CajunGent's Avatar
Crazy? I would say that is putting it politely. Only see this young lady if you are willing to risk any information you give her being posted on one of the public boards. And for your own good. Do not, repeat, do not mention the boots or her eyes. She will go plum balistic on your. Stark raving lunitic mad. This chick was visited by the God's. They left her with the body of a goddess, but in exchange, they took her mind.

Just my two cents.. cg
Am I the only guy here that's capable of thinking with the head on top of my shoulders and not the one between my legs???.....Do you guys NOT recall what a nutcase this girl is???.....This girl has a long and known history of going stark-raving apeshit on people (a few times it was reported that she went nutzo during a session) for little or no reason at all.....The girl developed a vendetta against me and at the time I had NEVER even tried to have anything to do with her.....She has outted people, attacked people, and just displayed more than just a psycho attitude on people that she's never even met.....She could be the greatest fuck on the planet but I think you put yourself at serious risk if you even bother to think about seeing that girl.....I know someone else around here besides me recalls this girl's stark-raving mad rants.....
Don't you know that hobbyists have extremely short and VERY selective memories?? lol

I and others (providers AND hobbyists) have been outed by completely a INSANE provider before who is still around. One who had a habit of putting people's personal information right on the front of her website for all to see *cough.* This wasn't THAT long ago, but nobody seems to remember that. It amuses me so much that everyone seems to have forgotten, but that's the nature of this hobby...

You can hide a lot of things, but one thing you can't hide is crazy. It always eventually manifests itself if you wait long enough.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Im stumped to think that I didnt come across her application LOL!! However for some reason this is a a topic that rings all to close to home..I also have had a BATCRAZY provider that worked for me start doing INSANE things... Funny that at the time i tried to tell people about her and how crafty she was it was dismissed as jealousy... I never could figure that out... Anyhow she actually made a website with all MY info on the front of it... Not that it did any good but nutty anyway... THE BEST PART is she then became the BABY of aspd and it was all forgotten. Dangerous living gents and another reason for NOT giving all your info out!! (And yes I know YA"LL know who im talking about!)
CajunGent's Avatar
Annie, why don't you post your girls schedules on your web site, so the gents don't have to wonder who is where and when?
annie@christophers's Avatar
think people paid that much mind...i will tell the web person. I do always try to tell ya in the ad section.... we do need to put age height and ststs though. Please remember to call if you have any questions...
CajunGent's Avatar
Thanks Annie. I hope this sounds ok. But, usually by the time I check the advertisments, it is almost to late to schedule anything. If I knew a week or so beforehand, then I might be able to schedule something. And, you are right, the web page does need height/weight/measurments information. You also might consider letting the gents know if the girls are natural or enhanced. Some of them have a preference.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
i concur with cajun gent on his suggestions.
robobird's Avatar
I won't book without the info. FYI
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-20-2010, 09:58 AM
Stay on topic people.....This thead is NOT about annie and how to run her website.....
just close the the threat BIG C I already decided to take a pass on her
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-20-2010, 01:09 PM
closed per request