Al Qaeda Chief urges westerners kidnapped

As usual this thread morphed into something other than it was intended. So in an attempt to bring it back into perspective I'll ask ExNYer and IIFFOFRDB if you guys get kidnaped by al-Zawahiri and his gang what would be the chances of us seeing you guys again?

You could have voted the opposite and had more respect from me... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
So what? If I had voted for Romney I would have had no respect for myself.

Obrobro has fucked this country up to no end.

BUT 90% of your posts I agree with. When you back a Ozombie and come after my friends... We will go round. I don't think it will change... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
The economic recovery has been shitty - slow and weak. That is the worst thing that he has done to the country and that is largely beyond his control.

So what else constitutes "fucking up the country to no end"?

He has been no better than an average president, despite what his supporters say. But he hasn't been Satan either, despite what his detractors say

You have no sense of measure or balance.

So, every time he does something, instead of pointing out what is wrong with it, you just you make up some stupid name beginning with the letter "O" - like that is supposed to settle the issue.

When you back a Ozombie and come after my friends... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Be careful who you pick for a "friend" on this board. You can do a whole lot better than IBLying and JDBarleycorn.

You were quick to pick Cliven Bundy as a "friend" (for want of a better term). Look how well that worked out.
As usual this thread morphed into something other than it was intended. So in an attempt to bring it back into perspective I'll ask ExNYer and IIFFOFRDB if you guys get kidnaped by al-Zawahiri and his gang what would be the chances of us seeing you guys again? Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Zero. But I will take a few ragheads with me.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yes, I did vote for him, you mouth breather.

And if the GOP puts up a mope like Sarah Palin in 2016, I will either vote Libertarian or vote for the Democrat to spite assholes like you.

This may come as a shock to the 6 or 7 functioning brain cells you still have left, but you and JDCornhole and IBLying don't get to define what conservatism is. If you accuse me of being a Communist, you clearly don't know what you are talking about.

The GOP will one day soon tell the rednecks to get lost and you will have nowhere to go. The RNC will weed out the evangelicals and racists and deny them funding. And the rednecks that are lost will be more than offset by fiscally conservative Democrats and independents that crossover. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You're a dimwitted Yankee jackass if you IMAGINE McCain and Palin could have possibly been worse than Odumbo, Hildabeast and Joe Biden. Odumbo and company's failures are documented reality; so all your lame-Yankee-ass can do is impotently gesticulate about fantasies you attribute to McCain and Palin that you ignorantly fabricate and never happened, you mentally defective Yankee twit.
As usual this thread morphed into something other than it was intended. So in an attempt to bring it back into perspective I'll ask ExNYer and IIFFOFRDB if you guys get kidnaped by al-Zawahiri and his gang what would be the chances of us seeing you guys again?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
If we are in a plane "lets roll"... if not... lets "roll" anyway... so you are right Jimbo... we agree on that.
So what? If I had voted for Romney I would have had no respect for myself.

The economic recovery has been shitty - slow and weak. That is the worst thing that he has done to the country and that is largely beyond his control.

So what else constitutes "fucking up the country to no end"?

He has been no better than an average president, despite what his supporters say. But he hasn't been Satan either, despite what his detractors say

You have no sense of measure or balance.

So, every time he does something, instead of pointing out what is wrong with it, you just you make up some stupid name beginning with the letter "O" - like that is supposed to settle the issue.

Be careful who you pick for a "friend" on this board. You can do a whole lot better than IBLying and JDBarleycorn.

You were quick to pick Cliven Bundy as a "friend" (for want of a better term). Look how well that worked out. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I'll take my chances... Ozombies be damned
Zero. But I will take a few ragheads with me. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Well I hope you can take a few down. We aren't here to be somebody's ransom.

RedLeg505's Avatar
The GOP hasn't even picked a candidate and you have already determined you are going to vote for him or her. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Just to make sure, since you apparently have already decided to vote for Hillary, have you decided who you will vote for from the Dems if she chooses not to run?
Just to make sure, since you apparently have already decided to vote for Hillary, have you decided who you will vote for from the Dems if she chooses not to run? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
I never said I will vote for Hillary.

I said if the GOP runs another mope (like Perry) to appeal to the bigots and evangelicals, I will vote EITHER Libertarian OR Democrat.

Obviously, if the GOP runs a good, smart candidate, I will vote for him/her.

But if it is a choice between Hillary and GOP mope, I will vote Libertarian or maybe GOP, even IF they run Perry.

I have already gone on record about my hatred of family dynasties. I won't vote for a Clinton or a Bush (again) EVER.

Perry may be a mope, but nepotism is worse.
I never said I will vote for Hillary.

I said if the GOP runs another mope (like Perry) to appeal to the bigots and evangelicals, I will vote EITHER Libertarian OR Democrat.

Obviously, if the GOP runs a good, smart candidate, I will vote for him/her.

But if it is a choice between Hillary and GOP mope, I will vote Libertarian or maybe GOP, even IF they run Perry.

I have already gone on record about my hatred of family dynasties. I won't vote for a Clinton or a Bush (again) EVER.

Perry may be a mope, but nepotism is worse. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Sitting on the fence... Worthless POS
I B Hankering's Avatar
I never said I will vote for Hillary.

I said if the GOP runs another mope (like Perry) to appeal to the bigots and evangelicals, I will vote EITHER Libertarian OR Democrat.

Obviously, if the GOP runs a good, smart candidate, I will vote for him/her.

But if it is a choice between Hillary and GOP mope, I will vote Libertarian or maybe GOP, even IF they run Perry.

I have already gone on record about my hatred of family dynasties. I won't vote for a Clinton or a Bush (again) EVER.

Perry may be a mope, but nepotism is worse. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You put Hildabeast into public office when you voted for Odumbo, you pathetic Yankee dweeb, and your dumb-fuck Yankee ass probably voted for Hildabeast to be a New York senator too ... before you were run out of New York!

Sitting on the fence... Worthless POS Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
And your sitting on a fence post. Worthless homo.
You put Hildabeast into public office when you voted for Odumbo, you pathetic Yankee dweeb, and your dumb-fuck Yankee ass probably voted for Hildabeast to be a New York senator too ... before you were run out of New York! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Notice the stupidity and desperation of your argument.

I said I would never "vote" for Hillary because of nepotism (not to mention politics). So you switched "vote" to "put into public office" so you could pretend to score a point. That is the only way you can.

But not even THAT part is right. In 2008, I voted Libertarian (Bob Barr). Hillary was ALREADY in public office when I voted for Obama in 2012.

Also, I moved to Texas in the early 1990s. So, in 2000, when Hillary got elected, I wasn't even eligible to vote in NY.

So basically, you got nothing right in your post. But that is typical, isn't it? And now you will swear all those inaccuracies are FACTS, won't you IBLying?
lustylad's Avatar
So what? If I had voted for Romney I would have had no respect for myself. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Who cares about your self-respect? At least the US would have had a foreign policy.

The Price of Failed Leadership

The President's failure to act when action was possible has diminished respect for the U.S. and made troubles worse.

By Mitt Romney

March 17, 2014 7:17 p.m. ET

Why are there no good choices? From Crimea to North Korea, from Syria to Egypt, and from Iraq to Afghanistan, America apparently has no good options. If possession is nine-tenths of the law, Russia owns Crimea and all we can do is sanction and disinvite—and wring our hands.

Iran is following North Korea's nuclear path, but it seems that we can only entreat Iran to sign the same kind of agreement North Korea once signed, undoubtedly with the same result.

Our tough talk about a red line in Syria prompted Vladimir Putin's sleight of hand, leaving the chemicals and killings much as they were. We say Bashar Assad must go, but aligning with his al Qaeda-backed opposition is an unacceptable option.

And how can it be that Iraq and Afghanistan each refused to sign the status-of-forces agreement with us—with the very nation that shed the blood of thousands of our bravest for them?

Why, across the world, are America's hands so tied?

A large part of the answer is our leader's terrible timing. In virtually every foreign-affairs crisis we have faced these past five years, there was a point when America had good choices and good options. There was a juncture when America had the potential to influence events. But we failed to act at the propitious point; that moment having passed, we were left without acceptable options. In foreign affairs as in life, there is, as Shakespeare had it, "a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries."

When protests in Ukraine grew and violence ensued, it was surely evident to people in the intelligence community—and to the White House—that President Putin might try to take advantage of the situation to capture Crimea, or more. That was the time to talk with our global allies about punishments and sanctions, to secure their solidarity, and to communicate these to the Russian president. These steps, plus assurances that we would not exclude Russia from its base in Sevastopol or threaten its influence in Kiev, might have dissuaded him from invasion.

Months before the rebellion began in Syria in 2011, a foreign leader I met with predicted that Assad would soon fall from power. Surely the White House saw what this observer saw. As the rebellion erupted, the time was ripe for us to bring together moderate leaders who would have been easy enough for us to identify, to assure the Alawites that they would have a future post-Assad, and to see that the rebels were well armed.

The advent of the Arab Spring may or may not have been foreseen by our intelligence community, but after Tunisia, it was predictable that Egypt might also become engulfed. At that point, pushing our friend Hosni Mubarak to take rapid and bold steps toward reform, as did Jordan's king, might well have saved lives and preserved the U.S.-Egypt alliance.

The time for securing the status-of-forces signatures from leaders in Iraq and Afghanistan was before we announced in 2011 our troop-withdrawal timeline, not after it. In negotiations, you get something when the person across the table wants something from you, not after you have already given it away.

Able leaders anticipate events, prepare for them, and act in time to shape them. My career in business and politics has exposed me to scores of people in leadership positions, only a few of whom actually have these qualities. Some simply cannot envision the future and are thus unpleasantly surprised when it arrives. Some simply hope for the best. Others succumb to analysis paralysis, weighing trends and forecasts and choices beyond the time of opportunity.

President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton traveled the world in pursuit of their promise to reset relations and to build friendships across the globe. Their failure has been painfully evident: It is hard to name even a single country that has more respect and admiration for America today than when President Obama took office, and now Russia is in Ukraine. Part of their failure, I submit, is due to their failure to act when action was possible, and needed.

A chastened president and Secretary of State Kerry, a year into his job, can yet succeed, and for the country's sake, must succeed. Timing is of the essence.
Ok time for a laugh break. If ya can't laugh at this then you're comatose.
