Double standard

I was not bashing anyone else merely stating something, being a newbie I wanted input on what I'm to expect, not to get vilified by people on here, this board can really scare away newbies because of the Rudeness of some of its members, and I'm not talking of providers, I'm talking hobbyists.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I was not bashing anyone else merely stating something, being a newbie I wanted input on what I'm to expect, not to get vilified by people on here, this board can really scare away newbies because of the Rudeness of some of its members, and I'm not talking of providers, I'm talking hobbyists. Originally Posted by yankees927
Umm, yes you were bashing. Nearly every post you've made last couple days has done that.
And now you're also specifically bashing the guys.
Amusing, but perhaps that's a good idea, cause the gals will tear you apart.
Maybe you all should should read your own posts and see just how rude all of you come off to a newbie, you all are scary
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
You posted rude obnoxious posts against one of the fav gals in town and you didn't think folks would get upset at you?
You've toasted your handle all by yourself.
  • Luxie
  • 05-31-2016, 10:28 PM
Chances are if you suddenly get ghosted by a provider, it's because we've realized what a creep said person is. It's easier and safer for us to ignore said person then to poke the crazy by telling them we won't see them. Because all that'll happen is now we have some crazy dude trying to argue with us that he's not crazy. Such a headache. But yeah, you've burned this handle. Good luck... Lol.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
I say don't fix what isn't broken. I am the f ucker that keeps on going. I may be a dick and I am not saying that I'm not but Yankee you are coming off like a loser. And that is unbecoming. Being a dick is fun and harmless. The f uck do I care if people get their feelings hurt? And doesn't hurt my game at all.

My word of advice to you since I'm always giving people brutally honest opinions in my s hitty way. And don't take this the hard way. Losers get s hit. Stop being a loser. Guess what? The girls can be s hitty. Be a grown up and f uckin just walk away. Plenty of others to see. Better ones in fact. And to tell you the truth, it gets a bit boring. Haven't found anything worthwhile to pursue these days. Mainly wasted time and effort. Tired of that s hit and sounds like you are too. May be call it quits? I'd do that in your case since you sound pretty upset.
I appreciate that but I won't get scared off, I am not the bad guy every has portrayed me as, as a newbie, I guess I've made some mistakes but all those on this board who are perfect my props to you, if you've never done anything you might regret, my props to you, I am humbled by the vilification I've received, apologize I won't because I already see this board is very unforgiving, that's too bad, maybe one day someone will say, second chances are something everybody deserves in life, because without second chances most of us would probably be totally different people
MarandaMarie's Avatar
Newbie this, newbie that-You're all about the newbie life, aren't you? I seem to remember a certain someone, whom you claim not to be, ranting about me rejecting him on a public post. You may think you're being cunning but you're filling those SAME EXACT footsteps.
Fuck's sake. Who cares if she doesn't want to see you? MOVE ON! There are plenty of other women in this area who are available to meet. Best of luck to you of course. Just ignore her messages and move on, no need to make it a mid life crisis. She can't be one of your fave's if you've never seen her so don't waste your time getting butt hurt about it. She shouldn't have to explain herself to you either, especially if you made her feel uncomfortable. If you're as much as a newbie as you keep repeatedly saying, take a hint! You're the one ruining your reputation, not anyone else.
I appreciate that but I won't get scared off, I am not the bad guy every has portrayed me as, as a newbie, I guess I've made some mistakes but all those on this board who are perfect my props to you, if you've never done anything you might regret, my props to you, I am humbled by the vilification I've received, apologize I won't because I already see this board is very unforgiving, that's too bad, maybe one day someone will say, second chances are something everybody deserves in life, because without second chances most of us would probably be totally different people Originally Posted by yankees927
"Maybe you all should should read your own posts and see just how rude all of you come off to a newbie, you all are scary"

"I was not bashing anyone else merely stating something, being a newbie I wanted input on what I'm to expect, not to get vilified by people on here, this board can really scare away newbies because of the Rudeness of some of its members, and I'm not talking of providers, I'm talking hobby..."

I'm starting to feel like I'm in a pity party. If you're going to have a chorus, at least give us a funky hook....this is not the jam.
Danson&Highsmith's Avatar
I love a good call out thread especially when I drink

Since it's GoT season, I present some informational threads for you all

Words to live by. But in case you wanted something more for your case

Be good to each other folks, stay safe, enjoy life. It's too short for anything else. Pick up the change or leave it on the ground, up to you.

And to all those hot ladies posting, How you doing?
A2theb2thec's Avatar
This guy must be Johnny's twin. F ucking retards abound. The only thing I'm wondering is this guy for real? Must suck to be him in RL. HAve to pity the fool. I mean really pity. He's going after low hanging fruit... and still can't quite reach them??

That is sad. You have my pity my horribly mentally disabled brother.

And for f uck's sake, everybody has been a f ucking newbie one time or another. We all came on here as adults... is there a child amongst us? That would be sick either way. f ucking egg Take the s hit like a f ucking man and don't act like such a s hit for brains.

Oh damn it. Playing into this s hit for brains game. Nobody can be that dense... NOBODY. Especially one who can write somewhat logically with big words. You sir are an enigma that I don't care to solve. You defy normal human logic. You are an abomination. And you know how people treat abominations. I can tell you not with kind words and thoughts. Be off with you sad beast.

F ucking silly. Too bad people are not feeding this troll or it would be a hoot. And I salute all you a holes for keeping yourselves under control... may be it isn't that hard. Not the right ammunition? Perhaps. Doesn't matter with enough time and effort it will happen. Well I can get my jollies over in Houston I guess. That's a s hithole worthy of calling home.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Amen!! Also, just wanted to say I absolutely LOVED your ad title!! Originally Posted by Emmie
Haha... thanks!!
Emmie's Avatar
  • Emmie
  • 06-01-2016, 07:22 AM
This guy must be Johnny's twin. F ucking retards abound. The only thing I'm wondering is this guy for real? Must suck to be him in RL. HAve to pity the fool. I mean really pity. He's going after low hanging fruit... and still can't quite reach them??

That is sad. You have my pity my horribly mentally disabled brother.

And for f uck's sake, everybody has been a f ucking newbie one time or another. We all came on here as adults... is there a child amongst us? That would be sick either way. f ucking egg Take the s hit like a f ucking man and don't act like such a s hit for brains.

Oh damn it. Playing into this s hit for brains game. Nobody can be that dense... NOBODY. Especially one who can write somewhat logically with big words. You sir are an enigma that I don't care to solve. You defy normal human logic. You are an abomination. And you know how people treat abominations. I can tell you not with kind words and thoughts. Be off with you sad beast.

F ucking silly. Too bad people are not feeding this troll or it would be a hoot. And I salute all you a holes for keeping yourselves under control... may be it isn't that hard. Not the right ammunition? Perhaps. Doesn't matter with enough time and effort it will happen. Well I can get my jollies over in Houston I guess. That's a s hithole worthy of calling home. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
Oh Fritz its so nice to see that you got your handle back!! FYI, you've already burned this with all of the ladies as we all know it is you. However, since you want to call me low hanging fruit you certainly didn't think that when you were stalking my ass. Now, move on little troll because NOBODY wants you around.
Oh Fritz its so nice to see that you got your handle back!! FYI, you've already burned this with all of the ladies as we all know it is you. However, since you want to call me low hanging fruit you certainly didn't think that when you were stalking my ass. Now, move on little troll because NOBODY wants you around. Originally Posted by Emmie

Nice job Emmie
Newbie this, newbie that-You're all about the newbie life, aren't you? I seem to remember a certain someone, whom you claim not to be, ranting about me rejecting him on a public post. You may think you're being cunning but you're filling those SAME EXACT footsteps.
Fuck's sake. Who cares if she doesn't want to see you? MOVE ON! There are plenty of other women in this area who are available to meet. Best of luck to you of course. Just ignore her messages and move on, no need to make it a mid life crisis. She can't be one of your fave's if you've never seen her so don't waste your time getting butt hurt about it. She shouldn't have to explain herself to you either, especially if you made her feel uncomfortable. If you're as much as a newbie as you keep repeatedly saying, take a hint! You're the one ruining your reputation, not anyone else. Originally Posted by MarandaMarie

Marry Me?