I am having trouble with this article. it makes the case that Ford was traumatized, and spent many years in Academia researching and studying the effects of trauma.. it discusses her apparent victory over her episode, and how people can emerge stronger.
so why is she so frightened at the idea of testifying? she teaches College classes about becoming stronger after defeating your fears and anxiety. and frankly, even if her account of what happened with Kavanaugh is the dead-on truth... Hell, the Dude was stumbling drunk, and his pawing at her while she had clothes and a swimsuit underneath is so utterly mortifying? she feared for her life? she is so distraught NOW, 36 years later, that when Trump won she wanted to move to New Zealand??
nonsense. she is like many other radicalists who said openly they would leave the Country if Trump won. who does she think she's kidding?