of GDP, from high to low.

Now I wish they showed data for net debt for most of the countries. Net debt would subtract out, for example, debt held by the Fed, that is, debt owed by the government to the government. Contrary to what esteemed poster WTF has said, I believe that's the better number to look at. And the USA would look better, farther down in the table, if you did that.

Anyway, as you implied, Venezuela is at the top of the list. The other countries with higher debt as % of GDP than the USA fit into three categories:

1. Real basket cases, like Venezuela, Sudan, Eritrea, etc.
2. Marginal basket cases, being Greece, Italy and Portugal, which might fit into the real basket case category if they weren't members of the European Union, and able to rely on stronger members like Germany for support
3. Japan. Japanese citizens, companies and institutions own most Japanese government debt. They owe the money to themselves.
4. Singapore. Singapore has gross national savings of 54.6% of GDP, close to the highest in the world. Like Japan, they can finance government debt internally, if they so choose.

Now we might be able to run higher government debt as a % of GDP than some other countries without the shit hitting the fan as long as the dollar continues to be the world's reserve currency and as long as the Germans and the Chinese and the Japanese and others remain ready investors in our debt. That's getting a bit beyond my pay grade though, probably one for Captain Midnight or Lusty Lad. Originally Posted by Tiny
Like I said save your breath on these guys they spew all kind on nonsense, like VM keeps saying the "FED" was going to stop inflation
You can show him whatever you want he follows the libtard mantra...there is no help for those who refuse to see.
He makes excuses for the present crowd in the whitehouse on EVERYTHING.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
WRONG! Seth's parents had the only liquor cabinet in our parched, god-forsaken, dry town. And besides we were too young to buy booze. I raided HIS liquor cabinet. Originally Posted by Tiny
boozing? lol....

I pray to the saints every night for your immortal soul Yssup. Saint Milton Friedman, Saint Friedrich Hayek and Saint Ludwig von Mises.

But my patience is wearing thin. I'm going to give it six more months. And if there's still no progress I'll start praying to the dark spirits like Murray Rothbard and Ayn Rand and sticking pins in my Yssup Voodoo doll.
speaking of saints, they did not make the playoffs.
VitaMan's Avatar
Another falsehood by the bbs. He only posts what we wants others to believe.

I did not say the FED was going to "stop" inflation.
The FED is going to use the tools it has to prevent higher inflation from becoming entrenched.

This poster may have the worst case of BDS syndrome ever.
Could someone assemble a list of all the BDS posts he has created, and post that ?
  • Tiny
  • 01-12-2022, 08:32 AM
boozing? lol....

speaking of saints, they did not make the playoffs. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Join me in my Ministry Dilbert. Pray for Yssup.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Join me in my Ministry Dilbert. Pray for Yssup. Originally Posted by Tiny