Bullosy warns Trump not to open the economy...I wonder why??

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Gots to say; that is the Most Woke soliloquy I've seen is quite awhile. Great job, deserving of more than a participation ribbon. You should get one of those 6 ft tall trophies with a 4 ft wide marble base that requires 2 people to foist it up high.. Wowzers and cheers!

I've been watching things unfold for a long time. This so called Pandemic has been the final straw for me. The Conservative, Democrat or Right Left Paradigm is nothing more that a conscious and even an unconscious effort by those in power to keep the masses guessing and being in conflict with one another and in return affords the political elite power. That power is generated through the Entertainment Industry, The Main Stream Media abnd then of Politics. Those three things shape our opinions, our thoughts about the world around us and the difference between what is right and wrong become blurred. Another tool that is being used on us is "Public Shaming" for instance if you don't believe in "Global Warming/Climate Change" then you are defying Science. If you believe in God the dumb masses will try and find a way to call you a hypocrite. If you are "Pro Life" you are defying a women's right to do what she wants with her body forget about the fact that it is murder of the unborn. But then if this Pandemic brings about a mandatory vaccine you are being told what you are going to do with your body against your will by having an unknown substance injected into your body. If you resist you'll be shamed that you are endangering others. Originally Posted by Levianon17
  • oeb11
  • 04-13-2020, 08:37 AM
S91 - You post good thoughts.

We all need to consider the damage to the economy - in response to a virus tht turns out to be more lke Influenza a than an Ebola virus.

I wonder if we went about this the wrong way - perhaps we should have quarantined the elderly and those with immune suppression diseases - the "at risk" - and let everyone else go about their business, or quarantine themselves at their own choice.

We could still do so - as a way of re-opening the economy.

I note our "naughty lil moderator" ( with respect) has made an appearance. Hopefully we will have better debate and less abuse. i can think of several miscreants in line for "Mod attention"!
The American dream will soon be gone Originally Posted by Sienna91
The American Dream was changing even before this outbreak. While we do need to re-in-source critical (and other) manufacturing back to America, those people who can thrive in the "knowledge economy" and in the trades (construction, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, etc.) are going to prosper. If your job can be automated away (cashier, accountant, delivery driver...dare I say even a "provider"...etc.), I think there will be hard transitions ahead.
HoeHummer's Avatar
S91 - You post good thoughts.

We all need to consider the damage to the economy - in response to a virus tht turns out to be more lke Influenza a than an Ebola virus.

I wonder if we went about this the wrong way - perhaps we should have quarantined the elderly and those with immune suppression diseases - the "at risk" - and let everyone else go about their business, or quarantine themselves at their own choice.

We could still do so - as a way of re-opening the economy.

I note our "naughty lil moderator" ( with respect) has made an appearance. Hopefully we will have better debate and less abuse. i can think of several miscreants in line for "Mod attention"! Originally Posted by oeb11
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
If your job can be automated away (cashier, accountant, delivery driver...dare I say even a "provider"...etc.), I think there will be hard transitions ahead. Originally Posted by SecretE

Imma say no to automated providers. Sure, some seem that way sometimes, but it's still live and we can always write negative reviews about the semi-automated ones.
Imma say no to automated providers. Sure, some seem that way sometimes, but it's still live and we can always write negative reviews about the semi-automated ones. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
VR POV porn is already here. You have AI already being used for sex toys (Autoblow). Tell me in 10 years there won't be a virtual/AR experience that would not be on par with an "in-the-flesh" experience that would also have the advantage of being totally above-board and legal.

I still prefer the human contact of a real woman, too, but there will be real competition in the P4P market with this new tech.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... there will be real competition in the P4P market with this new tech. Originally Posted by SecretE

That's what I love about capitalism, supply, aka competition, goes up then price comes down and balance is restored to the universe.
Hmmm. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
In coming...
Hopefully that will shut your vile mouth
HoeHummer's Avatar
In coming...
Hopefully that will shut your vile mouth Originally Posted by bb1961
Nice talk.
Nice talk. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Who's the one who says despicable things about other members mothers??
You have any idea...if so do tell!!
Are the mods watching ya'...Hmm??
  • oeb11
  • 04-13-2020, 07:35 PM
Sting sings "I'll be watchin' U"!!