The FINAL DAYS of Glenn Beck

"The Media Research Center (MRC) is a conservative content analysis organization based in Alexandria, Virginia, founded in 1987 by conservative activist L. Brent Bozell III. Its stated mission is "to bring balance to the news media"

Bah Ha Ha, He He He, Ho Ho Ho. "Bring balance to the news media" my hiney! MRC is funded strictly by conservatives with the sole intent of undermining any mainstream media that might put conservatives in anything but a good light. Castle Rock, one of the main source of funds for MRC is run by Pete Coors. And if you happened to have read the Rolling Stone article I posted last week, you know he is the son of propaganda master Joseph Coors...Oh I'll just post the quote.

"In 1974, his notoriety from the Nixon campaign won him a job at Television News Incorporated, a new right-wing TV network that had launched under a deliberately misleading motto that Ailes would one day adopt as his own: "fair and balanced." TVN made no sense as a business. The project of archconservative brewing magnate Joseph Coors, the news service was designed to inject a far-right slant into local news broadcasts by providing news clips that stations could use without credit – and for a fraction of the true costs of production."

You're a day late and a dollar short I'm afraid. Try and keep up would you?

The real story is that those documents were given to Mapes by a member of the National Gaurd. Neither Rather nor Mapes have reason to believe they're not authentic and to this day and no one has suffieciently proven otherwise. The real story with well-documented and completely unbiased cited sources is here:

"No generally recognized document experts have positively authenticated the memos. Since CBS used only faxed and photocopied duplicates, authentication to professional standards is impossible, regardless of the provenance of the originals."

"Document experts have challenged the authenticity of the documents as photocopies of valid originals on a variety of grounds ranging from anachronisms of their typography, their quick reproducibility using modern technology, and to errors in their content and style.[119]"

"The CBS independent panel report did not specifically take up the question of whether the documents were forgeries, but retained a document expert, Peter Tytell, who concluded the documents used by CBS were most likely produced using modern technology.[120]
Tytell concluded ... that (i) the relevant portion of the Superscript Exemplar was produced on an Olympia manual typewriter, (ii) the Killian documents were not produced on an Olympia manual typewriter and (iii) the Killian documents were produced on a computer in Times New Roman typestyle [and that] the Killian documents were not produced on a typewriter in the early 1970s and therefore were not authentic."Dr. David Hailey, director of the Interactive Media Research Labs in the English Department of Utah State University has argued that the Killian documents were not in Times New Roman, and were produced on an unspecified typewriter, though he does not assert their authenticity.[121]"
Budman's Avatar
You mean he is the conservative of George Soros?

I think the real point is that no one has been able to prove they are authentic.
You mean he is the conservative of George Soros?

I think the real point is that no one has been able to prove they are authentic. Originally Posted by Budman
No. The real point is that trying to accuse Rather, Mapes or CBS of media bias over that story has no merit. They fired Rather and Mapes over it and as yet, the documents may very well be authentic. How exactly does that display CBS, Rather, or Mapes in a light of being biased in the least? I would think quite the opposite, given their concerns over it. Your MRC posting is a complete crock of shite, is nothing but opinion, and cites ZERO sources for their information.
Budman's Avatar
Here is the paragraph from the Wikipedia article you referenced. How much more proof do you need? The type used on the documents was not available on the military typewriters at the time. Three years later Rather was still claiming they were true. Are you really that much of a partisan that you will defend this shit.

Killian documents
Main article: Killian documents controversy
On September 8, 2004, Rather reported on 60 Minutes Wednesday that a series of memos critical of President George W. Bush's Texas Air National Guard service record had been discovered in the personal files of Lt. Bush's former commanding officer, Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian.[20] Once copies of the of the documents were made available on the internet, their authenticity was quickly called into question. Much of this was based on the fact that the documents were proportionally printed and displayed other modern typographic conventions unavailable on military typewriters of the 1970s. This led to claims that the memos were forgeries.[21] The accusations then spread over the following days into mainstream media outlets including The Washington Post,[22] The New York Times,[23] and the Chicago Sun-Times.[24]
Rather and CBS initially defended the story, insisting that the documents had been authenticated by experts.[25] CBS was contradicted by some of the experts it originally cited,[26] and later reported that its source for the documents – former Texas Army National Guard officer Lt. Col. Bill Burkett – had misled the network about how he had obtained them.[27]
On September 20, CBS retracted the story. Rather stated, "If I knew then what I know now, I would not have gone ahead with the story as it was aired, and I certainly would not have used the documents in question."[28] The controversy has been referred to by some as "Memogate" and "Rathergate."[29]
Following an investigation commissioned by CBS,[30][31][32] CBS fired story producer Mary Mapes and asked three other producers connected with the story to resign. Many believe Rather's retirement was hastened by this incident.[33] On Thursday, September 20, 2007, Rather was interviewed on Larry King Live commenting "Nobody has proved that they were fraudulent, much less a forgery. ... The truth of this story stands up to this day."[34]
In a 2010 issue of TV Guide, Rather's report was ranked #3 on a list of TV's ten biggest "blunders".[35]
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Rather isn't what this thread is about, though I do admit I find the repartee interesting. What does this have to do with Glenn Beck?

Except perhaps that Dan Rather was fired over a dispute over the authenticity of an expose about GW Bush. Say what you will about the evidence surrounding the documentation, at least CBS felt it had grounds to take the action it did based on journalistic ethics.

I personally believe he got fucked, believe he was lied to by credible people and set up like a bowling pin. AND THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF IT.

Beck was fired because he chased off paying customers with his circus act. Kinda like a midway freak show attraction. Sponsors, more than 400 of them, got scared and ran away. They ran his blubbering ass off... TAE called him pathetic. I agree.

Rather was a stellar journalist and still is. I bet CBS would love to have him back.

I'd like to see Beck stand trial for slander and libel.
Here is the paragraph from the Wikipedia article you referenced. How much more proof do you need? The type used on the documents was not available on the military typewriters at the time. Three years later Rather was still claiming they were true. Are you really that much of a partisan that you will defend this shit. Originally Posted by Budman
Keep reading. No one to this day has been able to prove or deny it. Three seperate independent sources, three seperate answers. Regardless, you have to ask yourself, why would a Lt. Col. in the National Guard provide false documents? Further, why blame Rather? It's absurd! As far as I know and read, Rather and Mapes both still defend the documents as authentic. I have to say, from what I know and have read, I agree with Rather's assessment.
Budman's Avatar
Oralick brought Rather into this thread and I was pointing out that he is not necessarily an icon of truth. Sharp wants to defend Rather. Personally I think both Beck and Rather are lunatics that will say anything to advance their cause. They're just on different sides of the fence.
Oralick brought Rather into this thread and I was pointing out that he is not necessarily an icon of truth. Sharp wants to defend Rather. Personally I think both Beck and Rather are lunatics that will say anything to advance their cause. They're just on different sides of the fence. Originally Posted by Budman
Did you just compare Glenn Beck to Dan Rather? Oh my, you do have it bad don't ya?

His "cause"? Besides wanting to report the truth for the last 43 years, seven Peabody awards, and numerous Emmy wins and nominations...what do you suppose his cause is?

How many Peabody awards has Fox News ever been awarded? ZERO! In fact, has anyone at Fox been awarded any prestigious awards at any time for truth or excellence in their reporting? Good luck finding that, and if that's not proof that Fox News is not really news, I don't know what is.
Budman's Avatar
Damn Sharp. I can't figure out who you love more, Weiner or Rather.
He figured out a while ago that the Real Money (tm) is in Religion.

Dollar to a Donut he has a Megachurch within 5 years. Fleecing the congragation and not paying taxes... The Republican Dream.
Did you just compare Glenn Beck to Dan Rather? Originally Posted by F-Sharp
Comparing Dan Rather to Glenn Beck is about like comparing Brett Farve to David Carr! (They might have played in the same league but that is where the similarity ends!)

Rather and Farve both played QB for a team with a winning record for a number of years. Yes, they both had a few interceptions along the way. And they both played past their prime but you can't ignore the fact that they completed a lot of passes between the two of them!

On the other hand, Beck and Carr both made a boat load of money along the way but neither lived up to their potential! Now they are both lucky to be a back up QB for a losing team!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I was going to say that comparing Rather to Beck is like comparing a Rhodes Scholar to a Road Apple!

I am more shocked than they are at this comparison. NOPLACE BUT ECCIE!!!
oralick's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Some years ago, a member of the other board posted a "treatise" on the "dumbing down of ASPD." It dealt mostly with the resistance by so many members to post in proper English. I suppose the constant field-labor type vocabulary and disregard for the English language made him uncomfortable.

There was a lot of blowback. Not a lot of disagreement. Mostly hostility from those who thought it was cool to be dumb.

Such a thread may be in the offing again.

Social standards, levels of humanity, world citizenship ... these are values that many feel are necessary to living successfully in the 21st century. However, a large portion of the population revel in their ignorance, complain about their inability to succeed in 21st Century America, and blame it on those who have worked to rise to the top.

Read some of these posts. Tell me you aren't alarmed by the attitudes being promoted here. After all, we may be whoredogs, but we have enough money to go out and buy the happiness we aren't getting naturally. That would put us in the upper eschelon of income, education and training.

Doesn't that scare the living shit out of you?

Just sayin. Sometimes it's cool to be smart. Try it. Forget what side you're on and do something good for America that has nothing to do with tax cuts, driving out the Mexicans or shooting the queers.

Do something AMERICAN for your brother or sister.

If you don't feel better about that, then go join the Army!

Just sayin...
Budman's Avatar
You apparently don't know the difference between "Opinion Show" and "News". Beck is purely an opinion show. So you comparing him to Rather is disingenuous. You and others have a hard-on for Fox so you continually claim that everything they say is untrue and done to further their right wing agenda. Yet you refuse to see any left wing leanings from your networks of choice, CNN, ABC, CBS, NPR.....You bitch and moan about Ailes but have no problem with Soros.

Beck is a clown. I don't think anybody is arguing that point.