Islam is a CANCER

So, extrapolating from the original post, you consider all Abrahamic religions "a cancer?" Or do you agree with me that we should be doing the sensible thing of focusing on fanatics, rather than religions? Originally Posted by eatfibo
I consider ANY Religion that attempts to spread it's Dogma by murder, imprisonment, or any other type of violence toward those who do not believe as they do, to be an abomination.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I lean toward toward the view that all the Abrahamic religions are cancer, as are many others. They are control systems. Christianity had a chance at being beneficial, but then Constantine ordered the Bible, and chose what was to be included, and made it mandatory. It went downhill from there. I know it was a Council of some such, (Trent?) that organized the Bible, but it was at Constantine's command and for his purposes. Islam is just the most recent incarnation of fanatical, hate-filled religion. But most Muslims are like most Christians and Jews. If they they attend services, it's for the socializing. They aren't serious about it. Most want to see their families do well, their sports teams win, and enjoy a peaceful life. The cancer doesn't metastasize in all of them. Just a few. Most of them are harmless. Many are good, kind hearted folks. But there is language in all of them that can be used to incite a lunatic fringe.

you don't have a point have feelings Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
All I've done is take the logic of the OP - All of Islam is a problem because of the fanatics - and expand it - All Abrahamic religions are a problem because of fanatics.

So, really, you are criticizing the OP and everyone defending them for "having feelings," not me.
  • DSK
  • 02-24-2016, 04:37 PM
All I've done is take the logic of the OP - All of Islam is a problem because of the fanatics - and expand it - All Abrahamic religions are a problem because of fanatics.

So, really, you are criticizing the OP and everyone defending them for "having feelings," not me. Originally Posted by eatfibo
A huge percentage of Muslims believe it is a tenet of their religion to kill the infidels, and it is a part of their religious book.

Nowhere in the Christian New Testament does it say to go out and kill people, even idiots like Assup.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are the light, SLOBBRIN! The true prophet. And the first duly elected IOTY!
albundy's Avatar
All I've done is take the logic of the OP - All of Islam is a problem because of the fanatics - and expand it - All Abrahamic religions are a problem because of fanatics.
. Originally Posted by eatfibo
You're right!!! Just today, I saw videos of Christian zealots beheading Jews. I saw a group of them chanting about how I can't say anything negative about Jesus or I will have my head blown off. Those damn Abrahamic religious fanatics are out of control!

You're right! It's the same thing!
You're right!!! Just today, I saw videos of Christian zealots beheading Jews. I saw a group of them chanting about how I can't say anything negative about Jesus or I will have my head blown off. Those damn Abrahamic religious fanatics are out of control!

You're right! It's the same thing! Originally Posted by albundy
I think it's the Presbyterians. There's an old couple that lives in the same Condominium Complex as I do that I have a bad feeling about.

He wears a vest all the time. He says it's for back support. Yeh. Sure. The old guy and his bible toting wife are getting ready to blow us all up.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Jackie, please try to use proper English and spellcheck. It's hard to tell whether you're ignorant, intellectually challenged or just an asshole.
A huge percentage of Muslims believe it is a tenet of their religion to kill the infidels, and it is a part of their religious book. Originally Posted by DSK

Nowhere in the Christian New Testament does it say to go out and kill people, even idiots like Assup.
You must have never read Deuteronomy, which is the most quoted book by Jesus himself, that says that you should take anyone you found to be a non-believer and "stone that person to death." Granted, it is specific to within Israel. However, In Detueronomy 13, it says that you should kill ANYONE who tries to convert you to another religion.

The bible is incredibly violent, with god telling people to kill other people and killing them himself. You would know that if you had ever read it.

You're right!!! Just today, I saw videos of Christian zealots beheading Jews. I saw a group of them chanting about how I can't say anything negative about Jesus or I will have my head blown off. Those damn Abrahamic religious fanatics are out of control!

You're right! It's the same thing! Originally Posted by albundy
First and foremost, you are missing the point. The OP is using part of a whole to condemn the whole. I just used part of a whole to condemn the whole as well. I've done nothing different. Both positions are scooping up innocent people. You are cutting out an exception for a group you think should be considered innocent, while I am arguing that all innocent people should be carved out and considered innocent.

But you are also wrong. We have multiple examples of Christians killing people who disagree with them, right here in our country, in the name of their religion, in modern times. Why don't we hold these atrocities against all Christians?
  • DSK
  • 02-25-2016, 09:14 AM

You must have never read Deuteronomy, which is the most quoted book by Jesus himself, that says that you should take anyone you found to be a non-believer and "stone that person to death." Granted, it is specific to within Israel. However, In Detueronomy 13, it says that you should kill ANYONE who tries to convert you to another religion.

The bible is incredibly violent, with god telling people to kill other people and killing them himself. You would know that if you had ever read it.

First and foremost, you are missing the point. The OP is using part of a whole to condemn the whole. I just used part of a whole to condemn the whole as well. I've done nothing different. Both positions are scooping up innocent people. You are cutting out an exception for a group you think should be considered innocent, while I am arguing that all innocent people should be carved out and considered innocent.

But you are also wrong. We have multiple examples of Christians killing people who disagree with them, right here in our country, in the name of their religion, in modern times. Why don't we hold these atrocities against all Christians? Originally Posted by eatfibo
I said New Testament. Your citations are Old Testament - I know you know the difference between the Old and New Covenant.

Also, there is widespread condemnation by other Christians when anyone kills in the name of Christianity. Few Muslims condemn it when someone kills in the name of Islam, out of fear or silent approval.

BTW, some might say killing abortionists is in defense of a third person, the baby, and has nothing to do with Christianity.

The father and mother are responsible for the child, whether or not they want to abort it and society won't let them. You get a girl pregnant, you are responsible for the baby - not society.
I said New Testament. Your citations are Old Testament - I know you know the difference between the Old and New Covenant. Originally Posted by DSK
When was the last time you opened up a bible and the Old Testament wasn't included?

Also, there is widespread condemnation by other Christians when anyone kills in the name of Christianity. Few Muslims condemn it when someone kills in the name of Islam, out of fear or silent approval.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
When was the last time you opened up a bible and the Old Testament wasn't included? Originally Posted by eatfibo
Every time.

Mine doesn't have the "new" stuff...