Why Won't the Putin Loving GOP STFU Until This Is Over?

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
"Why Won't the Putin Loving GOP STFU Until This Is Over?"

What I'm wanting to know is how in the holy hell are the Demonicrats able to even sleep with themselves, seeing whereas they are such abject and phony hypocrites?

Think about it, ya'll are supposed to be the party of woke and inclusion and diversity and changing the system and all that rot. Yet you purportedly selected an OLD WHITE GUY who has been in politics for 50+ years - and is clearly and exactly all the stuff rolled in to one puss-ball (a demented fool at that) of the very things you are supposed to be all-in against.

How much respect do you actually think you deserve from anyone?
[softly playing Crimea River]

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"Why Won't the Putin Loving GOP STFU Until This Is Over?"

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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
IMO the problem with this "war" is it's not about the above two men, but about the citizens involved, either intentionally or unintentionally.

As for the Russians there was (and still is) a rather large number of nonmilitary personnel who were conscripted into an "occupying" force to enter Ukraine and were told they would be greeted with welcome arms and the citizens would be glad they were there.

As for the Ukrainians it is their country and their homes that are being invaded and destroyed while 1,000s of the noncombatant citizens/residents are being slaughtered totally unnecessarily.

It's about the PEOPLE on both sides.

So will a nuclear war ... because those who "push the buttons" will be safely PROTECTED in deep bomb/radiation-proof bunkers to await the settling of the radiation and debris with plenty of food and water not to mention all the creature comforts of a cozy home! All paid for by the taxpayers they destroyed by their stupid policy decisions.

There won't be shit to govern when they emerge, but they will be geared up and protected from their disgusting deeds to begin the process of "rebuilding" their lives and OVERSEE the discarding of the contaminated debris, which include the millions of citizens they were elected TO PROTECT and gave up hard-earned money by taxes imposed on them to do the job well.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Turns out the Demonicrats used the muh Russia, Russia, Russia to build a house of cards all along. You can have someone read it to you from the 300 page Durham report.

We can tell how traitorist the cock sucking Trumpys are.
They push our country down the path towards anarchy. Mosty too cowardly to fight for democracy and our freedoms.
Putin and the Russians quote fox news. Trump praises Putin.

And you bastards want to put him back in the White House.
Eat shit and die.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
No what it says. But expecting you to read and comprehend the report might be too much.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
No what it says. But expecting you to read and comprehend the report might be too much. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Sorry. Couldn't hear a word you said while you were gulping/guzzling so loudly. Oh, BTW: Here's a napkin you've got a bit of something on the corner of your mouth.
That’s best you can do? It’s pretty sad but not unexpected.
Sorry. Couldn't hear a word you said while you were gulping/guzzling so loudly. Oh, BTW: Here's a napkin you've got a bit of something on the corner of your mouth. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

LMFAO now this is some funny shit but so true about the supposed barrister.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
That’s best you can do? It’s pretty sad but not unexpected. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Did you do your summer associate work at 7-11 or something?

Is that why they named the Big Gulp cup after you?!?
Still bad dude. You are just not good at insults. They require wit intelligence and creativity, all of which you appear to be lacking.
biomed1's Avatar
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