I'm trying to think of a right wing movement that has helped people

joe bloe's Avatar
I have a right wing movement every morning. I'd say it helps me. I know, if I miss a day I feel lousy.
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  • 10-23-2012, 06:46 AM
being attacked by the likes of you informs me that im on the right track..thanks Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Name me one movement that has not been about power and control or turned into it.

Besides joe blows bowel movement of which was labeled correctly as a right wing movement for sure.

You can not because everything is about power and control. That is human nature. Unless you are some Trekkie. Are you a Trekkie never?
Name me one movement that has not been about power and control or turned into it.

Besides joe blows bowel movement of which was labeled correctly as a right wing movement for sure.

You can not because everything is about power and control. That is human nature. Unless you are some Trekkie. Are you a Trekkie never? Originally Posted by WTF

your question is ridiculous, for yes, freedom and liberty is all about gaining control, and ,yes, power, over yourself and as a consequence for others.

it is about removing someone's control over your life and becoming free..not as free as they were for you wish no subjugation of others

but where people go wrong is then misusing their new found freedom to exert way too much control over others due to some human desire, like the left is wont to do, control creep. in america the left tries to control almost every aspect of your life, from toilets to contraception

hey you have more things than i have,...or... hey i spent the last ten years in college doing girls and smoking dope so pay my college loans

or some variation on the same theme
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  • 10-23-2012, 07:27 AM

but where people go wrong is then misusing their new found freedom to exert way too much control over others due to some human desire, like the left is wont to do, control creep. in america the left tries to control almost every aspect of your life, from toilets to contraception

Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Like the right does not try and control you!

You're half way there never.
CAPITALISM HAS LIFTED MORE HUMANS OUT OF squalor and deprevation than anything else the world has ever seen.....

More ring wing movements:


rule of law


religion [1/3 of all hospitals in US are non-profit and Catholic]


Civil Rights

etc. etc. etc.
Like the right does not try and control you!

You're half way there never. Originally Posted by WTF

im all the way there

and i cant see you anywhere in my rear view mirror
Like the right does not try and control you!

You're half way there never. Originally Posted by WDF

When the right interfere's in your life, it is as minimal as possible and based upon social good established by science and facts.....ie: single motherhood is not as good for children as married and together parents.....conservatives believe in policies that promote marriage because parents parenting together are better for children.....the children are the future workers and tax payers.....
I will preempt you here......

you gays can shoot your loads in each others asses all you want but you will never create another human being, only rectal cancer.....

marriage is governmental regulation of a personal relationship.....the government has no compelling governmental interest in gay marriage and should stay out of regulating gay relationships.....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We used the economic weapon of spending like drunken sailors. Reagan doubled our nations debt, mostly by military spending. Russia , once the price of oil clasped could not keep up, their invasion of Afghanistan was crippling. Now we are the country paying the huge price to try and keep up this massive military.

So in closing COFool, you do not have to go to war nor fire a shot to ruin your country through bad economic decision. Even ones that might appear good at the time. All Reagan taught us was to throw money at a problem. Look how indebted we are now with that Liberal philosophy. That you do not understand basic Conservative/ Libertarian teachings is troubling. I suggest reading Pat Buchanan to understand what a true Conservative is. Ron Paul if you want to understand Libertarian teachings.

You seem to know neither. Originally Posted by WTF
I have read them. The difference is, I understand them. I don't think either one was in favor of communism.
Peace through strength......we won the Cold War without firing a shot......even Gorby admits it.......Bill Clinton sure loved that peace dividend! LOL!
Capitalism. Right on brother Choom.
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  • 10-23-2012, 07:59 AM
I have read them. The difference is, I understand them. I don't think either one was in favor of communism. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Strawman , COG, strawman.

Not being in favor of commies, does not mean bankrupting our country trying to keep the rest of the world from becoming so. Do you understand how devastating to our economy this huge military buildup is? If not, you are no conservative nor Libertarian.

If I said the sky was blue, you'd argue with me. You are starting to argue like JD.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Where's the strawman, WDF? You don't understand that either.

You are an ignorant fool. Stick with the "poop" and "homo" jokes. At least they're at a level you can understand.
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  • WTF
  • 10-23-2012, 08:03 AM
I will preempt you here......

you gays can shoot your loads in each others asses all you want but you will never create another human being, only rectal cancer.....

marriage is governmental regulation of a personal relationship.....the government has no compelling governmental interest in gay marriage and should stay out of regulating gay relationships..... Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
"You know I just, I don't think of people in little groups like that. I don't think of people as ‘gay' here and ‘black people' there, or ‘women' over here...Everybody is an individual person and everybody has the same rights as anyone else. The government has no business in your private life, you know, so if one person is allowed to do something so should everyone else. The whole gay marriage issue is a private affair and the federal government has no say."