Hey JD. Our Gun Shows are Gun-free Zones

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well there is a class you take and must pass satisfactory in the areas of Gun Safety, Basic Marksmanship and the Laws in your state in respect to gun ownership and the carrying of a concealed weapon. That's all very basic stuff it's up to the individual to continue his or her formal training if one really desires to become proficient. I've stated this before standing in front of a paper target hitting the center will not guarantee you'll fare well in an actual fire fight. You must take courses designed for that cause. If you train under stress you'll function much better under stress. Unfortunately most CHL carriers have the bare minimum training.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jim, I agree with everything you have said. I'm sure others will disagree with everything you've said.
Save face??? From you?? I've proven you consistently wrong in about every thread in which we've both participated.

I still think it the whole thing is comical, as do several others. The majority of people can't carry a loaded gun into a gun show. Sorry if you don't see the irony in that. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

About as ironic as not having to show a drivers license to vote... The federal law makes the rules on gun shows.
Jim, I agree with everything you have said. I'm sure others will disagree with everything you've said. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You're probably right, others will disagree but that's alright.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're probably right, others will disagree but that's alright.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I disagree. I think everyone will agree with Jim. I hate to be disagreeable about agreement, but this is important, don't you agree?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Jim, I agree with everything you have said. I'm sure others will disagree with everything you've said. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Funny, sounds like the same sort of training that I had but I go further. I get winded with your hands shaking from stress and then I shoot.

I guess you're wrong speedie.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Funny, sounds like the same sort of training that I had but I go further. I get winded with your hands shaking from stress and then I shoot.

I guess you're wrong speedie. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If you say so. You are always correct.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I disagree. I think everyone will agree with Jim. I hate to be disagreeable about agreement, but this is important, don't you agree? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I most certainly agree to whatever you just said. LOL.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So we all agree that you were wrong on this. (this is supposed to be humor?)
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So we all agree that you were wrong on this. (this is supposed to be humor?) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No. Not at all. You have absolutely no idea what my mindset was when I made the original statement. I had just learned about the limitations and found
them to be absolutely hilarious. The odds of meeting armed resistance is greater at Walmarts than it is at a gun show. If you want to make the assumption that my statement was not made in fun then that is fine by me.

Gun and Knife Show Rules
1.All guns must be unloaded, tied and the magazines removed.
2.All ammo must be in sealed containers.
3.No loaded magazines allowed in the show.

Simply can't trust those people carrying guns, even at a gun show. If the irony in those rules don't make you laugh out loud, nothing will.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
THis is right up there with the universal provider quote, "if it's not me, it's free!" If it's not her then how does she get you a free one?

We're actually laughing at how little you know about something you post so often about. We don't even think about gun show rules anymore. See where that makes you the punch line?

You're kind of like that GEICO ad where a guy is surprised that he can save money in 15 minutes. We know already.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
THis is right up there with the universal provider quote, "if it's not me, it's free!" If it's not her then how does she get you a free one?

We're actually laughing at how little you know about something you post so often about. We don't even think about gun show rules anymore. See where that makes you the punch line?

You're kind of like that GEICO ad where a guy is surprised that he can save money in 15 minutes. We know already. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Let's see. How many times have you proven me wrong on any subject? One comes to mind. My knowledge of an M-16 and whether or not it can be altered to become a semi-automatic weapon instead of an automatic weapon. I'm not totally convinced it can't be easily done but I'll bow to your obvious superior knowledge on such weapons and their capabilities. And how many times have I proven you wrong on any subjects? Some that quickly come to mind from very recent threads:

1. You stated that James Holmes picked the movie theater he did in Aurora,Co. because it was a gun free zone. WRONG.
2. You stated that others that have committed mass murders in school gun free zones did so because they were designated gun free zones. More than likely WRONG. Each killer (or killers in Columbine) was closely connected to the schools.
3. You stated that I supported further gun control and then after looking over my posts came to the conclusion you were WRONG.
4. You stated that Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, and Mario Cuomo and others supported a total ban on guns. WRONG.

There are also a number of statements you have made as absolutes which are very debatable. More guns on the streets leads to less crime. Gun free zones are not effective. And then there are your statements on race coming into play as a reason why the U.S. homicide rate is so high.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-07-2014, 09:29 AM

Unless JD has a stomach full of Seamen's semen, he can't think straight.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let's see. How many times have you proven me wrong on any subject? One comes to mind. My knowledge of an M-16 and whether or not it can be altered to become a semi-automatic weapon instead of an automatic weapon. I'm not totally convinced it can't be easily done but I'll bow to your obvious superior knowledge on such weapons and their capabilities. And how many times have I proven you wrong on any subjects? Some that quickly come to mind from very recent threads:

1. You stated that James Holmes picked the movie theater he did in Aurora,Co. because it was a gun free zone. WRONG.
2. You stated that others that have committed mass murders in school gun free zones did so because they were designated gun free zones. More than likely WRONG. Each killer (or killers in Columbine) was closely connected to the schools.
3. You stated that I supported further gun control and then after looking over my posts came to the conclusion you were WRONG.
4. You stated that Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, and Mario Cuomo and others supported a total ban on guns. WRONG.

There are also a number of statements you have made as absolutes which are very debatable. More guns on the streets leads to less crime. Gun free zones are not effective. And then there are your statements on race coming into play as a reason why the U.S. homicide rate is so high. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Okay, lets really set the record straight. Convert a M-16 to semiautomatic? A M-16 is produced as an fully automatic/select fire weapon. Why would anyone want to downgrade it to a semiautomatic? An AR-15 is produced as a SEMIAUTOMATIC weapon and can be upgraded to a fully automatic weapon. You have it ass backwards.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Why did James Holmes choose that theater? You said that I'm wrong so what is the real reason (according to you) and can you show a citation? Otherwise it is speculation on both our parts. Why did he pass up on other theaters and go to that one instead.

Close connections in most of the school shootings? From what has been reported out of Newtown (which seems to the shining example) the shooter did not go to that school and his mother did not work at that school. It was proximity only.

What was the connection to Gabby Giffords with her shooter? There was none. Just a target of opportunity.

How about Glenn Miller and the Jewish Community Center? There was no connection.

The several mall shooters? Most ot them had not worked at or got fired from the malls. They were just close by.

Yes, there are obviously cases were some people had a personal interest in their own work places or schools. They usually started with specific individuals (like Columbine) and worked outwards from there. So in many other cases someone will go into an office shoot one particular person and maybe a spouse and the shooting stops with either surrender or suicide. Those happen much more frequently but we don't pay much attention to them.

Finally, those individuals that you named have gone on record (and links were posted) calling for or having a desire to see a total ban on guns.

As far as race goes, how many of the hundreds shot in Chicago in the psst few years were black? Ratio? I did a regression analysis on murder and violent crime in the 60 largest cities in the US and found that race more than anything had some correlation with the incidence of shootings. Why? I don't know but it was there in pretty stark numbers. Show me your research on why that is NOT true.
boardman's Avatar
John Lott, More Guns Less Crime...
I have read the entire thread, and the reason Gun Shows have this policy is because they know that there is a faction in this Country, (and the World), that would strip us of our Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms, and will use any means possible to achieve this goal.

Common sense dictates that any accident at a Gun Show would be golden fodder for those who wish this. So the best policy is, don't take a chance.

I know the man who coordinates the High Caliber Gun Shows in Texas. He has told me that this would be their policy even if there were no laws governing such activity.

Now, wasn't that simple?