Eccie Addict's Avatar
She has made one post..... I think she handled herself well. What's wrong with her addressing something said about her. Kind what any business person would do, even p411....

Now if she kept going on and on and on such as jydcoo has then I'd say yeah she should stop posting....
She has made one post..... I think she handled herself well. What's wrong with her addressing something said about her. Kind what any business person would do, even p411....

Now if she kept going on and on and on such as jydcoo has then I'd say yeah she should stop posting.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict

GinaXXX's Avatar
She has made one post
There has been a lot more going on behind the scenes prior to this post, and the story has definitely evolved... trust me.


Omari's Avatar
  • Omari
  • 03-23-2011, 03:45 PM
There has been a lot more going on behind the scenes prior to this post, and the story has definitely evolved... trust me.


www.preferred411.com Originally Posted by GinaXXX
Could you please explain this? We do not know what went on behind the scene and/or how the story evolved. Are you refering to ladies room comments?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Here is how I see it. He has the perfect opportunity to speak his mind right here in this thread yet he hasn't said one word. Not one....

I would think that when someone makes a threat to physically harm someone such as he described then they would say something pretty quick, at the very least off the board. Yet there has been no indication that he has said anything up until now. He even admitted to having a rough, emotional day. Isn't that usually when people blow things out of proportion?

Not to mention he has exhibited this type of attitude towards others here on this board before. If he exhibits that type of attitude in person then it would be reasonable for any provider to be concerned....
GinaXXX's Avatar
Could you please explain this? We do not know what went on behind the scene and/or how the story evolved.
I'm tempted.... but it's not my style. I am very tempted though!

Perhaps Sandra would like to explain to the board what she originally told me? And maybe she would like to take some responsibility for the huge amount of damage she would have caused CHICKENFRIED81, had I taken her alert on him (sent to me) seriously.

My position is that clients should be able to post honest reviews of their experiences without fear of having false alerts posted on them. Providers who engage in that sort of thing, get no love from me.... and to see you all kissing butt when you are being fed b.s. by a provider trying to cover her tracks, makes me ill.

Whoever this JYDCOO is, I have no clue. He's not a P411 member and he's not who I'm referring to.


Eccie Addict's Avatar
Well I don't have any issues one way or the other with chickenfried's deal. My issue is with jydcoo.... Is there a safety issue here? Is he making true statements or is he blowing it out of proportion like he has shown he is capable of doing?

Now maybe the reason everyone is, as you put it, kissing her butt is because all we have to go by is our own experiences with her or other's. Which as you can see have been overwhelmingly good....

EDIT: Gina... I would like to also say that personally I think that you run a first class business and enjoy your feedback. It is refreshing to see someone in a position such as yourself deal with things with incredible tact and professionalism.
GinaXXX's Avatar
Now maybe the reason everyone is kissing her butt is because all we have to go by is our own experiences with her or other's.
So go ahead and kiss her butt.... but I know she'd throw you under the bus in heartbeat if you dared say one negative word about her.

And I'd stick up for you, just the same.



EDIT: Eccie Addict... I always enjoy a little verbal "sparring"! I'm sure that I'll get things worked out with Miss Sandra sooner than later. However, I'm going to make sure that she, and other providers, know there is a line that is not to be crossed when it comes to submitting false alerts on a client after a negative review is posted.... and that lame excuses (confused!) don't fly with me either.

So does anybody else know anything?

This is disturbing, how are we supposed to believe anything anymore.

Perhaps this chickenfried81 dude should speak up. He is too quiet, c'mon dude speak up. Your rep is on the line.

Did drama happen or what. Because its providers out there going through drama and being hurt and threaten. Or put in jail.

Can anyone else confirm what happen?

Did it go down like she said or what?
SexyCassandra's Avatar
I dont know jydcoo very well or anything but it seems he did say some really awful things about Sandra and I am in know way saying that is the right thing to do when you have a bad experience with a provider because I too know what its like being a target for childish name calling when some young kid throws a fit because they cant get their way about something. But my opinion is the comets were uncalled for and very rude but this guy is someone I met 3 different times and safety an issue I don't think so. Rough and excited YES but very polite and very aware of the way I felt. Over all I dont think other providers should be worried about making an appointment with him if he happens to contact you. All in all good guy in my book. Except for the stuff he said.
notanewbie's Avatar

Perhaps this chickenfried81 dude should speak up. He is too quiet, c'mon dude speak up. Your rep is on the line.
Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
He posted his review, he may not want the extra drama B.S., rep smept, at the end of the day this is a SHMB and he may not care about his rep.
Mods please close this thread.

Thanks everyone for your comments...
At the request of the OP, thread will be closed.
