obamacare...more to it..

rke324's Avatar
Don't get me started. My BP is already high enough!!!

I've been watching this garbage for the last 5 yrs. and from what I've seen, most people have based their opinion / beliefs on 1/2 truths which is just what you get from EVERY mainstream media / news broadcast now.
Originally Posted by rke324

That is so true. Well said. And staying off topic I am amazed with all the wacky crazies out there that someone hasn't taken out some of these mainstream media types. If Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Bill O'reilly were killed you would see the media rejoice and report how the country is better off. If an Andrea Mitchell, Chuck Todd, David Gregory, Ed Schultz or Rachel Maddow media type were killed, you would see the other members of the elite media start reporting truthfully for fear they might be next. That would be bad for Obama and the Liberals out there.

Back on topic I think I said this somewhere else but the health insurance companies are regulated so much they have 0 say in what happens to their premiums. When rates go up 10% it is because they do not have enough cash surpluses compared to their premiums & expenditures and are regulated to raise rates. It's a simple formula in a complicated industry and something most of us want to be insured for. I remember a few years back in California an insurance company raised rates 70% one year because of all the illegals that were being paid for. Drained all the cash reserves and had no choice. Now you have preexisting conditions riders added that all must share in that expense. Today people choose not to pay the premiums and stay self insured. Their choice. One I'm not going to make. But when their health takes a turn why should they be allowed to get the benefits of coverage when they had opted out all those years. I know this debate is seldom discussed but it should be. Let me not pay anything and then when I get sick and need an operation or some kind of treatment costing hundreds of thousands of dollars I will sign up for coverage and have it paid for.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-28-2013, 02:31 PM
if you look closer doove you will see that you quoted the article of the link i posted....if you wanna know why they have an issue with it..you may wanna contact of the writer of that piece.....

..your slippin man..ijs...

nowhere where in this thread have i commented on it... Originally Posted by anita germane
I call bullshit. You post a link to a story that's on a website which itself has a link to The John Birch Society under "affiliates and friends".

Your agenda is perfectly clear.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-28-2013, 02:33 PM
That is so true. Well said. And staying off topic I am amazed with all the wacky crazies out there that someone hasn't taken out some of these mainstream media types. If Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Bill O'reilly were killed you would see the media rejoice and report how the country is better off. If an Andrea Mitchell, Chuck Todd, David Gregory, Ed Schultz or Rachel Maddow media type were killed, you would see the other members of the elite media start reporting truthfully for fear they might be next. That would be bad for Obama and the Liberals out there. Originally Posted by montana1958
In your world i'm sure that's exactly what would happen. But back here on earth....
holey shit ,,

now I have to do CAPS ..




LOOK OUT!! AG !!!........................... ...... dooves on to you!! HAHAHAHAHA!!

because i post links to events happening in this country...and i like to read the discussions and learn from them... that makes me have an agenda?

well ofuckinkay then... you got me.. smh....
and another thing..i have no idea who this guy is..The John Birch Society under "affiliates and friends".

since you have tripped on it sooo hard..why dont you enlighten me to who he is..instead of pressing me up against a wall and firing
paranoid accusations at me....

and you didnt even say...hey..you... yea you posting these links i dont like...do you know who this guy and his affiliates are..

uhhhhhhh....no..you assumed i knew all about this dude that you apparently do not care for...

i understand your very passionate about politics..however...i am not..so its nice to gain knowledge from the other posters...

after all knowledge is power..
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-28-2013, 04:31 PM
and another thing..i have no idea who this guy is..The John Birch Society under "affiliates and friends". Originally Posted by anita germane
And i stand correct. The John Birch Society actually owns the website you linked to. So they're not just "affiliates and friends" - they are one and the same.


The founder essentially accused Dwight Eisenhower of siding with communists. Need any more be said?
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-28-2013, 07:24 PM
Doove can't help it Anita. He argues with himself in the mirror every morning.
Frankie Fine's Avatar
I'm not a fan of obamacare, a Canadian style system is the way to go. Originally Posted by drluv1
...but...in Canada.. There can be very very very very very long waiting lists for procedures. That means people are suffering for a lot longer waiting for relief at times. Also, I have heard of Canadians going to the US for a fix because the waiting list is so long, or they can not get approved for any relief if their issue is not an "emergency or necessary" according to Canadian health care system. In some cases, people are in severe pain while they try to keep bread and butter on the table and manage family obligations..hoping they will finally be able to end their suffering...

I just wanted to mention that..I am not saying I do not appreciate what we have here in Canada, but like everything there can be pros and cons..
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 03-29-2013, 08:54 PM
A little dose of Frankie Fine might just be good for the mental health.
hmmm, one shot?, two?, or how about three? What's the dosage?
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
I am very passionate about political stands, yet some of the time I just don't know squat. In order to know where I stand on an issue, I need to be informed first. Do I research things off the bat? No. I normally catch tidbits and different points of views and research from there, or sometimes decide I don't even want to decide how I feel about an issue at hand.

I like that you are able to ask for more. Oh Woops that was from a review ;-)

One particular part of this board that I truly enjoy is that it is NOT all adult business related. Members here are from all different walks of life with different interests, opinions, educations, and experiences. It seems to me that many people at this board are workaholics or at least work a lot. Since we know each others personas via board presence, it makes it easier for me to be able to strike up conversation. It would be inappropriate to share personal views on many of these topics in a workplace.

Kudos to your original link.
Frankie Fine's Avatar
A little dose of Frankie Fine might just be good for the mental health.
hmmm, one shot?, two?, or how about three? What's the dosage? Originally Posted by Tiger
It all depends on how much poison..
Obamacare may not be your solution of choice, but the status quo is not sustainable:


GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 04-02-2013, 03:57 PM
Jack, I agree with the fact that the status quo is not sustainable, but I do have a problem with the whole lets do "anything" approach. Anything is not always better than nothing. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone has yet to come up with a viable solution. IMHO, obamacare is worse that the status quo, but I'm sure time will tell, and I think it will tell sooner than we think.