Manufactured GOP scandals falling apart ... All three of them!

LovingKayla's Avatar
I did actually read the entire OP. You fucks are so full of shit, it's coming out your eyeballs.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-18-2013, 09:53 AM
Webster Sez ... scandal

definition # 4: malicious or defamatory gossip
I B Hankering's Avatar
Your arguments are just plain stupid.

For example... Your story states "losing on gun legislation is the least of his worries." You reply by asking to show where he got gun legislation passed.

You are a walking Non Sequitur. One had nothing to do with the other and neither had anything to do with the OP.

Nor does anything in your opinion piece. You're arguing with nothing, but doing so in a most uncivilized way, shit for lunch! I wonder if You don't understand what you're trying to aay ... But as others have pointed out, how smart can you be when you EAT SHIT!

Fucking idiot.

BTW -- I'd have corrected the scandalous typo in my sig eventually. Thanks for pointing it out. OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER...

Meanwhile, for Christ's sake, push your spotty redneck ass away from the co outer and clean that shit up! You're grossing me out!

Do your part for America! Urge IBSyndrome (aka "Corpy") to post a link to my original Dipshit of the Year poll and admit his blatant lies to the posters of ECCIE.

Tick, tock, Corpy!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's your ignorant contention that there are no scandals and that these scandals will have no impact on Odumbo's agenda. Your ignorant, dumb-fuck golem ass is wrong on both counts, and the cited, relevant article delineates how and why. BTW, did you find "co outer" in your "dicks-shunarry", you dumb-fuck golem jackass? That's why your dumb-fuck golem ass was elected to be:

Webster Sez ... scandal

definition # 4: malicious or defamatory gossip Originally Posted by CJ7
You evidently overlooked the first three, more appropriate, definitions, CBJ7.


noun 1. a disgraceful or discreditable action, circumstance, etc.
2. an offense caused by a fault or misdeed.
3. damage to reputation; public disgrace.
  • 06-18-2013, 10:14 AM
Webster Sez ... scandal

definition # 4: malicious or defamatory gossip Originally Posted by CJ7
Get the video from that day at the concession stand where I brought the nacho and I steal have the edvidence
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is still a fact that this is the worst administration I have seen in my lifetime.

There must be a reason they keep Obama in the dark about everything that is going on in his administration. Keep him busy on the golf course, send him on vacations, send him fund rasing, but damn sure do not let him know what is going on.
I wonder who got their ass handed to them for letting Obama watch the news.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-18-2013, 06:57 PM
I do not recall Bush abandoning an Ambassador, having the IRS discriminate against free speech, allow a corrupt AG remain in office, be completely unaware of what his cabinet is doing and have to find out from talking heads on TV what is going on in his administration,But, this thread really isn't about Bush and what he did. It is about Obama and the idea that his failures as CEO of the nation are3 not his fault.

In the real world, had employees embarrassed the CEO with the sort of activities these people have participated in, they would be fired for cause not promoted or given paid vacation leave. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
It is still a fact that this is the worst administration I have seen in my lifetime.

There must be a reason they keep Obama in the dark about everything that is going on in his administration. Keep him busy on the golf course, send him on vacations, send him fund rasing, but damn sure do not let him know what is going on.
I wonder who got their ass handed to them for letting Obama watch the news. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Dude, seriously, not only do you have the names wrong, but your posts are about 7 years too late.
Dude, seriously, not only do you have the names wrong, but your posts are about 7 years too late. Originally Posted by Doove
I personally pointed out to 2Pups the err of his ways dozens, if not hundreds, of times while GW was in office. Then and now, he was completely oblivious to the gross incompetence of the GWB Administration. It's comical as hell that he looks at things dramatically different today than he did while Dubya was in office.

In 2Pups defense, he was not by himself. There were, and still are, more than enough Bush/Cheney Kool Aid drinkers to go around!

This is a pic of 2Pups being led around town. Heel Pups!

Get the video from that day at the concession stand where I brought the nacho and I steal have the edvidence Originally Posted by CJOHN
CJOHN, what the fuck? Do they let you out of your cell at the hospital once a day and give you internet access? What the hell are you talking about man? Get a fucking grip.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-18-2013, 08:16 PM
Then and now, he was completely oblivious to the gross incompetence of the GWB Administration. It's comical as hell that he looks at things dramatically different today than he did while Dubya was in office. Originally Posted by bigtex
Viewing Obama as incompetent (or whatever) is one thing. But taking pretty much everything that was said about George Bush for 8 years and simply changing the name to "Obama" is....well.....interesting. Not sure what other word would really apply.
Not sure what other word would really apply. Originally Posted by Doove
How would "Wingnut" fit?
I do not recall Bush abandoning an Ambassador, having the IRS discriminate against free speech, allow a corrupt AG remain in office, be completely unaware of what his cabinet is doing Originally Posted by The2Dogs
i dont remember obama doing any of those either. and allowing a corrupt AG to remain?...oh yes you are right, bush made a show of accepting corrupt AG'S resignations. but i dont believe gonzalas was all that corrupt. like the rest of them (yes im pointing at scooter libby in particular) they were loyal foot soldiers who shut their cakeholes and did what they were told. and understood that when heads rolled they'd probably be wearing familiar hats.
and at least ashcroft was competent in his corruption.
i do agree though, i have to raise an eyebrow when obama says he "heard it on the news just like you folks".... bullshit.