EV charging stations powering up

Jacuzzme's Avatar
It's called evolution.
We must not get stuck thinking only of today. Originally Posted by winn dixie
We can’t just pretend that technology that doesn’t exist does. Our current electrical generation can barely keep up with the current demand, let alone even a fraction of the population charging up cars every night. Not to mention the expense, both public and private. Many many homes still have a 100amp entrance, some still only 60, which is way undersized if you’re constantly charging cars. Upgrading to a 200amp service is easily $3-5000, not to mention the skyrocketing electric bill.
It's called evolution.
We must not get stuck thinking only of today. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Where I live I see Tesla's quite often. I don't know where any Charging Stations are. EV's have a long way to go before I'll buy one. Right now they are expensive.
winn dixie's Avatar
I see more and more charge stations being installed
Redhot1960's Avatar
I see more and more charge stations being installed Originally Posted by winn dixie
Where, specifically?
winn dixie's Avatar
Govt buildings public and private parking lots hospitals. Just a small sampling.
Govt buildings public and private parking lots hospitals. Just a small sampling. Originally Posted by winn dixie
They better put everything associated with EV's far away from buildings and Gas Powered Vehicles. It appears these EV's are hot tempered.

ICU 812's Avatar
Who is going to finance sand build out the nation's power grids to charge up all those EVs every night?
ICU 812's Avatar
Tens of thousands of charging sessions in Airport parking lots and parking structures too?

Another thought: In some eastern states only a properly certified gas station attendant may fill up your car. How will this be applied to EVs at public charging stations? Among other considerations, state revenues from certification frees will be adversely affected.
Ducbutter's Avatar
We can’t just pretend that technology that doesn’t exist does. Our current electrical generation can barely keep up with the current demand, let alone even a fraction of the population charging up cars every night. Not to mention the expense, both public and private. Many many homes still have a 100amp entrance, some still only 60, which is way undersized if you’re constantly charging cars. Upgrading to a 200amp service is easily $3-5000, not to mention the skyrocketing electric bill. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
All that and then some. These EV's are Gremlins. These cars are nothing but electronic time bombs.

ICU 812's Avatar
In 1900 the only way to travel was on horse back or maybe a train. By 1920 the automobile was a practical thing and by 1930, "everybody" had one (OK, not everybody).

The point is, that no one was mandated to give up their reliance on horses, Even on the farms, folks were using cars and trucks to get the job done. This wss because the internal combustion engine technology was so superior that it was he obvious, piratical choice.

This is not the case for EV technology. If it was so good, if it was the obvious practical choice, everybody would want to use that technology . . .but they don't.

There re reasons for that.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Who is going to finance sand build out the nation's power grids to charge up all those EVs every night? Originally Posted by ICU 812
You, me and all the rest of us. Surely your electric has not been going down.
ICU 812's Avatar
Hydrogen Originally Posted by Ducbutter
I have been hearing about the so-called "Hydrogen Economy" since the early 1970s. Buckminster Fuller ws big on that.

Later on in the early Y2K decade, they were high on fuel cell technomogy. Gm was to bring a fuel cell powered car in 2012 . . . but nothing came of that either.

Even more disappointing . . .I have been hearing about fusion power ever since I was a kid in the 1950s, but still nothing.

For $h!T Y'all! We reseasrched, invented, designed, built and dropped the atom bomb in around three years.
VitaMan's Avatar
The future was to be dome homes. Incredibly energy efficient, cheap to build.
They were doomed because of the transportation cost of the odd shapes.

EVs continue to improve. Biggest drawbacks have been unpredictable ranges, not enough power charging stations, and time to charge up. All improving.

Hard to believe EVs overall, including production and electrical needs, do not pollute less that cars that use fossil fuels. And fossil fuels will run out.
The future was to be dome homes. Incredibly energy efficient, cheap to build.
They were doomed because of the transportation cost of the odd shapes.

EVs continue to improve. Biggest drawbacks have been unpredictable ranges, not enough power charging stations, and time to charge up. All improving.

Hard to believe EVs overall, including production and electrical needs, do not pollute less that cars that use fossil fuels. And fossil fuels will run out. Originally Posted by VitaMan
They need to continue to improve. In the meantime they need to stay off the road before a major catastrophe takes place and an innocent party is hurt or killed. At this point they are junk.