Drew Brees apologizes for respecting the flag.

Chung Tran's Avatar
Go live in china under Authoritarian rule of the CCP - since u idolize it so - Leave and take another CCP comrade Xi worshipper with U
Please! Originally Posted by oeb11

a protest that involves, burning, looting, and violence... what do you call that if not an insurrection? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I call it crime. They think they have a corner on a violent protest just because some dumb fuck dies in Police custody. They are no better than the Cop they accuse of murder.
  • oeb11
  • 06-07-2020, 09:07 AM
Leave it to a braindead Republican to tell me to move to China for defending the Constitution. Bravo idiot.

I sincerely hope you have some sort of mental issue so I can rightfully pity you. If not, you are a disgrace to the ideals of this country. Originally Posted by redpartyhat

Reply - U are hardly a strict Constitutional interpreter.

What u are - I have no clue.

Except i want not to do with it.

Thank u for the name-calling - that is 3rd grade level stuff.
  • oeb11
  • 06-07-2020, 09:08 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIxBmyRQlwQ Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Did this have anything to do with comrade Xi?!!!
BTW - he is taking India territory with military force - Viet nam is next on his agenda.
HedonistForever's Avatar
those guys don't understand your statement.. I believe Brees gets it now, he seems mortified at his original posture.. and Trump is mortified Brees changed his position, so much that he attacked Brees on Twitter.

a God Damn Football Player.. can't go against Trump's position without insults hurled at him on Twitter. that guy is losing it more and more every day. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Oh he gets it now to be sure. He gets that he can not have his own opinion and if he wants to get along, he must play along which is why people like Brees should never comment on politics. You'll lose half your fan base and teammates no matter your answer.

As I said in another post, what Brees should have said is "I will will take a knee in solidarity to the concept of more equality and social justice ( what ever the fuck that means ) any time and any place except when the national anthem is playing and the flag is being raised or presented.

Now in a reasonable world, that should mollify both sides but of course it would not because you either read the script you are given by the left with no interpretation of your own, or else.

a God Damn Football Player.. can't go against Trump's position without insults hurled at him on Twitter.

And a God Damn football player can't go against the BLM position without insults hurled at him. Get it Tran?

The question on my mind now is, will Brees take a knee during the anthem and flag ceremony when football starts up again. I sure hope he doesn't and remains a man of principle.

I guess donating 5 million dollars to help the community you live in doesn't get you as much as it did before the reformation.
  • oeb11
  • 06-07-2020, 12:57 PM
An article on Brees and wife in the paper today - they were truly penitent - prostrating themselves in abject apology before the LSM and the attacks they have suffered - for the sin of respecting America, the flag, and rule of law under the Constitution.

Way to walk it back - Brees - a spineless idiot.
Chung Tran's Avatar
will Brees take a knee during the anthem and flag ceremony when football starts up again. I sure hope he doesn't and remains a man of principle. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
An article on Brees and wife in the paper today - they were truly penitent - prostrating themselves in abject apology before the LSM and the attacks they have suffered - for the sin of respecting America, the flag, and rule of law under the Constitution.

Way to walk it back - Brees - a spineless idiot. Originally Posted by oeb11
looks like one of you still adores Brees, and one doesn't, LOL..
these "conservatives" have been bending over, kneeling, sucking Cock, anything to look woke these past few days.. it's amazing to see. now, I think, tentatively, that Brees did wake up and distance himself from his statement about disrespecting the flag. he has made many angry for doing so, but he's a God Damn football player, why does anyone care? that goes for Snoopy Dogg and Biden support, too.

Did this have anything to do with comrade Xi?!!!
BTW - he is taking India territory with military force - Viet nam is next on his agenda. Originally Posted by oeb11
huh? Vietnam HAS BEEN under fire from Xi for many years! China has occupied parts of North Vietnam already, seized the Spratly Islands, poisoned food and water.. your Press doesn't write about it, but everyone in Vietnam, and ethnic Vietnamese in America know it.
  • oeb11
  • 06-07-2020, 04:34 PM
u are in a position to spread the news - U are correct - I did not know

assuming it is fact - which would not surprise me about Comrade Xi one iota.

I do not think Xi seriously thinks he can take over India and all of SE Asia - but he would dearly love to take eastern Siberia from Putin. That may well - IMHO- be the real thrust for his armed forces build-up.
  • oeb11
  • 06-07-2020, 04:35 PM
Brees and his wife again apologized - and labelled themselves as "the Problem".

He should never put hand over heart during the national anthem Again.

Chung Tran's Avatar
u are in a position to spread the news - U are correct - I did not know

assuming it is fact - which would not surprise me about Comrade Xi one iota.
Originally Posted by oeb11
Brees and his wife again apologized - and labelled themselves as "the Problem".

He should never put hand over heart during the national anthem Again.

Cop-out. Originally Posted by oeb11
it is fact.. I don't think Xi thinks in terms of what is achievable... power-obsessed people throughout history never seem to weigh those factors.

what did Brees' wife do? apologize for, or with him? or did she think like him, and is now woke at the same time?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
yup, I understand, Peggy Sue. not poor and destitute, but not rich by a long shot.. just woke Originally Posted by Chung Tran

so how many starbucks do you need to drink to be woke ..

Starbucks closes 8,000 stores to give staff diversity training amid race storm


HedonistForever's Avatar
I "forgive" Brees for bowing to the pressure. What else can be said about a man who donates 5 million dollars to the place where he raises his family? And he is one of the best to ever play the game.

I still like Drew Brees. I still respect Drew Brees. If he takes a knee during the anthem, I will no longer respect Drew Brees. I will however, still watch him play football because I admire extraordinary talent in other wise flawed individuals. Goes for people who make movies and sing. I won't be mentioning any names because of the blow back I would surely get if I did. Words to live by Drew Brees.
in a similar context

I happened to scroll around on tv the other day and came upon skip and shannon, a fox sports talk show

talk about upsetting

the discussion was about drew and then how racism is revealed

they both agreed that racism is revealed by asking the question, do black lives matter?

and that if the response is all lives matter, racism is revealed

they discussed this guy who lost his job

kings play-by-play announcer grant napear has lost his job following an exchange on Twitter with former kings center demarcus cousins.

napear was asked by cousins for his thoughts on the Black Lives Matter movement before responding "All Lives Matter...Every Single One!"

and both shannon and skip agreed, yep a racist

and then skip went on to proclaim, with shannon sharpe nodding in agreement, its not just red states that are racist, ive lived in blue states and there are racists there too

so in essence red states are racists for how they vote

I figure maybe skip, as a white guy, is trying to be woke and be a kiss up and not lose his job, theres just so much fear out there and truth will get you fired quicker than anything

such is life in a leftist world, being denounced for thoughts and ideas , did that all start, with the French revolution? surely it was before then that people were silenced
The NFL is kowtowing to every blue state and municipality out there in order to have a 2020 season. Billions of dollars are at stake. That's why the Texans are encouraging their players to attend the Floyd funeral. That's why several teams and Goodell have pledged efforts to help "mend fences."

Virtues will be signaled. Paltry millions will be pledged. Advertisement campaigns saying the avg white viewer is as guilty as officer Chauvin will be played over and over again.

Why? So teams can play. So Disney and ESPN can say "we held their feet to fire". So TV revenues can be gathered. So stadiums can be filled. There are billions at stake.

One major player not towing the line creates distraction. Then the players union get huffy. Some major black athlete says "I'm not playing with this racist." Then Nike starts making calls. There are billions at stake.

It only takes one Governor, mayor or health official to fuck this up. The NBA season will happen at a Disneyland campus in FLA. LeBron approves. They've already agreed to the terms. Containment is key to profitability.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
are we living in the twilight zone? this is getting weirder by the day.

can't say the truth and you'll get fired?