Fox News Sunday

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Why would Biden do that? He is winning as it is.

If Trump thought his pre-taped interview with Chris Wallace went well, he would’ve promoted it on his Twitter feed as he has with countless previous Fox News interviews. But he hasn’t done that. Draw your own conclusions. Originally Posted by matchingmole

LexusLover's Avatar
this is over biden's defund the police comment claim. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Have Biden and his former "boss" made regular appearances asking the domestic terrorists to refrain from vandalizing, looting, burning, beating, and shooting? And why not?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Watched it and Chris didn't let him fully answer his questions and didn't know what to say when different charts were shown ( LSM is cherry pickin c-19 , and polls )
LexusLover's Avatar
Watched it and Chris didn't let him fully answer his questions and didn't know what to say when different charts were shown ( LSM is cherry pickin c-19 , and polls ) Originally Posted by rexdutchman
"The "apple" doesn't fall far from the tree"!

Wallace inserts his narrative in a question and then INSISTS on the person being interviewed to agree or disagree with HIS CONCLUSION.

Here's a perfect example: We hear repeatedly that Black people are 2-12x's more likely to be killed by police than White people. But annually more White people are killed by police than Black people. That hysterical number (%) comes from a % of the population maintained by the Black people versus the % of the total population in the U.S. But it does not change the FACT: More while people are arrested than Black people and more White people are killed by the cops.

Wallace's "facts" on Covid19 play the same: A positive test is not a "case"!

"Defunding Police" is not eliminating all of their funding! It includes reductions in funding and diversion of funds to "feel good" programs. The next cry will be the "defunded police" are not protecting the dumbass social workers responding to a domestic violence call when the "victim" turned on the social worker who was fucking around with the "victim's" mate ..... but by the cops get a call on a land line to go to the scene the social worker will already be dead!