Why do you hobby instead of random hookups?

Class simply shines from the ones who have it.
Wakeup's Avatar
I SO missed her...
Sorry I don't care for your riff raff....
Some of us already know how YOU REALLY are on the inside. You do put on a great show though.
Do us all a favor and go sip on a bottle.
*leaves before pussyposse shows up* Originally Posted by hiddenrose
Perhaps you should do yourself a favour and go get yourself verified...otherwise your 'provider' comments don't count.... Something tells me that's not going to happen though...In any case, here's a special song just for you...

I'm ugly, disgusting and my penis ejaculates Hormel chili. Plus I think hookers are really interesting.
That was an awesome video! A stuffed chili dog? Sounds yummy! LOL!!
pyramider's Avatar
She's back!!
She missed us .... show some taint.

Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 09-12-2012, 09:18 PM
True love doesn't exist so pay for what you want and go home with great memories instead of lying around the house with a nagging wife that cheats on you.
shorty's Avatar
She's back!!
She missed us .... show some taint.

Originally Posted by pyramider

No Say It Ain't So!!
Ok, I'll bite. WHO is back?
badhusband's Avatar
Well, SNL, you'vegot the great attitude and you're gorgeous!!!! It's no wonder your phone rings off the hook!! Aren't I the suck up? LMAO!!


Unfortunately an attitude like that can make someone physically attractive ..very unattractive, Ive never had a client that was even close to how you describe "your" clients, quite the opposite in fact.

If you continue with your superior attitude and looking at your clients that way..you will have a long sad road ahead of you and I feel sorry for you ..you being so young hopefully your attitude will adjust with time.

Id take being pretty on the inside and ugly on the outside any day.

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
One provider summarized my reason for providers versus hookups in one sentence. "You pay us to keep our mouth's shut". Yup. As a married guy, I don't want to worry that when I see a provider on the streets (as I have before) that anything will happen when I am with my wife. And hookups may be cheaper - but the mental stress is far heavier.
Mr_DMac's Avatar
I'm surprised no one has said this...

A lot of hobbyists are simply.. unattractive. That is why they have to PAY for it.
Sorry but with the economy going the way it is, $200-$300 is a lot of money to spend on pussy. Take this from someone who has charged $300 and up. I have regulars that binge and see me more than several times a month and I'm very happy that they're financially secure enough to do so.

I recently became a female hobbyist myself (sorta) and I'm sure the ladies I/we see are more than happy/relieved to see that I am a very "attractive" woman.

Yes, I can see the guy that wants variety, I can also see the guy that wants a NSA relationship... but I believe a lot of guys use those excuses to make them feel better as to why decent looking/attractive woman will fuck them for free. Originally Posted by hiddenrose
What a perfect topic for a new guy.

I disagree. I believe the majority of us are attractive. I can't speak for the younger crowd but some of us older gentlemen, who have been around the block a few times, just don't have the time or the energy to deal with the BS or the attitude of a random hook-up. Once established...this is so much easier.
I'm ugly as FUCK
Randall Creed's Avatar
I agree with DMac. Who has the energy to chase after pussy all the time? Sometimes I simply want pussy NOW, and not have to decide what to wear, where to go, who to chase after, wash the car, tidy up the house, and all the shit it takes to go out and TRY to get some pussy. Or I could just call a provider, set things up, take a shower, drive, do the do, be done, come back (smiling), and move on to other things. The guy who's chasing pussy and is going to use his 'game' to get some is still ironing while a provider's already bobbing up and down on me.

Not only does it take more effort to TRY to get laid the 'regular' way, but rarely does it end the way both of you want it to. Some girls don't want to just give up the pussy. They want to be something like a girlfriend and become clingy, or may decide that it's not worth it to just hand over the pussy while you know a couple girls who are getting paid to do the same thing (every civvie knows someone who fucks for money). Free pussy relationships tend to wear thin in many cases. Either you have to commit (to boyfriend-ism) or let it go.

A few select guys are good at getting easy, nearly catch free pussy. Bravo to them. If I applied myself, maybe I could be OK at getting free pussy. Not great, just OK. But again, it's a lot of intial effort, high failure rate, and a lot of upkeep to maintain what it takes to keep getting free pussy. Nowadays, I just don't have the inkling to try to be a mack. To each his own.
When you are pretty and have a great body everybody wants to be around you it's just the way nature is ; but if you have a ugly attitude and disposition people can't get away fast enough.
The hobby is a place a man or woman can go on a single date without a lot of drama find someone they like or want to be with be it for companionship or money and if you don't like the first one you see keep looking until you find something that floats your boat or in some cases just keep sampling the candy store.
Most of the time nobody gets their feelings hurt and both parties benefit from the meeting.
It's the only place where a ugly duckling can find a Swan or a princess find her prince.....well at least until the money runs out...lol