Hear ye, hear ye... Back to get the story straight....

Keep milking the newbs for all they're worth, you high class ho you! LOL How's that portfolio looking?
kayleemarie's Avatar
I have aquired high end clientele and cater to the ones I have met from here. 22 strong and growing in portfolio, I bet you don't even have an IRA, you are even too stupid to be a state worker from what you have displayed on this board. You try to speak of intelligence, but you should have just leaned to the side and farted. That's what we all heard from you!
They heard a lot more than that. You know it and I know it. Joke's on you this time.
kayleemarie's Avatar
Thanks for letting people know that I don't care for your kind! That's what we all take out of this. I will pray for you.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Those who have class don’t need to make a point of informing others they have class. If they truly do - everyone already knows.
kayleemarie's Avatar
Those who have class don’t need to make a point of informing others they have class. If they truly do - everyone already knows. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
Girl do you know the shit that I have went through on here and I did nothing wrong? I have never come to say a word about you or what you say or do but you want to put your two cents in on this again, yes... I do seek after the higher class crowd so I do not find myself in the company of a man like WarrenJeffers!!

I only have time to see about 6-8 guys a month. This is for fun, not my primary gig. No offense to the ones that do do this as the only means of support, but I have on hell of a head on my shoulders and give amazing head as well!!

You do you, and I will do me. I do not feel that I am any better than anyone else, I just know that I have worked harder than most to be where I am at today and do this and still respect myself fully without a shadow of a doubt!! I love being me!!
LMAO.. problem is we don't love you being you
TreeBark's Avatar
WOW! Albany sure did get exciting over the past couple days
offshoredrilling's Avatar
the mobster Cuomo in town?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
This girl here is not traditionally physically attractive enough for me to pay her money for pussy but she seems intellectually curious, which is something I enjoy.