Why I Oppose Barack Obama

Only a Ozombie or Independent Socialist/Marxist would support this...

We Have a “Truthy”-ness Problem

0commiecrat is disgusting...

Voters Poised to Hit Brakes on Obama, Dems
By Salena Zito - October 19, 2014


Midterm elections are the political equivalent of a gas pedal or a brake pedal.

This will be a brake-pedal election, centered on competency and trust — from the launch (disastrously) of the healthcare.gov website, to telling Americans (incorrectly) that if they like their health-care policy they can keep it, to not caring for veterans, the growth of ISIS and the handling (or, more appropriately, mishandling) of the Ebola crisis.

George W. Bush went to war in 2002; he got a gas pedal, and Republicans gained seats in Congress. In 2006, the war was going badly; Bush got a brake pedal. In 2010, Barack Obama finished ObamaCare and got a brake pedal.

This year, President Obama has done nothing to slow the car.

Democrats could have held on to their Senate majority this year, but the president never tried to help them. Aside from raising money — swooping in on Air Force One to a glitzy home or hotel, and speaking to an adoring crowd of intellectuals who hang on his every word — he has remained completely indifferent.

You can see it in how he has handled immigration (saying he will not act until after the election) or outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder (saying he will not pick a successor until after the election). He is like a flashing red signal, warning that he will do something people won't like, right after they vote.

Democrats are in trouble because Obama has done too much that people didn't like — namely, ObamaCare.

If he had handled other things better, Republicans still would be campaigning on ObamaCare; in fact, it remains the No. 1 vote-driver, although Republicans haven't mentioned it in TV ads for months.

What Democrats needed and what voters, even many full-throated Obama supporters, have craved was a humble moment from the commander in chief.

But a chastened Obama has never existed.

Obama has never had that moment of walking to the podium and telling the public, “I hear you.” We've seen that with immigration, with ISIS, with Eric Holder and, now, with the risks of an Ebola outbreak in this country.

There is no question that ObamaCare is driving this year's election. What analysts miss is that Obama has continued to demonstrate that the disastrous rollout of and subsequent problems with ObamaCare were not flukes.

He could have put a tourniquet on his political problems if he had decided to govern in a centrist way and simply told voters, “I heard you. You think I went too far. I got the message.”

Instead, he has continuously demonstrated that he did not get the message and that he is going to do what he wants anyway. He has been incredibly arrogant as a leader, and dangerously indifferent to his party's political fortunes.

You can't govern if you can't lead. Yet Barack Obama seemingly does not care what Democrat is defeated because of his “stuff,” as long as he gets to do his “stuff.”

Name one Democrat who can say they were a partner with him. They were a lever, that's all — because governing with Obama always has been about politics and never has been a team sport.

When he declared, “We are the change you have been waiting for,” what he meant was, “You are the stooges I have been waiting for to help me.”

Republicans cannot win a majority in this election cycle and just walk away, however. If they do, they will be no better than the people they replace, and they will quickly lose whatever goodwill Americans feel toward them.

The smart move for Republicans would be to focus immediately on an issue important to everyone, something that makes Americans more prosperous, stable and secure, such as energy.

Not focus on a catch-phrase like “Drill, baby, drill,” but focus on a comprehensive, all-of-the-above package that brings all sides together and shows Americans that Republicans can lead and can enact policies that impact the country positively.

Not focus on something that leaves people behind, demonizes the other side or creates more bureaucracy, but focus on something that shows Republicans hear people, get it, and will get things done.

Something, in other words, that Barack Obama hasn't done.

Salena Zito is a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial page columnist. E-mail her at szito@tribweb.com

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CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fluffy got his ass handed to him by a girl!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Maybe she can come help you in Salina, Glory Hole!
flghtr65's Avatar
Flghtr65 got his ass handed to him by a girl!

SOTF Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Only if you think that spending 2 trillion dollars and having 4 thousand soldiers die to find corroded WMD's from 1980's that were non-functional was a good idea.

A detailed reply to her nonsense is coming.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Obama was nominated and well funded for the reason of racism. Those backing his campaign with big corporate money and endorsement knew the average dumb down American voter would be willing to vote for Obama as to avoid being called racist. What's even more alarming in spite of Obamas gross negligence to uphold the laws and constitution of this country, which he gave an oath to he was voted in for a second term. It's been one thing after another with this president. The things that are happening in this country are happening by design, not accident.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You are over-simplifying everything. In 2008 our economy was in the toilet. Whether or not Bush was to blame, he was our leader, whom I had twice voted for. Then the Republicans put up McCain-Palin as their candidates. I personally found this pairing unacceptable. Sarah Palin being a heartbeat away from being President of the U.S.???? I don't think so.

The Republicans only have themselves to blame for Obama being elected.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-20-2014, 07:53 AM
@SinsoftheFlesh............... ...

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Are you better off than you were in six years ago?

I guess you and SinsOfThe Flesh are not!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
0commiecrat is disgusting. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Is that even English?

when it comes to spouting unintelligible, irrelevant gibberish, yOu take the cake, SlObbrin!

Ever stOp to think that fOlks find yOur childish made up insults childish and unintelligent?

Of cOurse nOt!

POOr SlObbrin!
flghtr65's Avatar

We've been listening to "Bush lied and people died" for more than a decade. Now you dipshits turn on a dime with this ridiculous "Oh, well those WMD's we've been saying weren't there for the last 10 years are old, so they don't count"
Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
From the Link posted by JD. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2...pons.html?_r=0

The discoveries of these chemical weapons did not support the government’s invasion rationale.
After the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Mr. Bush insisted that Mr. Hussein was hiding an active weapons of mass destruction program, in defiance of international will and at the world’s risk. United Nations inspectors said they could not find evidence for these claims.
Then, during the long occupation, American troops began encountering old chemical munitions in hidden caches and roadside bombs. Typically 155-millimeter artillery shells or 122-millimeter rockets, they were remnants of an arms program Iraq had rushed into production in the 1980s during the Iran-Iraq war.
All had been manufactured before 1991, participants said. Filthy, rusty or corroded, a large fraction of them could not be readily identified as chemical weapons at all. Some were empty, though many of them still contained potent mustard agent or residual sarin. Most could not have been used as designed, and when they ruptured dispersed the chemical agents over a limited area, according to those who collected the majority of them.
In case after case, participants said, analysis of these warheads and shells reaffirmed intelligence failures. First, the American government did not find what it had been looking for at the war’s outset, then it failed to prepare its troops and medical corps for the aged weapons it did find.

Yes, these corroded weapons from the 1980's that can't be used don't count. This is not what Bush sold to the American people. Do you think it was worth 2 trillion dollars and the life of 4 thousand soldiers to find corroded weapons from the 1980's. If you do you have lost your mind.

by BEN SHAPIRO 20 Oct 2014

Last week, President Obama finally began taking Ebola seriously – so seriously that he cancelled a campaign trip in order to hold an emergency meeting on Ebola. He then appointed a new Ebola czar, Ron Klain, whose stellar qualifications for handling a possible Ebola outbreak include flacking for Janet Reno, Al Gore, and Joe Biden. Finally, Obama held another Ebola meeting after going golfing. Klain skipped the meeting. It was the second such meeting Klain skipped.

Don’t worry. The Obama administration has top men on the job. Top. Men.
This makes the 1,297th crisis the Obama administration has initially ignored, then declared a crisis, then ignored again. Which doesn’t mean that the crises disappear – far from it. They accelerate, grow, metastasize. But since prestidigitator Obama has busily misdirected to the next pseudocrisis – Global warming! Sexual assault on college campuses! Fat kiddies shoving fast food down their drooling pieholes! – the media never return to the scene of the continuing crime.

Here are the top crises declared by the Obama administration – and the unreported-upon aftermath:

IRS Scandal. In the aftermath of the IRS admitting that it had targeted conservative non-profit applicants, President Obama said, “Americans are right to be angry about it, and I am angry about it.” He then said that there was no need for a special prosecutor – Eric Holder would clearly clean up this mess. Today, conservatives are still being targeted, and the Obama administration continues to obstruct any attempt to find the wrongdoers.

Fast and Furious. “People who have screwed up will be held accountable,” Obama said in October 2011 of an operation approved by his government in which guns were smuggled from the United States to Mexican drug cartels. “It’s very upsetting to me to think that somebody showed such bad judgment that they would allow something like that to happen.” Nobody has been fired. Nobody has been prosecuted. Attorney General Eric Holder, who greenlit the operation, just stepped down as an honored member of the Obama inner circle.

Benghazi. According to then-White House press secretary Jay Carney, the president was “committed to finding out what happened. He is committed to making sure that those who killed four Americans are brought to justice, and he is committed to ensuring that actions are taken after the Accountability Review Board thoroughly assesses this matter, to make sure that what happened in Benghazi never happens again.” Not a single person was fired over the murder of four Americans including an ambassador of the United States in Libya. A year later, according to CBS News, “The State Department still has not fully implemented recommendations.” But hey, it’s been like two years, dude.

The Veterans Administration Scandal. After news broke that the VA had deliberately lied to veterans about their waitlists, leading many vets to die waiting in line, President Obama declared a state of political emergency: “If these allegations prove to be true, it is dishonorable, it is disgraceful, and I will not tolerate it, period.” After initially backing VA Secretary Eric Shinseki, he then threw Shinseki under the bus. And that’s been about it. Nothing material has actually been solved.

ISIS. After stating that ISIS was actually a “jayvee” version of al Qaeda and allowing ISIS to then run roughshod over half of Iraq, President Obama declared ISIS a serious threat to America’s national security and pledged to fight them. “There can be no reasoning – no negotiation – with this brand of evil. The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force,” Obama explained. Obama has spent the last month bombing our allies, sending humanitarian aid to our enemies, and downplaying ISIS moves toward Baghdad and the Turkish border.

This isn’t simple incompetence. It’s uncaring incompetence. Unless the polls force him to care about a given crisis, Obama’s off golfing. If the polls do force him to care, he can muster up the emotional wherewithal for approximately as much time as it would take him to play nine holes. Then we go back to crisis, worse off than we were before.

But don’t worry. Top men are on the job. Top. Men.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm an Idiot... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
There. Now it makes sense.
There. Now i never make sense. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Idiot... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
"eeeh buhrr" the Socialist/Marxist/Islamic apologist does not agree... why am I not surprised... Could it be... he's a Ozombie?
[QUOTE=IIFFOFRDB;1055944260]"eeeh buhrr" the Socialist/Marxist/Islamic apologist does not agree... why am I not surprised... Could it be... he's a Ozombie?[/QUOT

English isn't your first language is it ?