my only "bone' of contention is this.. so many threads have discussed this.. providers do not want to be asked explicit questions regarding avail activities / menu. often we are told if we ask such questions we will bw hung up on or refused a session. also sp often say reviewers often lie.. so if we cannot ask the question or believe the reviewer how do we book someone who provides the types of activities we enjoy without taking the old ymmv risk. if you only hobby once in a blue moon we don't wanna risk at the intense moment being told oh i don't do that when it is something we thought was ok.. just wondering. all your other points i agree with 100 percent
Originally Posted by petiteassman
I can kind of see your point, actually. And truthfully, I am one of those providers who will not see someone if they try to talk activities before meeting me. My answer may not be perfect, but lets not forget that the hobby has come a long way since the days of looking up an agency in a phone book and just hoping she's not crazy or hideous. First, research research, RESEARCH!

There must be three dozen reviews about me on this site alone. Read half a dozen of them and you can get a very good idea of what to expect from me, just by looking at the activities listed. You could also read my website to discover that I am much more centered around the experience and atmosphere than the acronyms. And finally, once you've done that, and made it to my boudoir, THEN you may ask about activities you are unsure of. Is it a teensy bit of a gamble? Yes. Is it worth it? I'd like to hope so, considering the huge gamble I take every time I meet one of you for the first time.

Again, this is modeled around me, specifically, but most ladies on this site have multiple reviews about them and a showcase or website.
As for the troll who insists on mucking up my threAD

, I appreciate the well intended responses, but lets just ignore him. Obviously he thrives on causing trouble, which is kind of sad, and I don't want it on my thread. Do me the favor of considering him what he is. The gum on the bottom of your shoe.