Man orders prostitute and daughter arrives

Glad to hear I am not the only one who has had the thought of our date opening the door and recognizing the other from our regular life. I was at a swingers club one night and ran into a girl I grew up with. I had a choice, act like I did not recognize her or walk right up and say hello. I did just that. Nether one of us wanted anyone to know that the other was spotted there. After that she enjoyed her evening and I did mine.
DallasRain's Avatar can be under me ANYTIME!

Pipe--thats funny! Alabama is where my really kinky guys live!
that's crazy! *note to self* dont hobby when daddy's in town
so does he hit it.....cancels.....give her a whooping..... or just say hers the money to keep quiet?

i hope the day never comes.....but in the world....wasnt he looking at fotos....?
burkalini's Avatar
I did all my brother's friends in high school...does that count? I didn't charge them either..damn! Originally Posted by London Rayne

London your such a slut. lol
Denver Broncos's Avatar
I am speechless for once in my life.
huh,.............. guess this question would be "old hat" , most likely been smelling each others for years and years and could provide some valuable intel?
I have a very large family and I screen pretty heavily, but I wonder if a brother, nephew, or cousin would book. I talk on the phone prior, so I would hope I would recognize the voice.

I did have one client who actually mentioned my brother's name while talking. Of course, I didn't say anything. It would be awkward if he showed up at a party at my brother's if I was there.
burkalini's Avatar
I can't think of a more humiliating experience. Both parties are probably scarred for life on this one. How will they react to each other from now on. Will they ever recapture a true father daughter relationship again. No winners at all just losers that had to be uncomfortable Originally Posted by AC-DC

I've asked a few of my clients who had daughters that what would they do if they called up a girl ( or an agency, because how could they not recognize their daughter's voice on the phone?) and the girl who showed up WAS their daughter? I had one guy tell me, " Well my daughter was so much of a headache to me that if she did show up, I wouldn't be surprised."

Whoa. Ouch.
rcinokc's Avatar
Glad I don't have daughters, have a 26 YO son, and have come across one of his friends in a strip club. She was sitting with a group of guys, and I was across the room so I don't believe she even saw me. Have to admit though that curiosity made me stay long enough to see her on stage, but didn't have the stones to go tip her.
I have a very close relationship with my parents and they are fully aware of what I do. I told them long ago. They were surprised and certainly not very happy, but at least if anything ever did happen to me, they wouldn't have to find out the hard way and be heartbroken that they didn't know I had a 'secret life' as a escort. And I feel good that they DO know. My dad is too cheap to pay for escorts anyways haha, so even if he didn't know, no chance of me showing up at his door

Other than Mom and Pop, only one other close relative knows,and certainly none of my 'civilian' friends or those at my other job at the gym know about it.
Im glade my daughters only 5 but I would kick her but then well I don't know it wouldn't be nice I would be asking for help to get out of jail.
I was in the "airline bidness" for years and heard the story about the old Captain phoning an escort service when he got to his hotel room. About 2 hrs. later one of the flt. attendants on his flight showed up. Some of the ladies worked for different services in different towns. Makin money on their down time!
An in-law was a SW. Not sure if she has retired or not -- haven't checked the local LE public humiliation site lately. I've wondered about helping her transition to the online thang, but too risky in terms of my secret life.