Your Avatar & username

R = Rabid
P = Pussy
M = Muncher
The avatar, I found it and it it fits in so many ways.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
PAPA JOE.. pa pa means something?
you are special...she told me so. wink wink Originally Posted by Anita Lay

LOL, i'm just a plain simple man, that appreciates women
SirJohnofTulsa's Avatar
name means nothing. Avatar speaks for itself.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I probably should change the avitar to a buzzworm. Here is what a buzzworm really is:

Originally Posted by buzzworm86
You just called yourself out admitting your a snake buzz lol

Most say I'm sweet & I am small sweet n little a take off of sweet n low , a packet was sitting by my coffe when I was signing up, no thought was put into it lol I need a name
Sugardaddy's Avatar
It defines who I am without giving out personal info. and 10inches was already taken.
Any sugar babies out there, contact me.
I get asked a lot if I'm a Union Pipefitter. Nope, I'm not a real pipefitter, I just play one when I hobby is always my answer, lol.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ok dilbert, whats your story?

exoticentyce- nice Originally Posted by Anita Lay
dilbert should be self explantory - newspaper cartoon strip character

firestorm is a comic book character before DC comics screwed the character over.

dilbert + firestorm = hot stuff

the firebug avatar is based on it.
ric's Avatar
  • ric
  • 10-16-2011, 10:34 PM
You should just combine this thread into The Definitive What does your handle mean Thread:
rpm, nice picture and hope you are doing well, its been a while.
Still Looking's Avatar
You should just combine this thread into The Definitive What does your handle mean Thread: Originally Posted by ric
Not a bad idea!
  • MrGiz
  • 10-16-2011, 10:45 PM
Username / Handle = longtime , often mis-understood nickname (long story), with a "hard G"... (nuthin to do w/ jiz... um )

Avatar = Sunrise photo taken from a location where I spend approximately half of my life....
wildcat4fun's Avatar
Just me being me,looking off the belcony,over looking the Gulf of Mexico.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'm from Texas and I'm a hog when it comes to tush. I've have various avatars with pigs or hogs in them, the most notable was a pig in a gimme cap. Someone gave me shit once because they didn't think a working class pig in a cheap gimme cap suited my on the board personality. So I found a pig in a tux. I'm not particularly fond of this one, I'm just to lazy to change it.
anaximander's Avatar
Anaximander: greek philosopher; believed everything
was a result of The Boundless- first true cosmology.

The tiger roaring- internal fury