TSA Threatens To Cancel All Flights Out Of Texas If ‘Groping Bill’ Passed

And you have the comprehension of an amoeba. Iaintliein quoted me. I wasn't for TSA then, nor now. I only point out the hypocrisy of some, which would include you. You seem not to mind sending our troops in harms way for false security yet bitch and moan when your scardy pants mentality has you waiting at the airport. Get with the reading program gnad , before you get demoted to Marshall status! Originally Posted by WTF
HA! I know who iaintlien responded to. BTW, not every post is totally about you! Must of touched an ego nerve!

But now that you mention it: I don't think sending our troops in "harms way" resulted in a false sense of security. Since sending the troops abroad post 9/11 we've had increased security that has resulted in zero major attacks on US soil. Or am I twisting your words?
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  • WTF
  • 05-27-2011, 04:50 PM
But now that you mention it: I don't think sending our troops in "harms way" resulted in a false sense of security. Since sending the troops abroad post 9/11 we've had increased security that has resulted in zero major attacks on US soil. Or am I twisting your words? Originally Posted by gnadfly
How do you know we would not have had no , notta , zero , attacks on our soil before you soiled your panties.....had we just place those troops at our own border?

Here is one of the differences between you and I. I was no more scared on 9/12 than I was on 9/10. Not that I am some brave soul but the numbers say my chances were better being hit by lighting than some bogey man terrorist. That did not scare me. Sorry it did you.

I sure as hell did not want to spend what I knew we were about to spend.

We had nuke's back on 9/12 2001 if my memory serves me. I would have used one on Osama's know location. That would have been a whole lot cheaper and saved a shit pile more lives. At least one's on our side of the fence.

But you go ahead and keep crying about the deficit and preaching for tax cuts and wanting to increase defense spending and discussing my small, small , small ego and see how that works for ya.

HA! I know who iaintlien responded to. BTW, not every post is totally about you! Must of touched an ego nerve!
Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yea thats it. I have a huge ego, probably about as big as your weenie.
How do you know we would not have had no , notta , zero , attacks on our soil before you soiled your panties.....had we just place those troops at our own border?

Here is one of the differences between you and I. I was no more scared on 9/12 than I was on 9/10. Not that I am some brave soul but the numbers say my chances were better being hit by lighting than some bogey man terrorist. That did not scare me. Sorry it did you. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF playbook play #1: Create an argument and assign it to your "attacker".

Sorry to hear you soiled yourself and you are pathetic enough to project it on me.

We had an attack on 9/11. President Bush and a lot of brave men and women took action after that by. It involved a lot of sacrifice and I'm grateful. Since 9/11, as a result of their self-less acts, we Americans have not suffered a major attack (discounting the Ft. Hood Shooter). I will be praising them this Monday. I'm sorry, but not surprised, that you won't be joining me.

BTW, it may surprise you to know that 9/11 was the SECOND attack on the WTC. So lightening did "strike twice."

We had nuke's back on 9/12 2001 if my memory serves me. I would have used one on Osama's know location. That would have been a whole lot cheaper and saved a shit pile more lives. At least one's on our side of the fence. Originally Posted by WTF
Interesting. Please provide me your ASPD.net post (they still have them on ERAPS) were you state your preferred use of nukes.

But you go ahead and keep crying about the deficit and preaching for tax cuts and wanting to increase defense spending and discussing my small, small , small ego and see how that works for ya. Originally Posted by WTF
I quoted Iaintlien, not you. You jumped in saying I was addressing you. Are you the head of Southwest airlines?

WTF playbook play #1: Create an argument and assign it to your "attacker".

Where did say anything in this thread about increasing defense spending?

BTW, your ego isn't small, Mr. Reading Comprehension. PJ is correct although "muddle headed" doesn't begin to cover it.

Yea thats it. I have a huge ego, probably about as big as your weenie. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF playbook play #7: Homosexual or small penis remark
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  • WTF
  • 05-27-2011, 06:43 PM
WTF playbook play #1: Create an argument and assign it to your "attacker".

Sorry to hear you soiled yourself and you are pathetic enough to project it on me.
Originally Posted by gnadfly
Speaking of touching a nerve, you sure seem to have gotten your panties in a wad.

We had an attack on 9/11. President Bush and a lot of brave men and women took action after that by. It involved a lot of sacrifice and I'm grateful. Since 9/11, as a result of their self-less acts, we Americans have not suffered a major attack (discounting the Ft. Hood Shooter). Originally Posted by gnadfly
Wow. Thanks for that profound history lesson.

Do you know for a fact that this war in Iraq prevented an attack. Where is your evidence?

You at least admit that the war in Iraq sparked Fort Hood. Will you admit that we have lost over 4k dead and thousands maimed. All to make folks like you feel safe. Yet when you have to give up some of your time at the airport , then you start bitching!

I will be praising them this Monday. I'm sorry, but not surprised, that you won't be joining me.

Originally Posted by gnadfly
I have no idea where you will be and I know you have no idea where I will be. So quit projecting WTF I will be doing.

Have you seen the Pat Tillman story? I did not think so. See that and get back with me.

BTW, it may surprise you to know that 9/11 was the SECOND attack on the WTC. So lightening did "strike twice."
Originally Posted by gnadfly
You do realize that we have spent upwards to two Trillion dollar 4k plus soldiers lives and hundreds of thousands long term injuries all to save , what another 3k lives.

Who is the selfish one here? You or me? I am willing to take the chance of another attack for that trade off. Our soldiers at home guarding our borders and trillions of dollars in the bank. You want to send our military in harms way to make yourself feel better. You better be kissing some soldiers ass monday.

Interesting. Please provide me your ASPD.net post (they still have them on ERAPS) were you state your preferred use of nukes.
Originally Posted by gnadfly
Go find them yourself. My ego is not such that I have to prove a damn thing to you. I know WTF I posted and the shit I took for posting it. You want me to look it up put some real money on it.

I quoted Iaintlien, not you. You jumped in saying I was addressing you. Are you the head of Southwest airlines?
Originally Posted by gnadfly
You quoted Iaintliein wha had quoted me. Not rocket science here.

Where did say anything in this thread about increasing defense spending? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Thats what wars do you know. You think that damn war was a good idea then you sure as held musta known you were for increasing Defense spending. Unless of course you think it a good idea to start a war and then decrease Defense spending.

Shit...if I say I like Ms USA to have my baby, it means I wanna fuc her. Do I really have to explain this shit for you?

BTW, your ego isn't small, Mr. Reading Comprehension. PJ is correct although "muddle headed" doesn't begin to cover it. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Are you trying to tells us you have a big weiner? Just spit it out if so.

WTF playbook play #7: Homosexual or small penis remark Originally Posted by gnadfly
My playbook was that I do not care to waste money. That includes wars just as much as TSA screeners. Obama should be kicked in his MF'n nuts for expanding that shit in Afganastan!

Also given a choice between sending troops over there or standing in line at the airport a little longer I'd choose the later.

No quit being so sensitive in these discussions.
I'm looking at the horse and he does appear to be quite dead.