Great Day for America

eyecu2's Avatar
Tell me you'd love to be a racist without telling me.
Republicans are great at changing the rant du jour and always land on racists overtones about heritage or tan suits.

How totally ignorant and of course childish.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Does the Popular vote have anything to do with a National Presidential election these days? Different way to ask the same question: Does my rat's ass care if the people in a communist state, such as NY, feel butt-hurt? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Salty keeps referencing polls that show Trump leading in the popular vote nationwide. I doubt Trump will win the popular vote despite the polls and I am asking Salty for his personal opinion.
... Mate, I keep referencing the very polls that I see.
Just saw one today from Rassmussen that shows Donald Trump is
MORE respected than any other recent American political leader. )

But to yer question - I don't know if Trump will win the
Popular Vote... Maybe so, maybe no... But I DO believe He WILL
Win the electoral vote. ... And it will be a Great Day!

#### Salty
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Mate, I keep referencing the very polls that I see.
Just saw one today from Rassmussen that shows Donald Trump is
MORE respected than any other recent American political le. ader. )

But to yer question - I don't know if Trump will win the
Popular Vote... Maybe so, maybe no... But I DO believe He WILL
Win the electoral vote. ... And it will be a Great Day!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I know you do not try to understand polls at more than a surface level, but Rasmussen has been shown to be very right biased over the years.

749 likely voters were in the poll you reference, but no breakdown of political leaning by the people in the poll. 42% said Trump but there were no other Republicans in the poll other than Haley who tallied 5% and Romney at 3%. On the Democratic side you have Biden at 21%, Obama at 17%, Sanders at 5%, and Hillary at 2%.

So Republicans received 50% of the vote and Democrats received 45% of the vote. 75% of Republicans went for Trump and 73% went for Biden/Obama.

I would say that (1) without knowing the poll breakdown by Republican/Democrat/Independent the poll is rather suspect, and (2) since there was no prominent Republican in the poll while you had a very popular Obama to take votes from Biden, the results are suspect to say the least.

And regarding the popular vote winner in 2024 -- you continue to cite the polls that have Trump leading by less than the margin of error so my assumption would be you believe the polls, otherwise you would not cite them.
... Hmmmm... When was OBama popular??

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Rasmussen is more than right leaning. They’re a shill organization with a history of cooked polls.

Certainly a research fan like your-self is aware of that.

Rasmussen is to polling what Revolver is to news.
Rasmussen is more than right leaning. They’re a shill organization with a history of cooked polls.

Certainly a research fan like your-self is aware of that.

Rasmussen is to polling what Revolver is to news. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hmmmm... Blimey! ... IF that is the case - it's no bleedin'
Wonder that I fancy Rassmussen so much. ...

#### Salty
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Hmmmm... When was OBama popular??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Obama's approval rating when he left office was 58%. Trump was at 34% when he left office.
Obama remains popular today as does Bush and Clinton. Trump is the anomaly, though most of us understand why he’s so unpopular.
.. Um,... Interesting... So you lads fancy the notion that OBama
is some-how WHAT? ... Popular?? Or more popular than Trump?

Hmmmm... And you're stating that Trump is un-popular??

.... I'm asking these questions so I don't mis-quote anybody.

#### Salty
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
.. Um,... Interesting... So you lads fancy the notion that OBama
is some-how WHAT? ... Popular?? Or more popular than Trump?

Hmmmm... And you're stating that Trump is un-popular??

.... I'm asking these questions so I don't mis-quote anybody.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Trump's latest favorability rating is 43.2%. Unfavorable at 51.8%.

In the rankings of the 44 men who have served as POTUS done by C-SPAN, Obama is ranked 10 and Trump 41.

I already pointed out to you the approval ratings of both Obama and Trump when they left office.

Trump's popularity is skewed by his base supporters who fail to see his failures as a person and as a POTUS.
... So WHAT is yer point? ... Are you claiming that
OBama as President was more popular than Trump??

#### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^^ As my youngest would say, "duh". Obama had two terms and never lost to a stuttering corpse.
^^^^ As my youngest would say, "duh". Obama had two terms and never lost to a stuttering corpse. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
... So Joe Bien is a "stuttering corpse"??

... And THAT "stuttering corpse" is surely MORE POUULAR
that OBama... WAY more popular!

... You lads tell me "the vote totals don't lie"...

... Oh yes! ... OBama WON both elections he had.
But defeated two "tomatoe cans" - as he didn't need
many votes to do it.

... Now Joe Biden GOT MILLIONS more votes than Trump
- if we believe what the media has told us.

Which would make Biden more popular than Trump.
Or at least he was...

... But OBama's popularity? ... No Contest next to Trump.

Trump ran twice already - and OBama did also.

And Trump easily BLOWS AWAY OBama's vote total!

... So this time - when Trump WINS yet-again
- the Popularity will show... And a GREAT day for America!

#### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Salty, that's what you took away from my two-sentence post? No wonder Trump acts like he loves you people for your votes. LOL