whats wrong with safe sex??

gimme_that's Avatar
Herpes no because of the failure of condoms to mitigate the risk and its transmission via skin to skin contact. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
You caught me after I deleted the herpes part. Obviously herpes and covering would be a no go.

But my point also is.......when it comes too sex if a provider knowingly had HIV I wouldn't be seeking GFE servicees either. I wouldn't seek any services from her. Since we don't know either way.....we are all kinda winging it......whether yu get tested regularly or not.

If I was worried and overly preoccupied in my mind I would be possibly infected Id either do no uncovered service period to iinclude no kissing cuddling or toouching and no daty.......or I wouldn't hobby at all.
Cpalmson's Avatar
For those ladies who are ADAMANT about only CBJs, I hope your price point reflects this reality. I prefer BBBJs. With everything being equal, I will see a girl who offers BBBJs. For me to see a girl who only does CBJs, she needs to have a price point at least 100 below the local rate, or she needs to be certifiably Playboy material in terms of looks, or she needs to offer other verifiable services (i.e. clock free date, extended date, Greek, etc) that make up for no BBBJ.
gimme_that's Avatar
For me to see a girl who only does CBJs, she needs to have a price point at least 100 below the local rate Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Or she can raise her rates to account for those guys they say who prefer CBJ only girls. Lower rate or not I won't see a lady who does CBJ. Unless of course she was drop dead gorgeous and flawless. Usually the rates dontt match the services offered though.......
`flip's Avatar
  • `flip
  • 02-15-2014, 07:43 PM
You can only offer what you feel comfortable with and then the men who are ok with that arrangement will see you. I do not offer bb intercourse.. I have had people ask and I just block them. That's my choice so that is what I do. Originally Posted by Alyssa Vegas
Yeah that I agree with BBFS is like Russian Roulette, and if I knew a lady was offering those services I would steer clear at all cost. As far as BBBJ and DATY not so concerned and do prefer it, I’ve been playing in the hobby of sorts for a long time and have never run into any issues. Stay informed get tested have fun. All this talk about risk, FFS you could get run over by a dump truck walking out to check your mail unfortunately risk is a part of life. It all comes down to what you comfortable with…
Just do your thing and ignore those who criticize CBJ. You won't change their minds, and they likely won't change yours. The debate is a waste of time.

While I'm here, ignore definitions of GFE, GFE-light, etc. There are multiple definitions for each. At this point, GFE is just a marketing term. When someone provides the definition of GFE or GFE-light keep in mind it is their definition.
Not to get clinical since it's not my area of expertise, but the mouth has many more defenses than other body orifices. Perhaps a medical person can chime in.
BigBaldBlk's Avatar
Just do your thing and ignore those who criticize CBJ. You won't change their minds, and they likely won't change yours. The debate is a waste of time...Well said! Originally Posted by emptywallet
To the OP, I always say it's the ladies body, their rules! She should always feel comfortable with her menu despite the perception it may be limited as seen by the masses.

As a hobbyist, I get to vote with my dollars. If I want to see a lady (and I've seen plenty who offer CBJ only), I'll see them. You as a provider cannot be upset with gents for a service you don't provide. We are all three times seven plus, and as an Adult, we get to make Adult decisions. Part of those decisions is living with the consequences!