Trump is responsible for his Response or lack of Response to the virus.
It should have started with him taking it more seriously and being straight with the public.Like when JFK went on TV to make us aware of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Just being aware that a potentially bad virus could be coming could have led to a better mitigation effort.With simple masks and distancing earlier we could have saved lives.
With Trump looking us in the eye on TV and lying about it makes him complicit.He knew in Jan.He lied for sake of his political future.
That is why I call it the Trump Plague.
People keep bringing up that States are responsible and that somehow Trump is not legally bound to be able to do anything.
That is bullshit.
For one,without making any legal mandate or declaration,Trump could have greatly influenced our response simply by utilizing his pulpit to do so.He did not.
For another,Trump has the authority and he has used it before for other causes, to make emergency declarations and order how the nation should respond.He could have done so.
The Trump Plague is upon us big time now !!