FL's DLs don't expire even after 20 years? Must be all the retired folks in FL that got that law passed so they would look 45, and not 65 on the DL. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
You have to renew them, but it can be done without getting a new picture.
You have to renew them, but it can be done without getting a new picture. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Just out of curiosity, are these DLs going to meet REAL ID requirements? Don't think so...
Well as usual, you are missing the point. The issue wasn't the quality of my DL, it was the fact that some idiot at TSA decreed after technology precisely identified me, some moron featherbedding geek had to recheck it -- thus proving that TSA is more about high paying government jobs than it is about safety of the public.
atlcomedy's Avatar
My Pappy is a proud man. For years he claimed he was six feet tall. If anyone doubted him, he showed 'em his driver's license....

Well I turned sixteen & he took me to the DMV to get my license & the lady asked me how tall I was...I told her...then I told my Pappy, "Now I understand how you are six feet tall."

But its not so bad....the State of Georgia still believes I weigh 180 lbs.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 05-05-2010, 07:40 PM
I agree that TSA is pure security theater!

About a year ago, I was at a small regional airport, Traverse City, MI. I was talking with the owner of the concession stand, as it was late, and they were bringing food through as we were getting off a flight that had landed very late. He admitted that they wait until TSA staff leaves the terminal area. They can then bring whatever they want through without any sort of search!?

I found it interesting that the terminal is not secured during the night when flights are not coming or going. What is to stop someone from planting a weapon inside the "secured area" when security is not present? It would then be easy to pass screening and pick up your weapon from the stashed location inside the secured area!

So, what does TSA really stand for. Perhaps, Terrifying Security Authority.
But its not so bad....the State of Georgia still believes I weigh 180 lbs. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
TexTushHog's Avatar
You think of the Clear system as a toll road? The real toll road is private aviation. That's how you avoid all this airline shit, the airport shit, the TSA shit, etc. And once you've gotten used to it, going back to flying commercial is horribly painful. I received a refresher lesson just the other day when I bummed a ride somewhere on a colleagues airplane. Turned a day and a half 150 mile drive + 2.5 hour sit/fly/fuck with the rental car company ordeal/ turn around and do it all again, into a nice 45 minute flight, plenty of room, two newspaper for each passenger, fresh juice, fresh coffee, news magazines, etc. with a cab waiting on the tarmac to take us to our meeting breeze.
discreetgent's Avatar
Yup, private aviation beats the heck out of going commercial. But Clear did make flying commercial sooooooooooooooooo much easier.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Not to take a side on the competence of the TSA (who I happen to think are much more competent than the private contractors who preceded them), but here's a light note to add to the story:

Not to take a side on the competence of the TSA (who I happen to think are much more competent than the private contractors who preceded them), but here's a light note to add to the story:

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/0..._n_568229.html Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Yeah, I just read the story on cnn.com. Almost posted it as a separate thread.

Some here are going to be prouder than others walking through the body scanners.
When my son was 3, I was taking a flight with him...he went through the metal scanner ahead of me, and he touch the sides of it with his hands...which caused it to go off...I asked him to 'come back through to mommy' but security stopped him, told me I needed to 'stay where I was' and they pulled him off to the side, and scanned him with a wand. Only after they were done was I allowed to step through the scanner myself and console my very upset and confused little boy.

I will never understand why they put us through that!
When my son was 3, I was taking a flight with him...he went through the metal scanner ahead of me, and he touch the sides of it with his hands...which caused it to go off...I asked him to 'come back through to mommy' but security stopped him, told me I needed to 'stay where I was' and they pulled him off to the side, and scanned him with a wand. Only after they were done was I allowed to step through the scanner myself and console my very upset and confused little boy.

I will never understand why they put us through that! Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
Just some ideas:
  • They used to let people go through twice, but stopped b/c it held up the line.
  • I don't think they've ever let 2 people go through at the same time (except with infants). Protocol seems to be one at a time.
  • Since they don't let people go through twice, the second scan is withe the wand.
  • If you don't pass the wanding scan, you get taken to a room for a strip-search.
BTW, TSA is very short on giving explanations. They just tell you what to do in a fairly rude manner. It wouldn't take much to say, "I'll have to scan you with the wand because you set off the alarm," instead of, "stand here on the footprints and hold your hands out." IMHO, they need to say what they are doing and why. They could take a lesson in customer service.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Just some ideas:

.........They could take a lesson in customer service. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I don't want to sound like a defender of TSA's performance, but ya kinda get what ya pay for

They are low paying jobs & many of the people holding them are bone tired because this is their 2nd or 3rd job.

And some people you just can't please....if they were a little more chatty some people would tell them to STFU so they can get to their gate to catch their flight....
I don't want to sound like a defender of TSA's performance, but ya kinda get what ya pay for

They are low paying jobs Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Not exactly:

Starting salary for an entry level TSA screener ranges from $23,400 to $35,000 per year. TSA salary for a screening manager ranges from $44,000 to $68,000 per year.

Considering they require about zero education/training, I'd say that pay isn't bad. And then there are all of the government bennies and job security -- much more than private industry.

This is a jobs program. It has little to do with real security.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Not exactly:

Starting salary for an entry level TSA screener ranges from $23,400 to $35,000 per year. TSA salary for a screening manager ranges from $44,000 to $68,000 per year.

Considering they require about zero education/training, I'd say that pay isn't bad. And then there are all of the government bennies and job security -- much more than private industry.

This is a jobs program. It has little to do with real security. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I was basing my comment on an ad I saw a while back offering $11/hour (and of course "no experience necessary, will train") so that roughly ties to your low end.

As far as job security, they've had layoffs (although of course the AFGE fought them)

I'm really not sure what the techincal definitions are for poverty, being middle class or rich are these days and I'm sure as far as buying power goes vary greatly by location but I'd consider the screener wages "low paying" & the managerial jobs decent, middle class jobs.