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  • 11-12-2014, 07:58 AM
Well, I love Gruber, he was correct. The Tea Party voters are just a bunch of cry babies Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I can play that game. You are not supposed to change quotes without stating so. It was the main reason Marshall and all his successive handles were banned.
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  • 11-12-2014, 08:03 AM
You do realize that every conservative and every republican knew it was a tax and voted against it. It was you and your kind that thought they were going to get more free shit from the government tit that fell for this deception. Congratulations.

Using your argument that everyone should have known it was a tax so lying and deceiving the American people was OK is some fucked up logic. I guess you and all of the libs should shut the fuck up about WMD's in Iraq. Originally Posted by Budman
Free shit...you lying cocksucker. This has cost me an extra six grand a year.

So which cost more in terms of lives and money ? Obama care or the 4 trillion dollar WMD'S deception?

It terms of context between the two you Tea bullies look like the world's biggest hypocrites.

Budman's Avatar
Free shit...you lying cocksucker. This has cost me an extra six grand a year.

So which cost more in terms of lives and money ? Obama care or the 4 trillion dollar WMD'S deception?

It terms of context between the two you Tea bullies look like the world's biggest hypocrites.

. Originally Posted by WTF
You really are clueless. "lying cocksucker", did I hit a nerve WTF? Did your welfare benefits get cut because you got a raise to minimum wage?

The premise of this thread is that the architect of the ACA has admitted to deceiving the American public. To admitting that it would have never become law if they had told the truth. That the American voter was to stupid to understand what is best for them. Well guess what? The voters that fell for this BS were democrats. Not republicans. The republicans always knew it was a tax. Always knew it was going to cost the majority of tax payers more. That the administration was a bunch of fucking liars.

Your statement that we should have known it was a tax and that they were lying so we should not bitch about this latest admission by the architect of the ACA. Fuck you. The republicans have always been against this and now that this has come out we have every right to bitch about this. The fucking libs have been bitching about the WMD's not being found for years. You have been claiming Bush lied just to go to war. Regardless of the fact that most democrats agreed with him that Iraq had WMD's. That most other nations agreed with the US about them having WMD's. You are a partisan POS hypocrite. This fucking administration has lied about so many things that it has become the norm and your ilk just go right along sucking Obama's dick.
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  • WTF
  • 11-12-2014, 04:05 PM

The premise of this thread is that the architect of the ACA has admitted to deceiving the American public. To admitting that it would have never become law if they had told the truth. That the American voter was to stupid to understand
Originally Posted by Budman
If you see a Donkey and I convince you its a Race Horse....then calling you stupid in the way of the Horse industry ain't to far off the mark.

You think we would have went to war had we not linked 9/11 to Saddam. Fuckers ain't had shit to do with 9/11. Dumb ass public fell for it.

I see you to chickenshit to answer which cost more... Iraq War or Obamacare
I can play that game. You are not supposed to change quotes without stating so. It was the main reason Marshall and all his successive handles were banned. Originally Posted by WTF

That's not what a MOD told me. I was told mods don't care because the original is still there. I was told he was deleting his posts at 59 minutes making the recipient look stupid. But WTF do I know, WTF?
You really are clueless. "lying cocksucker", did I hit a nerve WTF? Did your welfare benefits get cut because you got a raise to minimum wage?

The premise of this thread is that the architect of the ACA has admitted to deceiving the American public. To admitting that it would have never become law if they had told the truth. That the American voter was to stupid to understand what is best for them. Well guess what? The voters that fell for this BS were democrats. Not republicans. The republicans always knew it was a tax. Always knew it was going to cost the majority of tax payers more. That the administration was a bunch of fucking liars.

Your statement that we should have known it was a tax and that they were lying so we should not bitch about this latest admission by the architect of the ACA. Fuck you. The republicans have always been against this and now that this has come out we have every right to bitch about this. The fucking libs have been bitching about the WMD's not being found for years. You have been claiming Bush lied just to go to war. Regardless of the fact that most democrats agreed with him that Iraq had WMD's. That most other nations agreed with the US about them having WMD's. You are a partisan POS hypocrite. This fucking administration has lied about so many things that it has become the norm and your ilk just go right along sucking Obama's dick. Originally Posted by Budman

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  • 11-12-2014, 05:22 PM
That's not what a MOD told me. I was told mods don't care because the original is still there. I was told he was deleting his posts at 59 minutes making the recipient look stupid. But WTF do I know, WTF? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I do not give a fuck what one Mod told you. Mods are not supposed to discuss why others were banned with you.

I could take a quote of yours and make it look like you threatened to kill the President of the United States and then report you to the Secret Service.

I plan on killing Obama Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You think the Mods do not have a problem with that?
You don't have a problem with that?
You God Damn should have...
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  • 11-12-2014, 05:24 PM
^^^THIS!^^^ Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
This my ass...which deception cost lives and which one saved lives? Obamacare or WMD?

Next which do you think will cost more? Iraq War or Obamacare

I do not give a fuck what one Mod told you. Mods are not supposed to discuss why others were banned with you.

I could take a quote of yours and make it look like you threatened to kill the President of the United States and then report you to the Secret Service.

You think the Mods do not have a problem with that?
You don't have a problem with that?
You God Damn should have... Originally Posted by WTF

I HAD a problem with it. But the rules are the rules. So I adapted. If someone changed my post and said something dumb about killing someone it would fall back on them not me.
This my ass...which deception cost lives and which one saved lives? Obamacare or WMD?

Next which do you think will cost more? Iraq War or Obamacare

Originally Posted by WTF

We are going to KILL Oassfuckcare in a few months.
The thing of it is, they deceived their own supporters, too. Their supporters wanted free healthcare, and Obama found a way to force them to buy a high deductible policy instead. I'm not sure they expect their supporters to ever actually pay for this or anything else, and they may even intend to abandon the mandate forcing the purchasing of insurance, but they get to claim they provided health care for everyone when they just made them buy high deductible policies, which they could have done, anyway!
Maybe President Obama and his supporters are diabolical geniuses who are a step ahead of those of us who practice genteel political discourse on the interwebs. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
In actuality, the only people they (Mr Gruber) are calling stupid, are the Dems, as they are the only people who voted for the bill, oh yes, and wanted to pass it, to see "what is in it". Not one, not one Republican voted for the bill, so, I guess they, Mr Gruber, thinks only the Dems are stupid.
HMMMM, just a thought
Where's Flighty's take on this? He's the forum's Obamacare apologist.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's taking advantage of his "Oassfuckcare" handout.

He's taking advantage of his "Oassfuckcare" handout.

LMAO! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Flighty is going to have to get off the toilet and get a real job too...

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  • 11-12-2014, 08:29 PM
I HAD a problem with it. But the rules are the rules. So I adapted. If someone changed my post and said something dumb about killing someone it would fall back on them not me. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Not if the Secret Service came knocking on your door.

Changing people's quotes is fucked up without putting the FIFY.

The only one to do it was Marshall and now gfejunkie. I have no problem firing back at folks misquoting me.
