Naomi4u's Avatar
Why even have AA as an option in that case. Just omit it.......don't have and other section......or make an error message that says blacks not allowed after you press send on the form.

Are before the form have a check mark like eccie's are you 18 years old. "Are you blaack" sorry you can't fill out my form........ Originally Posted by gimme_that
Whatever man.. you're being funny. That was just downright hilarious. I would never do that.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Positively B. If they have a problem with anyone due to any reason, it should be listed on their web page and provided in the screening process. They have every right to not see anyone they please, but once an appointment is set and the person has made the trip, they should proceed with the program. I have been with a few providers that once I met them, I would have preferred not to see them, but continued and just made it a shorter appointment. Originally Posted by topsgt38801
A is the worst. It is by default a NCNS.

Some guys may not like (choose) women with advertised policies against certain characteristics even if they themselves don't don't fit the excluded class, but that is a lesser sin than NCNS, particularly when reasonable screening took place.

I agree with TS. I've been in the same situation. Unless she has misrepresented herself materially, I feel compelled to keep the appointment even if I'm underwhelmed by my initial reaction to her. I chalk it up to YMMV or TOFTT.

Similarly I would expect the same from her. It is called being a "pro." Not everyday at my job is a walk in the park either....

If I did have a NBA or similar policy & didn't want to acknowledge it in my advertising I'd go with "C" and the B.S. about a personal emergency or not feeling well. But, remember you can only cry wolf so many times/your reputation follows you. This is a big reason I am wary of providers that change names/personas, etc. They are usually running from something be it personal drama or professional poor behavior...either way I'll pass.
Would you prefer her to
A. Look through the window/peephole and not open the door?
B. Tell you, "I'm not interested due to personal preferences".
C. Or just keep it clean "im' sorry something came up" like I did to one gentleman?

Just want some opinions... Originally Posted by Miss Molly

I've only been turned away once, "at the door". The lady in question smiled & respectfully told me..."Sorry honey, you're cute, but I don't see black guys" Now, it sucked that I had to get ALL the way to her incall to find out, but I just said cool and went to see someone who would see me and yes...I had already passed her screening and we talked several times on the phone before my arrival...

Like others have said, respectfully list your preferences in your Showcase/Ads, whatever they may be, to avoid any future problems...

Oh yeah...

Ok here is what I get from this. You have a NBA policy but you don't have your preference posted. Your preference goes a bit further because you don't even want to visit with someone who has AA features. A gent booked an appt with you not knowing your policy since you don't have it posted. You screen the gent, he passes and you schedule an appt. Client arrives and you turn him away because he looks black, or has black features. Client is now angry and writes a review. In response to his review you start this thread. Am I right? Honey this whole situation has FAIL written all over it. If I were him I would be pissed too. If you have a preference it is your responsibility to make sure clients know this before they waste their time. If you don't want to put it out there then during your screening process you should tell them you don't want to see AA or anybody who has AA features. This way no time is wasted, no review is posted everybody is happy. So in response to your question I say none of the above. Let your preference be known to avoid the drama. Originally Posted by Audrina Monroe
Naomi4u's Avatar
Wait... what are "black features"?
whitechocolate's Avatar
If we are talking about NBA issues, I agree with what everyone is saying. You need to spell it out up front. Miss Molly told me this was a non NBA issue and not one dealing with aesthetics. She probably needs to clarify herself. I think if someone shows up at your incall in a state that is totally uninviting, that is a different scenario.
atlcomedy's Avatar
If we are talking about NBA issues, I agree with what everyone is saying. You need to spell it out up front. Miss Molly told me this was a non NBA issue and not one dealing with aesthetics. She probably needs to clarify herself. I think if someone shows up at your incall in a state that is totally uninviting, that is a different scenario. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
So what are we talking about? Hygiene, Impairment, gives off a "LE Vibe"? Even then, likely that wouldn't be identified until they actually enter the room? I mean does the guy really smell that bad you notice it from the hallway?
gimme_that's Avatar
Its specikfically race guys...

I just took a look at a thread she stsarted an another provider and hobbyist were talking about it via post 21 here

She apparently used the upset stomach excuse.....she wasn't sick but I guess you gotta do what ya gotta do.
whitechocolate's Avatar
I think Miss Molly needs to spell clarify what the "on the spot" concern was to cause a refusal of service.
Wait... what are "black features"? Originally Posted by Naomi4u
That's either the start of another thread or the end of Premium Access for a lot of people....
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Chica Chaser's Avatar
That's either the start of another thread or the end of Premium Access for a lot of people.... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Naomi4u's Avatar
That's either the start of another thread or the end of Premium Access for a lot of people.... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Yup! I'm not starting it. It will only cause drama. Not really interested in that.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Sonya, with that hottt avatar of yours, it is tempting to take this thread in an another direction. I do find the SA thread a bit confusing and more like an interrogation of Molly. I take it race was an issue but was it the key or only issue. Only Molly can spell out her reasons. If it is just race or nationality then she needs to spell it out in her ad even if she finds it uncomfortable to do so.
atxguy2006's Avatar
If we are talking about NBA issues, I agree with what everyone is saying. You need to spell it out up front. Miss Molly told me this was a non NBA issue and not one dealing with aesthetics. She probably needs to clarify herself. I think if someone shows up at your incall in a state that is totally uninviting, that is a different scenario. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
Of course it's an NBA issue.
Say you book an appointment with a provider.
You show up, and the provider invites you in,
but politely decides to cancel with something like
"I'm sorry, something came up" " I don't feel well" but the real reason of the cancelation is due to personal preferences (and you as a smart adult can pretty much sense this)

Would you prefer her to
A. Look through the window/peephole and not open the door?
B. Tell you, "I'm not interested due to personal preferences".
C. Or just keep it clean "im' sorry something came up" like I did to one gentleman?

If she cancels, are you gonna text her later asking "I'm not your type right"? knowing that was the issue?

Just want some opinions... Originally Posted by Miss Molly
You forgot:

D. File a NEGATIVE REVIEW/NCNS for provider non-performance.
Originally Posted by Wetwork Daddy

It doesnt match my question Originally Posted by Miss Molly
Oooops. You are right, let me edit that so it fits your format:

Would you prefer her to
A. Look through the window/peephole and not open the door?
B. Tell you, "I'm not interested due to personal preferences".
C. Tell you a white lie "Something came up, I have to cancel."
D. Tell you "I have to cancel and i know you will most likely be filing a negative review or NCNS and since it was my sudden decision, I will not contest those facts on the boards."

You are kidding me, right? Turning away somebody at the door that has passed screening, has a fee in hand, and is on time merits a VERY NEGATIVE review, if not a NCNS. Originally Posted by Wetwork Daddy
Are you fuckin' kidding me...turning someone away at the door may not technically be an NCNS, but I would definitely consider it one in substance. Because you didn't call and cancel nor did you show up for the activities. And it deserves notice in the alert forum. Plus, IMHO, you owed him transportation costs, depending on the area this was done in. Some venues, the ladies charge $100 for outcalls, some it's only $50. But, yes, she needs to pay him for his inconvenience. He showed. She didn't.

And to Molly's assertion that Wetwork's answer "doesn't match her question," I call BS. It matches the situation she presented...maybe not the way she wanted, but it IS THE CORRECT RESPONSE!!! And Molly, just because you didn't include it as an option, doesn't mean that isn't the correct response.

I really don't care what the "personal" reason was you refused. Your screening should have told you he was unacceptable to you, and you should have screened him out. The way you dealt with your client was totally and completely unacceptable, and you owe him some money.

If it were allowed on this board, I'd tell you what I really think.