Today's Impeachment "Bombshell"

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
bombshells are the equivalent of a yawn...
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Bombshell---- DUD Like shitty

the bombshell came out of Schiff's butt and when it landed it sprayed dirty toilet water all over his rear end
The fact this thread is a month old(and they've been trying for 3 years for that bombshell) and still no bombshell continues to show the clown circus of the left.
bambino's Avatar
The fact this thread is a month old(and they've been trying for 3 years for that bombshell) and still no bombshell continues to show the clown circus of the left. Originally Posted by eccielover
Horowitz just dropped a real bombshell.
HedonistForever's Avatar
To me, the bombshell that came from Hill was that she didn't think the Russians were trying to help Trump but trying to sow discord between the two parties, supporting and disparaging both at the same time with their Russian bots. I'll bet that had a few Democrats squirming in their seats.

Then she tells us that she knows Christopher Steele personally, she worked with him and that she thinks Steele was "played" by the Russians and that the Steele dossier was one elaborate Russian dis-information campaign, the same conclusion the New York Times reached.

So that wraps up the Schitt show ( unless a judge tells Bolton to testify ) and as Paul Harvey use to say "and now the rest of the story" with the Horowitz report to drop on Dec. 9th. It's already started with the FBI saying one of their own is now under criminal investigation for altering a FISA document. This will be just the beginning IMHO. This will be a real shit show for the FBI, DOJ and possibly even the Pentagon. Then comes the Durham report which I predict will bring down John Brennan and show him to be the architect of the Trump investigation. Somebody is going to be in handcuffs before this is all over and it ain't gonna be Trump at least not until he is out of office.

And how about this little nugget. Lt. Colonel Vindman the darling of MSNBC ( oh how they fawned over this guy ) was once reprimanded by his superior Lt. Colonel Hickman for fraternizing with Russians using despairing language against Americans.
To me, the bombshell that came from Hill was that she didn't think the Russians were trying to help Trump but trying to sow discord between the two parties, supporting and disparaging both at the same time with their Russian bots. I'll bet that had a few Democrats squirming in their seats.

Then she tells us that she knows Christopher Steele personally, she worked with him and that she thinks Steele was "played" by the Russians and that the Steele dossier was one elaborate Russian dis-information campaign, the same conclusion the New York Times reached.

So that wraps up the Schitt show ( unless a judge tells Bolton to testify ) and as Paul Harvey use to say "and now the rest of the story" with the Horowitz report to drop on Dec. 9th. It's already started with the FBI saying one of their own is now under criminal investigation for altering a FISA document. This will be just the beginning IMHO. This will be a real shit show for the FBI, DOJ and possibly even the Pentagon. Then comes the Durham report which I predict will bring down John Brennan and show him to be the architect of the Trump investigation. Somebody is going to be in handcuffs before this is all over and it ain't gonna be Trump at least not until he is out of office.

And how about this little nugget. Lt. Colonel Vindman the darling of MSNBC ( oh how they fawned over this guy ) was once reprimanded by his superior Lt. Colonel Hickman for fraternizing with Russians using despairing language against Americans. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
good post

and its wise for us all to remember, as you did, its Lt. Colonel Vidman
  • oeb11
  • 11-22-2019, 02:06 PM
Thank you - HF and NGIT Agree
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
To me, the bombshell that came from Hill was that she didn't think the Russians were trying to help Trump but trying to sow discord between the two parties, supporting and disparaging both at the same time with their Russian bots. I'll bet that had a few Democrats squirming in their seats.

exactly. the russians interfered because Clinton criticized the Russian election in 2012 while still Obama's Sec. of state. i think they would have even if Clinton hadn't run, but since she did they had a some payback in mind also.

as i've said before, i don't think the Russians wanted Trump to win. they may not have wanted Clinton as president certainly, but an America First wildcard like Trump? maybe they'd rather Clinton won now? the left's constant blathering that Trump is compromised and under Russia's control is total horse shit. just more spin by the left who still can't accept the golden cunt Hillary lost.

Then she tells us that she knows Christopher Steele personally, she worked with him and that she thinks Steele was "played" by the Russians and that the Steele dossier was one elaborate Russian dis-information campaign, the same conclusion the New York Times reached.

i don't think that matters. Steele is firmly anti-Trump and wanted him to lose so i don't think he cared what he got from his russia contacts as long as it was damaging to Trump, like the pee tape. i bet he laughed his ass of at that clear work of fiction. as i've said before, if they wanted it to read like a real "spy novel" report they should have gotten material from Ian Fleming's Bond novels. it's better stuff.

So that wraps up the Schitt show ( unless a judge tells Bolton to testify ) and as Paul Harvey use to say "and now the rest of the story" with the Horowitz report to drop on Dec. 9th. It's already started with the FBI saying one of their own is now under criminal investigation for altering a FISA document. This will be just the beginning IMHO. This will be a real shit show for the FBI, DOJ and possibly even the Pentagon. Then comes the Durham report which I predict will bring down John Brennan and show him to be the architect of the Trump investigation. Somebody is going to be in handcuffs before this is all over and it ain't gonna be Trump at least not until he is out of office.

And how about this little nugget. Lt. Colonel Vindman the darling of MSNBC ( oh how they fawned over this guy ) was once reprimanded by his superior Lt. Colonel Hickman for fraternizing with Russians using despairing language against Americans. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

oh my! a Ukrainian born American fraternizing with Russians!?!? isn't that ''treason"?

oh and since Steele is a limey isn't that collusion with a foreign asset/nation to influence US elections?



dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And how about this little nugget. Lt. Colonel Vindman the darling of MSNBC ( oh how they fawned over this guy ) was once reprimanded by his superior Lt. Colonel Hickman for fraternizing with Russians using despairing language against Americans. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

the reprimand was verbal. theres no paper document of it that's only because Vindman wasn't under his command.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Hill ,Hum still more OPINIONS and I THINK ,,,,,,,,,