STILL no notification emails!

I've been having the same database error on and off for a few weeks also but only use my iPhone and not checked it on my computer. And as others have said, the notification issues seem to be intermittent. I have noticed its not just the PMs but also the forum thread notifications. I very rarely get them any more
uncleluke's Avatar
Having the same problem with email notifications.
ElumEno's Avatar
I was sent a PM last week and never received the notification for it and was sent a PM yesterday and received the notification this afternoon.

What is the deal with this... is it a ECCIE issue or Yahoo Mail issue?
I'm not getting the pm notifications either. Very frustrating. Any news on how this can be resolved?
YoHou's Avatar
  • YoHou
  • 04-09-2015, 10:39 PM
This was fixed by them a while back. send me a PM and I'll let you know if I got my email notification.