Hunter still swinging

VitaMan's Avatar
Not exactly. Hunter was crying about his past drug problems....then he wants blanket immunity from 2014 to 2020. The judge wasn't keen for that.
winn dixie's Avatar
Strategy. Who cares about a biased corrupted judge.
Hunter is winning
VitaMan's Avatar
Sorry you are just tossing out buzzwords and might as well be clickbait.

No reason to continue this thread, just wait for the final result in a few weeks.
winn dixie's Avatar
But but the nostradamases know who what when and how!
Non stop just cause folk dare to go after trumpf. Bigger picture. Think. Connect my dots. Time to move on from pettiness and govern.
Swamp protects itself.
Like most of these circus shows. Not much will come off this hunter fiasco.
I say the judge is playing politics at his bench
oilfieldace's Avatar
What dots? Trumps bad, Trumps bad, Trumps bad, endless . No dots there , just straight up TDS. Why all of a sudden is so important to govern? Pull up one post from the Trump years where you were bellowing about governing.

Are you aware what a over-site committee over sees? How about judicial committee. Unlike their opponents the current group has witnesses that aren’t second or third time information. Also actual crimes against this country has been committed , they aren’t trying to manufacture a crime. The entire country should be outrage over this treasonous fucking family. If we had a justice department, congress wouldn’t have to do their damn job. There are mountains of REAL information against this band of dickheads and you say cool just govern, again show one post where you showed your concern for governing 2016-2020. Those were actually witch hunts that failed badly. Vote these democrats out and let’s get the Biden crime syndicate in da big house
winn dixie's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
You can't pound away at Trump the way you did, and now all of a sudden say "let's govern."

Or are you channeling Rodney King "can't we all just get along."

You are looking more hypocritical than Jay Monahan.
winn dixie's Avatar
Ahhh but I can. We can drop these witch hunts. Come together and govern.
My opinion is the bidens have done very little. But trumpf needs to be in jail for what he's done.
Folk here just being contrary.
  • Vulva
  • 07-27-2023, 02:43 PM
Ahhh but I can. We can drop these witch hunts. Come together and govern.
My opinion is the bidens have done very little. But trumpf needs to be in jail for what he's done.
Folk here just being contrary. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I say Biden's go to prison NOW and we install Trump permanently.

Biden really fucked it all up and this shit is going to come to a stop.
  • Vulva
  • 07-27-2023, 04:19 PM
Ahhh but I can. We can drop these witch hunts. Come together and govern.
My opinion is the bidens have done very little. But trumpf needs to be in jail for what he's done.
Folk here just being contrary. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Nope. Waaay past that. Trump is not going to jail.

This time we are going after those that brought these false fake charges and they are going to prison.

oilfieldace's Avatar
If one can’t see what Biden has done, one isn’t looking. He could easily be convicted of Treason, given the continuing FACTS being released. In all honestly I don’t care if the POS goes to jail, I want him and his kind out of DC forever, then and only then will one see governing. Newt Gingrich and his crew type of governing. Leave Bill alone and let him get his dick sucked in the Oval Office just run the country the way the Republicans did in mid to the end of the 90’s
oilfieldace's Avatar
Hunter is in the driver's seat in control. Judge got greedy.
They gonna mess around and Hunter will walk clean. Hunter gonna clown these fools now.
Ohhhh so close.....snick
Big nothing burger 🍔 Originally Posted by winn dixie
Swinging and a missing I might add. 2 all beef patty real deal HUNGER BUSTER!!!
You can't pound away at Trump the way you did, and now all of a sudden say "let's govern."

Or are you channeling Rodney King "can't we all just get along."

You are looking more hypocritical than Jay Monahan. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... One of your BEST posts, Vita.
Fair-minded and to the point.

### Salty
oilfieldace's Avatar
Hunter is in the driver's seat in control. Judge got greedy.
They gonna mess around and Hunter will walk clean. Hunter gonna clown these fools now.
Ohhhh so close.....snick
Big nothing burger 🍔 Originally Posted by winn dixie
Is Charlotte a swinging too?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Come together to govern?!?
1) Whether or not it is clear to you; the founders went waaay out of their way to make a Central government as dysfunctional as possible. Think about it. Three separate branches of government, each serving different terms of office. Plus, the 4th estate, a free and fair press to keep an eye on the Mo-Fo SoBs. Do you believe we have a free and fair press? Do you believe we have freedom of speech, these days?

2) Does it even remotely seem like the Congress critters give a rat's pahtoot about our lives and well being? Here's a simple test to judge that answer: Compare their net worth at start of their time in office to the end of their time in office. Do the same for yourself. Same-same?

3) This is a Constitutional Republic. The people and the States are meant to be supreme - not a Feral government. I do not care a single whit if NYC wants to force all of their subjects to walk or drive EVs. Let them suck eggs for all I care. But if our local folk try that crappola, we can deal with them locally. Ya don't like what we do locally, stay where you are, we don't rightly give a chite.