I was in the wrong by transferring information from a provider only area to a coed forum. I don't regret it though.

In defense of the moderators, I have been pointed accordingly and I no longer have Verified Provider status, nor access to any of the provider only areas. I like ECCIE, regardless of the status underneath my handle.

In looking back, if I had it all to do over again, I don't think I would do anything differently.

The journey has taught me that not everyone will agree on anything. Which is kind of cool.

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;
...Forgive them anyway!

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
...Do good anyway!

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
...Succeed anyway!

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
...Be happy anyway!

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
...Do good anyway!

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
...Build anyway!

People really need help but may attack you if you help them.
...Help them anyway!

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
...But it was never between you and them anyway.
Double post
Good killed two birds with one stone got you out of private places you had no business being and got the horrible screening practices of hunny bunny out... Maybe the men will ask for you to get special access to the men's lounge so we can see if you will leak info for the women too or you just love to kiss the men's asses. Hmmmm??
noleftturn's Avatar
Bailey just curious, if a client had you come to his home for an outcall, and took your license number down before you left would it bother you?
With that number, people can obtain your real name, address, arrest record, and more. You could even be a victim of identity theft. Just too dangerous. I don't want my stuff all over the place.
I guess it would remain up to the moderators to determine if I ever resume access to the provider only areas. If in attempt to keep the ECCIE community safe they decide to refuse my access to such areas indefinitely, then that's what it'd be.

It's interesting that you mention kissing ass. I woke up from a dream last night that had me kissing ass. Primarily men, but on occasion there were women. I found myself biting and licking, applying pressure to the butt hole while sucking a throbbing cock, balls in my left and and holding the shaft with my right hand, a few times I found myself gagging, it was fun. Yeah, I liked licking pussy and pulling the hair of the women next to me, and as I watched cum drip from their pussies, their smiles told me they wanted more. Between the two, the pussy was fun but the third leg is what really did it for me.
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 08-20-2013, 04:22 PM
What I think would be most appropriate would be for PersianLilly to come here and explain herself to us. Afterall, she should "have her day in court" and the chance to defend herself. May not sway anyone one way or the other, and might be a lousy idea, but hey, I'm just trying to be fair.
Bailey just curious, if a client had you come to his home for an outcall, and took your license number down before you left would it bother you?
With that number, people can obtain your real name, address, arrest record, and more. You could even be a victim of identity theft. Just too dangerous. I don't want my stuff all over the place. Originally Posted by noleftturn
If I post something in a private forum I don't want her to leak it... I said I was glad it got out but it would have anyways if someone asked me to give them a refrence for her I'd inform them of her screening like mselena said there was better ways we were going to get it out somehow
You can't tell me that there wasn't a better way of getting this info out there without betraying the trust of other ladies who post in Infoshare. Am I glad its out there? Sure, but it shouldn't have happened the way it did.

As I said before, back channel the info folks. There's enough ladies who saw the original post in Infoshare who could've contacted a few of their clients to let them know. And lord knows there's enough guys on this board who are like wash women, it would've gotten around to everyone soon enough.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Okay, deleting my shitty post. I usually do a better job of filtering. I'll go back to my corner now.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Ditto. Originally Posted by KCSmutMonkey
Geez, that guy ^^^^^ needs to get laid...
First off, I would like to personally thank Pleasant Surprise for posting a very valid alert

Second, just like I said in Sins', WTF thread...had I gotten a totally rude and crude pic PM'ed to me, I don't care about Eccie guidelines...I would have done, what I felt was the right thing, and outed the guy directly to Sins.

IMO, this is another, right is right situation. Eccie guidelines do not trump doing the right thing in such critical areas such as this....I mean come on ladies!!!

As far as the providers, who are all butt hurt...thanks for showing me, that Eccie guidelines trump doing the right thing by potentially saving guys from giving up our privacy and discretion.

I will not put this at the same level as the ladies protecting their security and well being. But I will definitely place this as our #1 priority. And that would be miminizing our exposure and respecting our discretion. In this day and age, such information can be used to build all sort of IRL information, with very little time and effort.

We, as guys, deal with info such as ROS or M/L info being leaked out into the open all the time.

I tell the other guys....just deal with it, it is unfornuately a part of doing time on Eccie. Now I say the same to the ladies. No lady, other than the subject matter of this thread will experience any harm from the release of this info. I know this will not win me any brownie points...but that's not the purpose of this post. Welcome to the reality of Eccie....never assume anything, posted anywhere is completely safe. And yes, that does occasionally also include the powder room info.

This provider has shown a well documented trail of unpredictable anger, lack of stability and general total lack of understanding on how this hobby safely functions.

Now would any of the married guys, guys with high-profile jobs (like someone in the teaching profession...and you know who I am talking about) or just the rest of us guys who play in the hobby for pure fun....

Trust any relative stranger...much less someone who has proven themselves again and again as an extremely unstable or unpredictable provider with information that either she, or a possible scorn boyfriend could potential use, in a moment of anger, rage or jealousy? And I am not even touching on how such info could be used in the hands of LE!!

Again, thanks Pleasant Surprise for your attempt...and thanks to some of the other ladies, who have shown far more concern about Eccie guidelines, rather than sharing potential danger to the gentlemen how utilize your services. What was it that SG used to say...I'm making my list
Well said, VK! +1000

I am thankful and grateful that safety and discretion were the winners today!
bartipero's Avatar
Applause...applause. This edition of Allegory Theater is calmly brought to you by the NSA, Adrian Assaunge, Edward Snowden, and the Maloof Brothers. (Maloof Bro...!?--how...well, we'll cover that later.)

It's the same debate so such things do matter, I find myself somewhat in agreement with vk, but it's not 'rules were made to be broken' (and, yes, he didn't say that), but that there are exceptional occasions where it should happen and is acceptable.

The problem is that in the first instance the determination is made by a one person court, the review comes too late to reverse, and there may be better ways--but that doesn't change the importance of an exception, nor justify its condemnation. The concept of a Whistleblower is such an exception, but so is that of the "tattletale." It's a thin line we tread. If you find the answer tell the rest if us, but whisper it first. In the mean time congratulate yourselves on a solid discussion of it.
noleftturn's Avatar
Bailey, not to be rude but my question was not answered. A simple yes or no will be just fine.
Its not that the ladies didn't want the info out there or none of us were looking out for the guys, its how it was done. You guys do the same when its found out that locker room info was leaked.

No one deserves to have their info cataloged by a provider or hobbyist, but we all know it happens at some point. Some times we're made aware of it, other times we're not.