Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell Will Expose Trumps Russian Ties And End Trumps Presidency!

ron reagan jr and rachel madow

twins separated at birth

bambino's Avatar
Fuckin ShitStainZee. Asshole licker supreme.
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Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
your link doesn't work. what image is it of? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
copy and paste Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
yes, and its gobbly gook!

this is what it look like without the image quotes. it just takes you to google mail. you posted a faulty link.

I B Hankering's Avatar
  • DSK
  • 03-17-2017, 07:37 AM
No anger in me I am just on the side of truth and honesty. You all can deny and whine as you constantly do but in the end Trumps connections to Russia and his tax returns will bring him down. The day that happens you can all line up to apologize for being dicks. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
When will you apologize for being a dick?
Rachel and Lawrence are well on their way to winning Pulitzer Prizes for investigative reporting while exposing Trump as a Russian asset. The deplorables will call them names and slander them but they won't be stopped and are beacons of light for other reporters to follow in this quest for the truth! They both will go down in history as the reporters that saved America from Russia. Originally Posted by StandinStraight

Oh what the alt left Liberal Media does not want to speak of:

As explained by radio host Mark Levin, via RealClearPolitics.com:
There’s a much bigger scandal here: We have a prior administration. Barack Obama and his surrogates, who are supporting Hillary Clinton and her party, the Democratic Party. Who were using the… intelligence activities to surveil members of the Trump campaign, and to put that information out in the public. Those are police state tactics. Nothing Flynn or Sessions has done is even in the same category as that.
The question is: Was Obama surveilling top Trump campaign officials during the election?
We absolutely know this is true, the FBI did a preliminary criminal investigation based on a potential connection between a server in Trump Tower and a couple of Russian banks. That turned out to be a dry hole, but one of the most outrageous things I’ve ever seen… totally uncovered by the media. Instead of closing the investigation, the Obama administration tried to turn it into a FISA court investigation in June [2016]. Apparently the first application they submitted named Trump.



Trump will be vindicated as usual but we all know alt left radical Liberal Media will put their sham of a spin on it so the morons who have been "dumbed down" or the ones who don't understand what their reading will go into tissy.