Fauxcahontas/ Sanders round 1

Chung Tran's Avatar
Thoughtful post, CT!
I do not think M will seek the Oval Office. Originally Posted by oeb11
thanks.. I seriously doubt M will run, but if H does not, I would not rule out M.

what is kind of sad, is that those 2 ex-Presidential wives are literally the only possibilities of a new candidate jumping in late.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I am switching to vote for Bernie in the primaries.

let him be exposed for the hard-line Communist he is. Originally Posted by oeb11

wouldn't that he be exposed as such considering Vermont keeps electing this red ass to the senate?
thanks.. I seriously doubt M will run, but if H does not, I would not rule out M.

what is kind of sad, is that those 2 ex-Presidential wives are literally the only possibilities of a new candidate jumping in late. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Bloomberg got in kinda late, with a strategy of spending millions centered around Super Tuesday.

The Bernie Babies are not going to stand for that. The truth is, the Bernie Babies are not going to sit still for anyone getting the nomination but Bernie.

This is the price the DNC pays for allowing their party being taken over by the Socialist Left Wing.

Not that many were around for (or remember) the ‘68 fiasco that the Democrats endured in Chicago. I think the Bernie Babies are much more radical than the anti-war bunch that rioted in ‘68.

The Democrats association with their radical socialist left is kind of like having a pet rattlesnake. If you think he likes you, and is your friend, just reach into the cage and give him a pat on the head.
LexusLover's Avatar
When I first saw these headlines ....

I thought Bernie accused her of not being an Indian and she took exception!
lustylad's Avatar
I would've liked to see Bernie respond to that fake Cherokee by saying "Yeah bitch, I called you out as a liar on national tv because that's what you are!"

Everything about her is phony and calculated. She knew the cameras were running and the open mics would pick it up.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
....This is the price the DNC pays for allowing their party being taken over by the Socialist Left Wing.... Originally Posted by Jackie S
Exactly. The Dim national committee should have thinned out the herd months ago.
When I first saw these headlines ....
I thought Bernie accused her of not being an Indian and she took exception! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Amusing yes (again) and sadly. My original amusement on that topic was way back when she first claimed. I work with a couple tribes, and have several friends. There are strict rules, most based on parental lineage, to qualify to be on a tribes registered member list (which is a huge thing for Federal aid). Most are either 50% lineage or a variation of that. I know of one gal that's an easy 37.5% and she was shut out once she turned either 18 or 21 I forget which. During childhood she was "child" of a qualifying member but only 3 of her great grandparents were full blooded.

I think Steyer wanted to diffuse the situation, not just say Hi to Sanders. Sanders blew him off. Originally Posted by bambino
Yes, tactical error for Sanders. Good move by Steyer to break up an on camera fight. Most folks probably missed that angle.
To conclude, I'm back to an earlier post of mine where they are cannibalising each other, and Warren's bitchiness to Sanders is proof.
  • oeb11
  • 01-18-2020, 07:20 AM
Lizzie is an elderly, angry spiteful and vengeful Bitch.

Anyone voting for her does so at their own peril.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... There are strict rules, most based on parental lineage, to qualify to be on a tribes registered member list (which is a huge thing for Federal aid). Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Apparently, it's not necessary to work in their cigarette store!

A good fit for PokaMyHiney ... she'll be off the stage soon!
  • oeb11
  • 01-18-2020, 07:53 AM
I am content to have Bernie and lizzie sweep up the funds for their candidacy, and let Blomber and Stayer bankrupt themelves in chasing the windmill.

Either Lizzie or Bernie are great nominees to oppose Trump - their Socialist nonsense won't play well will America in November.

Bernie is a hard core Communist- and Lizzie is One who knows only her Fascist DPST "Truth" narrative - she cannot speak other than with forked tongue.

Debating with Trump will be a laugh to watch.

Fascist DPST's may now respond with foolish nuclear memes and name calling -scatology!!