Off the Clock

Now what I can't stand is the clients that think they are entitled to off the clock time. They'll ask for an off the clock date after just one meeting. It really doesn't work like that. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Entitled to...never!! Does that mean off-the-clock date is out of the question after just one meeting?? Even if it's a really, really nice first meeting?? Even if you're a long way from home, on tour, a little lonely, have some free time, don't know the area that well and you really, really like someone....hypothetically, of course!!
Entitled to...never!! Does that mean off-the-clock date is out of the question after just one meeting?? Even if it's a really, really nice first meeting?? Even if you're a long way from home, on tour, a little lonely, have some free time, don't know the area that well and you really, really like someone....hypothetically, of course!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Yes, that is exactly what that means. If you want a date go on . This is a business and you are paying for companionship. That doesn't always take place in the bedroom. Our job is to make sure you feel like we are having a good time. Do you really think we are going to say to a client in the middle of a session, "oh and by the way if you weren't paying me I would never be seeing you." Of course not, that's not the way it works. And even if we really like someone, spending "time" with that someone is how we make our money. If I was selling shirts or suits you wouldn't expect a free one after buying one.

I know some men ask just trying to be nice and are not trying to take advantage of the situation but the next time you get the urge to do that remember that this is a business.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Yes, that is exactly what that means. If you want a date go on . This is a business and you are paying for companionship. That doesn't always take place in the bedroom. Our job is to make sure you feel like we are having a good time. Do you really think we are going to say to a client in the middle of a session, "oh and by the way if you weren't paying me I would never be seeing you." Of course not, that's not the way it works. And even if we really like someone, spending "time" with that someone is how we make our money. If I was selling shirts or suits you wouldn't expect a free one after buying one.

I know some men ask just trying to be nice and are not trying to take advantage of the situation but the next time you get the urge to do that remember that this is a business. Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
To quote your blog:

They are either extremely stupid for not understanding its meaning, or just plain rude in completely ignoring it.
Hellllllloooooo morons
book more time… idiot.
The escorting world is not a place to find a friend
We are in it for the money. If we happen to enjoy ourselves in the process it’s just a bonus.
Interesting perspective and attitude "Alex". I absolutely love hearing how some providers really think.

FWIW, from my personal experiences, that is certainly not always the case. Not by a long shot.
And even if we really like someone, spending "time" with that someone is how we make our money. If I was selling shirts or suits you wouldn't expect a free one after buying one.

I know some men ask just trying to be nice and are not trying to take advantage of the situation but the next time you get the urge to do that remember that this is a business. Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
Alex won't be coming to lunch....she's too busy it!!
If I was selling shirts or suits you wouldn't expect a free one after buying one. Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
Oh, and BTW, some places do offer BOGO. It's become an accepted acronym in, guess where, the business world.

But I'm glad CC quoted your blog. Shows us who you truly are: you're only there for the envelope and nothing else. You're probably a pretty mechanical f*&k also.
One lady invited me to have coffee with her. I assumed it was on the clock.

@AL - Were they clear about "off the clock" or were hey asking about a "clock free" date? Some ladies do offer that. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I have had a few that said they wanted to spend time with me (they contacted me 1st) which I presume means they are not looking for a session but to just hang out.

Now I know that their time is what they charge a fee for and if while we are hanging out she gets a call for an appointment, our time might be cut short and I am cool with that.
but I look at it like this, if they contact me first, they are OFF the clock, if I contact them, then its an on the clock deal
I have had a few that said they wanted to spend time with me (they contacted me 1st) which I presume means they are not looking for a session but to just hang out.

Now I know that their time is what they charge a fee for and if while we are hanging out she gets a call for an appointment, our time might be cut short and I am cool with that.
but I look at it like this, if they contact me first, they are OFF the clock, if I contact them, then its an on the clock deal Originally Posted by Spirit13
I don't think your description is a general rule. Some may be fishing for business. At least I would assume, if contacted by a lady in the business, that everything was on the clock.
Yes, that is exactly what that means. If you want a date go on . This is a business and you are paying for companionship. That doesn't always take place in the bedroom. Our job is to make sure you feel like we are having a good time. Do you really think we are going to say to a client in the middle of a session, "oh and by the way if you weren't paying me I would never be seeing you." Of course not, that's not the way it works. And even if we really like someone, spending "time" with that someone is how we make our money. If I was selling shirts or suits you wouldn't expect a free one after buying one.

I know some men ask just trying to be nice and are not trying to take advantage of the situation but the next time you get the urge to do that remember that this is a business. Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
Yes it is a business, but Alex, when was the last time you were paid for your time and all you did was dinner, hang out and the clothing stayed on?

I know that is very blunt but lets put the cards on the table.... a guy wants to just hang out and chill, I do not think he will be willing to pay $$ an hour for you to socialize with him.

I know a few providers that ask me computer questions which is what I do for a living in REAL life so do I charge them? depends on what I have to do.. if its something I can tell them over the phone and takes 3-5 minutes to fix, I am not going to charge.... just doing a "friend" a favor.... if they want me to add hardware to their pc etc.. something that means I have to buy an item and install it, then there is a fee.. usually cost of item plus hourly rates (but we can negotiate later )
I don't think your description is a general rule. Some may be fishing for business. At least I would assume, if contacted by a lady in the business, that everything was on the clock. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
That has been my experience.... but if they initiate contact "looking" for business and mask it as a social call.... I would hope I would get a discount..

This does not mean the lady and you can be friends and hang out with no $$$ interacting for the time.. but it is rare. And like another poster stated... if the two of you hang out some you get to know each other and the sessions are better, so the likely hood of him becoming a more frequent regular increases.
Yes it is a business, but Alex, when was the last time you were paid for your time and all you did was dinner, hang out and the clothing stayed on?

I know that is very blunt but lets put the cards on the table.... a guy wants to just hang out and chill, I do not think he will be willing to pay $$ an hour for you to socialize with him. Originally Posted by Spirit13
It happens. Take a look at this page which lists rates for public time:
Naomi4u's Avatar
This thread most definitely took a turn.

To quote your blog:
Interesting perspective and attitude "Alex". I absolutely love hearing how some providers really think.

FWIW, from my personal experiences, that is certainly not always the case. Not by a long shot. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Oh, and BTW, some places do offer BOGO. It's become an accepted acronym in, guess where, the business world.

But I'm glad CC quoted your blog. Shows us who you truly are: you're only there for the envelope and nothing else. You're probably a pretty mechanical f*&k also. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Chica, I haven't even read her blog yet but that was an interesting find. You are right. We are all individuals and a lot of us don't feel the same way. While there are some "idiots" in this business, the majority of the men I have met are truly wonderful people. Two weeks ago I went to a client's home to play xbox kinect. I didn't go because I wanted to tease him into booking time with me but because I enjoy being around him. I'm also a freak for video games and he knows that. What a way to lure me in lol.

Charles, I will agree with Alex on one thing. The majority of the ladies in this business are here for the money. I would be a liar if I said I was here looking for my next boyfriend or someone to marry me. Alex scared me a little when she made the "" comment . She sounded just like London for a minute lol but she's correct. Do I treat my clients like a cash machine? NO. My job is to make them feel good and not like an atm. I also don't fish for clients. I don't beg for business. When I'm with my client I'm not thinking "this idiot hurrty up". He just paid to have a good time with me so I'm going to allow him to fall in love with me for the time we're together. When the guy starts feeling like an atm, I've failed at my job. My job is to create an illusion. This is a fantasy.

Charles, I've seen the BS around here from ladies saying they're not doing this for the money that they just love sex. Ok my question to them is, if you love sex so much why don't you go to your local bar? Let's be realistic here. You can screw all the random men you want there. Hell I know if I were to go to my local bar I'd have more than enough offers.. lol.

I love my job. I love EVERYTHING about my job including the timewasters because they make me laugh. I love chatting with friends and client on eccie, I love setting up the appointments, I love taking pictures, writing ads, writing in my blog, I love the way I feel before the appointment and how I feel after I leave the gent and of course I love the money. It's all a big rush. I'll tell ya right now everyone doesn't feel that way.

Of course they do it for the money. And I agree, to say they do it bc they like sex is bs. Now that doesn't mean they don't have several motivations, just as I do in my job (which I mostly love, BTW). But, I would bet 1st is money. Loving the work may be a close 2nd...or even a far 2nd, lol, but still, I think, the money comes first.

And, another factor, I think is the nature of the business. Guys may see, say, up to 24 different girls (not likely) in a year (that's hobbying twice a month). **IF** ladies are low volume, they're seeing 3 guys a week. That's 12 a month compared to the guy's 2. She's having 6x as many liaisons as he is. I don't care who you are, I think even that low volume can make you pretty mechanical and jaded about the business end of things. And that doesn't even get to the high volume ladies (and who knows what that definition is?).
Yes it is a business, but Alex, when was the last time you were paid for your time and all you did was dinner, hang out and the clothing stayed on?

I know that is very blunt but lets put the cards on the table.... a guy wants to just hang out and chill, I do not think he will be willing to pay $$ an hour for you to socialize with him.

I know a few providers that ask me computer questions which is what I do for a living in REAL life so do I charge them? depends on what I have to do.. if its something I can tell them over the phone and takes 3-5 minutes to fix, I am not going to charge.... just doing a "friend" a favor.... if they want me to add hardware to their pc etc.. something that means I have to buy an item and install it, then there is a fee.. usually cost of item plus hourly rates (but we can negotiate later ) Originally Posted by Spirit13
Blunt is good. I like blunt. I actually have two very good clients where our time is spent out and clothes are not removed. They are paying me for my companionship. While I enjoy their company they know it is a business arrangement.
This thread most definitely took a turn.

Charles, I've seen the BS around here from ladies saying they're not doing this for the money that they just love sex. Ok my question to them is, if you love sex so much why don't you go to your local bar? Originally Posted by Naomi4u
There is no doubt that money is a primary motivator but I don't think it's mutually exclusive to everything else for most women. Just like sex might be a primary motivator for sure isn't the only driving force because as you pointed out, it's generally not that hard for a woman to get laid for free. I guess what I'm saying is I don't think its one thing or the other..I think it's generally a combination of at least two things. If is weren't, women that are solely in it for the money wouldn't care less how polite a gent is in his email...and they do..we had a thread about this a day or so ago...just as women that were in it for the sex only wouldn't give a toss what their rates are. I do believe that whilst money is always one of the factors that draw women to this industry...I think it's the other factor that can fluctuate or differ for people.

C xxxx
This thread most definitely took a turn.

Chica, I haven't even read her blog yet but that was an interesting find. You are right. We are all individuals and a lot of us don't feel the same way. While there are some "idiots" in this business, the majority of the men I have met are truly wonderful people. Two weeks ago I went to a client's home to play xbox kinect. I didn't go because I wanted to tease him into booking time with me but because I enjoy being around him. I'm also a freak for video games and he knows that. What a way to lure me in lol.

Charles, I will agree with Alex on one thing. The majority of the ladies in this business are here for the money. I would be a liar if I said I was here looking for my next boyfriend or someone to marry me. Alex scared me a little when she made the "" comment . She sounded just like London for a minute lol but she's correct. Do I treat my clients like a cash machine? NO. My job is to make them feel good and not like an atm. I also don't fish for clients. I don't beg for business. When I'm with my client I'm not thinking "this idiot hurrty up". He just paid to have a good time with me so I'm going to allow him to fall in love with me for the time we're together. When the guy starts feeling like an atm, I've failed at my job. My job is to create an illusion. This is a fantasy.

Charles, I've seen the BS around here from ladies saying they're not doing this for the money that they just love sex. Ok my question to them is, if you love sex so much why don't you go to your local bar? Let's be realistic here. You can screw all the random men you want there. Hell I know if I were to go to my local bar I'd have more than enough offers.. lol.

I love my job. I love EVERYTHING about my job including the timewasters because they make me laugh. I love chatting with friends and client on eccie, I love setting up the appointments, I love taking pictures, writing ads, writing in my blog, I love the way I feel before the appointment and how I feel after I leave the gent and of course I love the money. It's all a big rush. I'll tell ya right now everyone doesn't feel that way. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I am not mechanical at all. You are right when you say the job is to create a fantasy, an illusion. That is exactly what I do and sometimes I do enjoy myself but for the most part I am putting on a performance. More times than not I am not attracted to the guy showing up at my door but does he ever know that? Absolutely not. I never treat my clients like an ATM. But I do share my true feeling about this biz in my blog and believe it or not I get many requests to see my pen name Alex.