CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2013, 07:50 PM
still doesn't make a shit ... Stevens didn't call Hillary before he went to bed and request assistance for an attack that hasn't happened yet did he?

look at your own timeline, I Dream of Jeanie couldn't have been there in 30 minutes.
I B Hankering's Avatar
still doesn't make a shit ... Stevens didn't call Hillary before he went to bed and request assistance for an attack that hasn't happened yet did he?

look at your own timeline, I Dream of Jeanie couldn't have been there in 30 minutes. Originally Posted by CJ7
"Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is told of the incident 'shortly after it began at 10 p.m. [Benghazi time].'"

Ambassador Stevens didn't need to be tucked in by Hillary, CBJ7. He needed to be rescued before he died at 2 to 2:30 AM, and the timeline clearly indicates there was a three hour (10:00 PM to 1:00 AM) window of opportunity to rescue Ambassador Stevens, CBJ7. Your ridiculous insistence that there was only 30 minutes is bogus as hell! Furthermore, it was some seven hours after Hillary "got her call" before Doherty and Woods were killed! So you and your "30 minutes" are factually screwed!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2013, 09:19 PM
"Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is told of the incident 'shortly after it began at 10 p.m. [Benghazi time].'"

Ambassador Stevens didn't need to be tucked in by Hillary, CBJ7. He needed to be rescued before he died at 2 to 2:30 AM, and the timeline clearly indicates there was a three hour (10:00 PM to 1:00 AM) window of opportunity to rescue Ambassador Stevens, CBJ7. Your ridiculous insistence that there was only 30 minutes is bogus as hell! Furthermore, it was some seven hours after Hillary "got her call" before Doherty and Woods were killed! So you and your "30 minutes" are factually screwed! Originally Posted by I B Hankering

from your own copy paste

(3:40 p.m. ET): Gunfire and an explosion are heard. A TOC agent sees dozens of armed people over security camera flowing through a pedestrian gate at the compound's main entrance. It is not clear how the gate was opened.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is told of the incident "shortly after it began at 4 p.m.," CBS News' Margaret Brennan reported .

what clock are you using sport? the one in JD's ass?

Like I said, I Dream of Jeanie couldn't have got there in time to save Stevens

The End.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
still doesn't make a shit ... Stevens didn't call Hillary before he went to bed and request assistance for an attack that hasn't happened yet did he?

look at your own timeline, I Dream of Jeanie couldn't have been there in 30 minutes. Originally Posted by CJ7
How would the administration known they would be too late, unless they knew beforehand when the ambassador would be killed, and how long the siege would last? Sure, in retrospect, it appears they couldn't have gotten there in time, but how did they know that beforehand? Why didn't they deploy as quickly as they could, just in case the siege lasted longer, and the ambassador was still alive?

This "we couldn't have gotten there in time" is a classic bullshit argument. They didn't even try. They didn't care. And at the time of the request, they had no idea whether they would get there in time or not. It's Obamatron bullshit. And our Obamatons are spilling it faster than BP can destroy the Gulf.
LexusLover's Avatar
ok fine, Stevens was supposed to call Hillary before he went to bed because he knew the attack woud go down after he went to bed?
Originally Posted by CJ7
I think "the point" of the exercise ("investigation") is that ... he should not have had to call anyone before he went to bed to defend the embassy and the staff, which included himself. And there should not be the necessity of tweaking "timelines" to PROVE that no help was available to "get there on time" ...!!!

The folks had been asking for months!!!!! We'll hear today about it!!!!

I B Hankering's Avatar
I think "the point" of the exercise ("investigation") is that ... he should not have had to call anyone before he went to bed to defend the embassy and the staff, which included himself. And there should not be the necessity of tweaking "timelines" to PROVE that no help was available to "get there on time" ...!!!

The folks had been asking for months!!!!! We'll hear today about it!!!!

Enjoy. Originally Posted by LexusLover
+1 That, LL, is the real issue.

How would the administration known they would be too late, unless they knew beforehand when the ambassador would be killed, and how long the siege would last? Sure, in retrospect, it appears they couldn't have gotten there in time, but how did they know that beforehand? Why didn't they deploy as quickly as they could, just in case the siege lasted longer, and the ambassador was still alive?

This "we couldn't have gotten there in time" is a classic bullshit argument. They didn't even try. They didn't care. And at the time of the request, they had no idea whether they would get there in time or not. It's Obamatron bullshit. And our Obamatons are spilling it faster than BP can destroy the Gulf. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
+1 CBJ7's Kool Aid shades keep him from seeing the world as it really is.
What seems to be getting lost is common sense was simply thrown out the window.

First, our State Department sent a (pretty sure), Gay man to represent The United States in a Muslim Country where being Gay is frowned upon in the most extreme terms.

We then did not stop to think that on the 11th anniversary of 9-11, there just might be actions taken against Americans in some of the more volatile places on the Planet, such as a Country that just went through a revolution and was now being controlled by religious zealots who hate our guts.

And after all hell broke loose, and Americans were be butchered in the streets, we didn't dare send in special troops to help, lest we offend the very people who who were doing the butchering.

And then they made up a dipshit story to cover their incompetence, (the film), for no other reason than there was a looming election, and if they could just get past that, they could demagogue their way out of the whole mess.

Granted, it is all a moot point, because Hillary has "taken responsibility", which means, since she is Mrs Bill Clinton, everybody skates.

What amazes me is there are those on the left, who blindly support President Obama, (and Hillary), even though they know this was one royal fuck up. But that is what happens when you go by the motto, "My Party first".
My party first is the cry of both parties it is why nothing gets done.
My party first is the cry of both parties it is why nothing gets done. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That is right !

Obama had no idea how long the siege at Benghazi would last; 2 hours, 9 hours, 24 hours, several days..................

So what did Obama do, not knowing ?

He did NOTHING !

Then concocted the You Tube video lie to protect himself.......

Now the Team Obama wants America to believe the backup lie - military help wasn't available - Lie 1 was exposed, so they move on to Lie 2 (the backup) !

How would the administration known they would be too late, unless they knew beforehand when the ambassador would be killed, and how long the siege would last? ........ Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
LexusLover's Avatar
He did NOTHING !

Then concocted the You Tube video lie to protect himself.......

Now the Team Obama wants America to believe the backup lie - military help wasn't available - Lie 1 was exposed, so they move on to Lie 2 (the backup) ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And who was (and is) responsible to assure that our military is sufficiently prepared for a RAPID and APPROPRIATELY MEASURED RESPONSE to attacks on government personnel and U.S. property?

A flaw in most liberal "intellectual" thinking is the "belief" that most of the folks they talk down to are too dumb and ignorant to figure out the bullshit, so they just keep pouring it on, one lie layered on another lie hoping that the "dumb and ignorant peasants" will forget about #1.

BTW: some are forgetting the "other lie" about lack of funding by the Republicans!

Hell-ary and Obaminable really did want to send help to the ambassador and those other fine, brave soldiers, but ....

"... it wasn't in the budget, because of the Republicans."
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-08-2013, 11:45 AM
all of you military pundits crack me up
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-08-2013, 12:15 PM
all of you military pundits crack me up Originally Posted by CJ7
These boys can't handle the truth...the truth is, soldiers die all the time based on political decisions. These two bit truthers only want it when it fits their political need. They are no better than the political party they are seeking the 'truth' from. Jessep had it about right...

Jessep: I'll answer the question. You want answers?
Lieutenant Kaffee: I think I'm entitled to them.
Jessep: You want answers?! Lieutenant Kaffee: I want the truth!
Jessep: You can't handle the truth!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-08-2013, 12:30 PM
its as easy as loading a c130 with all the personnel and equipment necessary for a defensive rescue mission and getting that bird in the air ...

now where in the hell do you propose we land that bird that has an airstrip capable of safely handling it? How about Tripoli? yeah that's only 400 miles away, our troops will be right there, hold on Mr Stevens.

these silly fuckers have all the answers until it boils down to the right answer.
Some people here watched (jumper) .