Leaving This World Behind

discreetgent's Avatar
Hey Eve, nice to see you.
nycflyer's Avatar
For the last couple of months I have had lots of thoughts and questions about leaving this business. For now I will stick to this one question.

To a potential employer, how do I account for the last few years that I haven't been working a real job? Originally Posted by Ansley
It's good that you're planning on this now as it will allow you to enter the "real world" on terms if/when you dictate. Better news is that due to the state of the economy for the last 18 months, there are many people who are seeking to start completely new careers.

As advice, I would recommend you do not state that you have been out of the work force due to a relationship, etc., it may send a message (although I don't necessarily agree with the premise) that you may not be up to speed on technology and trends. You will have to engage in a little creative license, but "build" a resume based on owning your own business, consultancy, etc. Based on what sector you are looking to get into, be sure to build/cleanse your Facebook and LinkedIn accounts as they may be asked for on an application.

Last thought, which goes through the mind of everyone seeking a career change. Remember you have the advantage of having a job, which means you can pursue something that interests you.

Always stay close to people who can give you positive guidance throughout the journey.
Tim the Enchanter's Avatar
Agree with most of the advice here, though I would be VERY careful about the amount of creative license used - many employers can terminate you at any time if they ever discover you falsified a resume.
If you go the "stay-at-home relationship" route you might consider a step-by-step approach, starting with a job which may not pay much but where questions won't be asked (e.g. restaurant suggestion) (presumably continuing your present "consulting" job part-time to help with bills). That then helps you with the next step.
Alternative approach of presenting a picture where you were trying to do your own business but just didn't work out / offer stability you wanted etc. may well be better but (a) have a clear story for why you can't give client references etc. and (b) perhaps you can discuss skills you developed that are relevant to the job you're applying for (e.g. dealing with difficult / unpleasant clients).
In either case strongly second suggestion of artfully turning the conversation from the past to the future i.e. what you can do for the employer.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Back to the original question, I think the simpler the answer the better. You might even combine a couple of the suggestions. "In a relationship and had a chance to take some time off to consider what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, etc." Stay positive about it, not defensive. Give you short explanation and go on like that's the most natural thing in the world.
Sisyphus's Avatar
For the last couple of months I have had lots of thoughts and questions about leaving this business. For now I will stick to this one question.

To a potential employer, how do I account for the last few years that I haven't been working a real job? Originally Posted by Ansley
In this day & age... all kinds of answers. You've already seen a fair amount of good ones. You could always use the investments-gone-south angle. Because I just can't get enough of the great John Riggins....

"I'm bored.
I'm broke.
I'm back."

Bon chance with the soul search.... and the job search!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-13-2010, 06:57 AM

To a potential employer, how do I account for the last few years that I haven't been working a real job? Originally Posted by Ansley
Great question Ans.

Here's the real deal, people in the so called 'Real World' love to help people that really want to help themselves. Keep asking questions like this and follow it up with action that is in line with your questions and be prepared for good things to happen.

The people that really want/can help a person , wait for that person to start helping themself first before extending a hand.

I hope that confused enough of ya!

Might just have to start a thread on the "Real World" Hookerdom, USofA. Anyone think MTV would byte on that reality show?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trt3WRBHl9M"]YouTube- Matchbox 20: Real World (lyrics)[/ame]

johnnybax's Avatar
I think what you say really depends on what field you're going into
Hey, Ans, as others have mentioned, you threw a curve ball at us. Without clicking on the thread I panicked thinking how would I slip away before you changed gears. Yikes. I may have to put you over my knee for a little spanking (not sure if that is punishment or not). Boy that could lead to some real fun.

Glad you are still here and hanging out. Eve, nice to meet you (in the cyber world sense).

I wanted to tell everybody thanks for your support, answers,and ideas. Like Eve mentioned it will be hard work and a lot of adjustments. I hear out there in the real world they don't much care if you are HDH or hourly.... cool.

Hi, NB. Have we met?
Originally Posted by Eve Hennessey
I am a fan of your writing from aspd. I was a lurker long before a poster.