Bloomberg 2020

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Apologies, getting older and prone to fuzzy memories, tell me again how that plan work out on Nov 8, 2016?

The Trump campaign team outworked the Clinton campaign team in 2016. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

And that is partly how it is done. Also helps to have a "likeable" candidate. One could make the rational case that the candidate should be able to show a track record of positive results. I dunno, maybe things like record low unemployment numbers, stellar job growth, sensible GDP growth, great trade deals and things like that. As opposed to old-tired Hillbaggies accomplishments of - hmmm... can't think of a one.
Dev Null's Avatar
Typical leftist-socialist I s'pose. Against until it he was all-in for it. Honestly, loads of politicians of all stripe act like that.

What we need is a President who speaks their mind, does what they say they would do and delivers supreme results. Oh wait! We got that now... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Guess you didn't see this one:

Did Trump Say ‘We’re Going to Take the Firearms First and Then Go to Court’?

It was a correct attribution. So it turns out that he is in favor of taking people's guns away without due process.

Well, at least when he's not sucking the NRA's dicks.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Guess you didn't see this one: Originally Posted by Dev Null

Reason I didn't see it is I do not look there - ever, unless you count:
Sure he withheld US $$ for a quid pro quo, but not for his son.
Yes the photo is real and creepy looking, but if you look at the whole picture, which we do not provide, it might look less creepy??
Ukraine was NOT the biggest donor to the Clinton Global Initiative, *cough* slush fund *cough*. But former politicians (Victor Pinchuk) from Ukraine and quasi-oligarks from Ukraine were.

You gonna believe Snopes or your own lieing eyes?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Apologies, getting older and prone to fuzzy memories, tell me again how that plan work out on Nov 8, 2016?

And that is partly how it is done. Also helps to have a "likeable" candidate. One could make the rational case that the candidate should be able to show a track record of positive results. I dunno, maybe things like record low unemployment numbers, stellar job growth, sensible GDP growth, great trade deals and things like that. As opposed to old-tired Hillbaggies accomplishments of - hmmm... can't think of a one. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The one and ONLY positive Trump supporters can brag about is the economy. When Trump took office the unemployment rate was 4.65. Now it is 3.5%. So it has come down 1.1% in 3 years.

Job growth continues to follow the increases seen under Obama. Actually lower.

Great trade deals? lol. Tell me the advantages of USMCA over NAFTA. Some improvements but no game changers. And products such as car parts and automobiles will cost more. The new trade "deal" with China will bring soy bean purchases by China back to the level they were before tariffs. And we still have those tariffs on Chinese goods costing us each day. Again, not a major game changer.

GDP growth was supposed to be 3.0% plus with the massive giveaways given to corporations. Trump even predicted 4+. Instead, 2019 GDP is estimated to come in at 2.2-2.3% and 4Q 2019 GDP may be under 2.0%.

And then we look at the negatives:

Nothing done or even proposed by Trump/Republicans to improve healthcare.

His handling of immigration issues is mixed with an equal number approving and disapproving.

His approval rate on foreign policy is very negative. Our most loyal allies in the past are now negative towards us.

Trump's approval rating on race relations is at 33%. More than 8 in 10 African-Americans consider Trump racist. The only religious group that supports Trump are Evangelical Christians.

So yes, the economy is is good shape and is an important factor in the minds of voters. And Trump is in good shape here. However, voters do not voted based on a single issue and once you get past the economy, Trump has failed.
Dev Null's Avatar
Reason I didn't see it is I do not look there - ever, unless you count:
Sure he withheld US $$ for a quid pro quo, but not for his son.
Yes the photo is real and creepy looking, but if you look at the whole picture, which we do not provide, it might look less creepy??
Ukraine was NOT the biggest donor to the Clinton Global Initiative, *cough* slush fund *cough*. But former politicians (Victor Pinchuk) from Ukraine and quasi-oligarks from Ukraine were.

You gonna believe Snopes or your own lieing eyes? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The Snopes articles speak for themselves. Your commentary on them is based purely on innuendo and reading miscomprehension.

To wit:

1) The money was in the form of U.S. loan guarantees from the IMF, and it was withheld to promote anti-corruption in Ukraine. It was not military aid required by law to be delivered to Ukraine on schedule, and it was not held up to pressure a foreign government to fling shit at a political rival in a U.S. election.

2) Biden was comforting his grandson at the funeral of Beau Biden, the boy's father, in the doctored photo. If you find that creepy, then you must have some serious empathy issues. Personally, I find it creepy that someone would use such a personal moment, a child's grief at the death of his father, as political ammunition.

3) Victor Pinchuk is a wealthy Ukranian oligarch and philanthropist who has not been accused of or implicated in any wrongdoing. The Clinton Foundation's charitable goals were on the level, and the Clintons didn't use their non-profit as a slush-fund to finance their political ambitions like the Trump Foundation did. The Clinton Foundation has been cleared of all allegations of misconduct and is still in operation, while the Trump Foundation was shut down due to persistent illegal conduct by Trump and his adult children.

Hopefully someday you will rise above the bullshit conspiracy theories that you revel in and emerge from the fog of ignorance and dishonesty.
pleasurem's Avatar
Well, you are an idiot if you think the Government can do anything right, less Government is the only answer... that’s not Dems!!!
If you think Biden has clean hands than I have beach front property in Arizona to sell ya. Anyone with common fucking sense can see there is some shady shit there. And it occurred when he was VP. Biden is just plain creepy. But I do admire your dedication to live on the democratic plantation. Go for it.

The Snopes articles speak for themselves. Your commentary on them is based purely on innuendo and reading miscomprehension.

To wit:

1) The money was in the form of U.S. loan guarantees from the IMF, and it was withheld to promote anti-corruption in Ukraine. It was not military aid required by law to be delivered to Ukraine on schedule, and it was not held up to pressure a foreign government to fling shit at a political rival in a U.S. election.

2) Biden was comforting his grandson at the funeral of Beau Biden, the boy's father, in the doctored photo. If you find that creepy, then you must have some serious empathy issues. Personally, I find it creepy that someone would use such a personal moment, a child's grief at the death of his father, as political ammunition.

3) Victor Pinchuk is a wealthy Ukranian oligarch and philanthropist who has not been accused of or implicated in any wrongdoing. The Clinton Foundation's charitable goals were on the level, and the Clintons didn't use their non-profit as a slush-fund to finance their political ambitions like the Trump Foundation did. The Clinton Foundation has been cleared of all allegations of misconduct and is still in operation, while the Trump Foundation was shut down due to persistent illegal conduct by Trump and his adult children.

Hopefully someday you will rise above the bullshit conspiracy theories that you revel in and emerge from the fog of ignorance and dishonesty. Originally Posted by Dev Null
Agent220's Avatar
Well, you are an idiot if you think the Government can do anything right, less Government is the only answer... that’s not Dems!!! Originally Posted by pleasurem
You need some government. We've seen corporations and businesses not act right when there is a lack of oversight and high levels execs choose to put their ethics to the wayside for the dollar.

If you think Biden has clean hands than I have beach front property in Arizona to sell ya. Anyone with common fucking sense can see there is some shady shit there. And it occurred when he was VP. Biden is just plain creepy. But I do admire your dedication to live on the democratic plantation. Go for it. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I gotta agree with her on this one. Biden and Trump all gotta go.
Dev Null's Avatar
If you think Biden has clean hands than I have beach front property in Arizona to sell ya. Anyone with common fucking sense can see there is some shady shit there. And it occurred when he was VP. Biden is just plain creepy. But I do admire your dedication to live on the democratic plantation. Go for it. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
That's pretty much the standard-issue batshit-crazy conspiracy-theory line being spread by right-wing shills, but anyone who cares about the facts knows this:

There is no evidence that the Biden's engaged in wrongdoing in Ukraine, and there is plenty of evidence that the POTUS used this same argument as justification for breaking the law and pressuring a foreign government into helping him rig a U.S. election.

"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by the age of eighteen." - I think Albert Einstein said that.

"Common sense is a rhetorical device used to gaslight people in the absence of any credible and compelling evidence." - I said that.
Precious_b's Avatar
If you think Biden has clean hands than I have beach front property in Arizona to sell ya. Anyone with common fucking sense can see there is some shady shit there. And it occurred when he was VP. Biden is just plain creepy. But I do admire your dedication to live on the democratic plantation. Go for it. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Republicans had eight years to put forth evidence of it.
If they just would have changed their strategy from being the party of No and actually got their stuff together they could have done something. Instead, like you, they cry about stuff from over a decade ago.

*pb wonders if a sitting VP can be impeached*

Ellen, does it become you to act like the whiny liberals you keep claiming they are?

I'll post this so as you can use it as a primer

No one , except maybe George Will, David Brooks, Stiglitz (Novel economist, cant' remember his first name), hates Truppit more than I do, but , you gotta' admit, making 83000 dollars a month or what ever amount it was to sit on a board of directors of a business he knew virtually nothing about, is kind of fishy. I wish we knew more and I wish, to settle it once and for all, the Bidens would be more forthcoming.

But, even so, if Biden did commit a crime, does that give Trump the right to commit one?
Dev Null's Avatar
No one , except maybe George Will, David Brooks, Stiglitz (Novel economist, cant' remember his first name), hates Truppit more than I do, but , you gotta' admit, making 83000 dollars a month or what ever amount it was to sit on a board of directors of a business he knew virtually nothing about, is kind of fishy. I wish we knew more and I wish, to settle it once and for all, the Bidens would be more forthcoming.

But, even so, if Biden did commit a crime, does that give Trump the right to commit one? Originally Posted by stikiwikit
Hunter Biden actually had extensive experience in various businesses after receiving his law degree, including being on the board of directors of several companies. His first was an appointment by George W. Bush to the board of Amtrak, after serving as executive vice-president at MBNA.

The Obama administration was concerned about the appearance of a conflict of interest while he was serving on the board of Burisma, but Hunter was hired to help with corporate governance best practices, and certainly his high-profile name didn't hurt.

Again there is no evidence of wrongdoing. The same can't be said for Trump's adult children. Don Jr. was implicated in trying to solicit political help from Russia during the 2016 election, and Ivanka was granted patents in China on the same day as a high-profile meeting between Trump and Chinese president Xi Jinping.

Both Don Jr. and Ivanka were investigated for felony fraud for inflating numbers in real estate dealings, but it was decided not to prosecute after the D.A. was visited by a Trump attorney who had made a very generous donation to the D.A.'s election compaign.

No charges have been filed in any of these cases that I know of, but it's the height of hypocrisy for Trump to target the Bidens without evidence, especially when his own nepotism and conflicts of interest are on full display.

Trump is trying to deflect attention from his own family by attacking his political rival's family. That's not a crime, but soliciting aid from a foreign country towards that effort is very clearly illegal, not to mention abusive and corrupt.

Witness the president's national security advisor at the time, John Bolton. He spills the beans in his upcoming memoir, and he should definitely be called as a witness in the impeachment trial, if Republicans don't want to be known for whitewashing this crime:
Thanks for the clarification.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Normally, I would encourage someone to put down the crack pipe before engaging. But in your case, let me light that thing for ya...

The Snopes articles speak for themselves. Originally Posted by Dev Null
No. They speak, i.e. cover, for you and your ilk - and you let them

Your commentary on them is based purely on innuendo and reading miscomprehension Originally Posted by Dev Null
To wit:

1) So what you/they are saying is that Creepy Uncle Joe did not say that he would withhold the money unless the prosecutor was fired and that he was leaving in six hours?!? Roll the tape.

2) So what you/they are saying is that when you see an adult covering a child's mouth and speaking in their ear from behind - it is not creepy looking?!? Many a case has been decided on video evidence. Regardless of the backstory - the picture looks creepy.

3) So what you/they are saying is that the Clinton Foundation is not a pay for play operation and the CGI is just peachy-keeny, as well as Ukrainian oligarch's participation in both are altruistic and that the foundation's donations falling by about 90% and the shuttering of CGI just after Nov 8, 2016 are entirely unrelated? Notwithstanding, that neither the Foundation nor the Initiative have been charged or exonerated of anything to date.

Hopefully someday you will rise above the bullshit fake news and cover stories (pravda) that you copy-pasta mindlessly and emerge from the fog of ignorance and dishonesty by cleverly thinking for yourself. But I
Dev Null's Avatar
Weak arguments posed by weak-minded people who were stupid enough to get caught in their corrupt activities and are trying to deflect attention by means of sleight-of-hand and distraction.

These arguments have no merit and just make them look pathetic and desperate.