Attorney says TPD subjected woman to 'police brutality' during DUI arrest (Warning Graphic video)

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  • CJ7
  • 09-11-2013, 03:02 PM
I'll keep saying it ... and it is not "siding with LE" ... just comply with the requests. It is in your best interests

thats about it.

nothing like a belly full of booze to help you forget who you're fucking with
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  • WTF
  • 09-11-2013, 03:38 PM
Was someone breaking her arm?

All she had to do was put her hands behind her back......

.. after she was removed from the car AND while she was on the ground. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Interesting , you did not mention the fact that they talked about lying about the fact that she said she would take a breath test at the station. Do you find that strange?

Do you find it strange that she complied with the officers request to handcuff her once and no doubt would have done so again without being thrown to the ground. This one officers temper got the best of him and he should be fired. Some folks are not cut out for what I consider a very tough job. I think there are bad apples in every field, you seem to think Cops are exempt from bad behavior. They in fact should be held to a higher standard than a drunk woman. His behavior is much worse than hers IMHO, he should have known better.
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  • WTF
  • 09-11-2013, 03:43 PM
I'll keep saying it ... and it is not "siding with LE" ... just comply with the requests. It is in your best interests

thats about it.

nothing like a belly full of booze to help you forget who you're fucking with Originally Posted by CJ7
That does not exempt Cops from bad behavior. Who know someone may have given her a roofie...but the point is the Cops should not lower their actions to that of a common criminal. People in power such as Cops should be fired for abusing it. This Cop abused his power.
][/U]But Officer Chris Ormerod’s police report described this incident this way: “West was placed on the ground where she began to thrash and kick wildly. West kicked me in the groin area and kicked officer Schmidt in the leg… West was placed in a thigh lock on the ground as I secured her hands. While handcuffing West’s hands, she continued to violently make attempts to grab for my groin area with her hands.” Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp;1053939840[U
#3: Her actions. If you full screen the video and look at the portion showing her after they removed her from the backseat ... you can see that she is turning on them as they try to recuff her ... she was locking her elbow and keeping her arm straight while turning ... she did that on the ground as well ... spreading her arms out to the side and locking them at the elbow .. they have to pull her arms then to get them behind her to secure the handcuffs. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Does it not disturb you that the officer's report is a complete lie?

Did you seen her thrash and kick wildly when she was on the ground? One cop was kneeling on her neck, his other leg was out past her head. Her legs were under the body of the other cop. so in that position, how could she possibly have kicked the one kneeling on her neck.

I heard her screaming and I saw her arm extended on the ground under the cop that was kneeling on her neck. But the copy said that "she continued to violently make attempts to grab for my groin area with her hands." Did you see her grabbing his groin?

When she hit the ground, the cops were immediately on top of her body, which was limp except for her arms. They pulled both of her arms behind her back in under 10 seconds - even if they were stiff.

Where was she kicking and thrashing? Does a stiff arm constitute thrashing in your book?

Have you ever NOT bent over backwards to give every cop every benefit of every doubt - even when they are clearly thugs?
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Have you ever NOT bent over backwards to give every cop every benefit of every doubt - even when they are clearly thugs? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Yes ... I have "NOT bent over backwards to give every cop every benefit of every doubt -"

Can you read what I have written?

I give them the same reasonable doubt as I give her. You don't. End of story.

When someone begins an examination of a series of events with the preconceived notion that one party or another is GUILTY then every thing they do points to GUILT ... that is frequently called a "focused investigation" ... and that is why there are innocent people in prisons .... along with a few other reasons. I expect cops to give people a benefit of the presumption of innocence and I give cops that same presumption.

Someone on here said the report is a complete lie ... that is a lie.

No one on here has seen the "complete report"!!!

You are attacking me because I don't agree with your assessment and opinion. And you have plenty of company ... I don't attack you because you disagree with me.

Many of the same group attacked those (and still do) who continually tried to look at the Zimmerman/Martin facts in an even-handed and unbiased manner ... do you recall the results of the jury trial???

I don't know how this trial will turn out .. and wouldn't venture a guess. But I believe even the worst cop haters on here would agree ... she was drunk and should not have been driving ... her car into the side of a house!!!! So fuckin what if she wants a "breath test" at the '"station" ... so what? When she gets to the hospital to get her face fixed .. she'll get a blood test .. because she's too fuckin drunk to give her pain meds to work on her ... they'll draw blood and .... end of story.

Ponder on this: .... She was so drunk she was demanding a breathilizer test!!!!!

And you point is?

When someone says something that is incorrect as an underlying fact to substantiate their "opinioned belief" ... such as a cuff key opens the back door of a patrol unit ... or double locking cuffs keeps them from opening ... I will speak up .... sometimes I don't because it is so irrelevant it is unimportant.... not worth the bandwidth.

JL gets attacked for having a different perspective ... do the rest of us a favor .... and I mean those who try to look at police contacts in an objective, unbiased manner ...

please don't call the police for help ... never call 911 ... no matter what happens to you or your family ... please don't call the police ....

that way those of us who look at police contacts in an objective, unbiased manner will have more police available to come to our assistance and the assistance of our friends and family and their response time will be less, because they will not have to be dealing with a bunch of biased unappreciative assholes who think they are just a bunch of thugs ..

OK? And I said please.
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That does not exempt Cops from bad behavior. Originally Posted by WTF
Nothing exempts cops from "bad behavior" ... if you mean unlawful behavior.

This will come as a shock to you, although it really shouldn't, I hold LE to a higher standard than the average citizen as far as their behavior ... I give them a reasonable doubt of guilt just like I would anyone else. But I expect the example they set in public (and private) to be at a level that might influence others in the community. I disagree they should get a pass.

But at the same time, I do not select isolated incidents of good behavior and attempt to paint all cops as being good. In my opinion there are more good cops than bad cops.

A lot more.

Of all the days of the year to think about cops. You want to think they are bad.
I give them the same reasonable doubt as I give her. You don't. End of story. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Uh-huh. Except that you don't give the cops or the woman reasonable doubt.

What you give them is the "presumption of innocence". Until they are proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

And in this case - unlike Zimmerman - we have an actual video of what happened.

And, at this point, that should remove any reasonable about the truthfulness of the cops or whether or not they used excessive force.

Someone on here said the report is a complete lie ... that is a lie.

No one on here has seen the "complete report"!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
It was me that wrote it and I was referring to the portion of Office Ormerod's report cited by StanDupp - not to the complete report. And the portion that was cited is a complete lie.

Do you think the rest of the report is going to fix that?

Can you find anything in the portion of Ormerod's report cited by StanDupp that is accurate? Other than the woman's name being "West"?
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  • WTF
  • 09-11-2013, 05:51 PM
Nothing exempts cops from "bad behavior" ... if you mean unlawful behavior.

This will come as a shock to you, although it really shouldn't, I hold LE to a higher standard than the average citizen as far as their behavior ... I give them a reasonable doubt of guilt just like I would anyone else. But I expect the example they set in public (and private) to be at a level that might influence others in the community. I disagree they should get a pass.

But at the same time, I do not select isolated incidents of good behavior and attempt to paint all cops as being good. In my opinion there are more good cops than bad cops.

A lot more.

Of all the days of the year to think about cops. You want to think they are bad. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are just parroting wtf I said. I said Cops should be held to a higher standard

.....and that this one Cop should be fired based on what I saw and heard.

I too think the vast majority of cops are decent people. But unlike you, I do not defend bad behavior that I see and hear with my eyes and ears.

Should the drunk lady be held accountable for being drunk? Yes. Should the Cops be help accountable for excessive force? Yes.
LexusLover's Avatar
You are just parroting wtf I said. Originally Posted by WTF
Actually not.

My good guess is that I was saying AND DOING before you were born ....

.. and for sure before you knew how to stand up and pee at the same time.

You, my friend, are a talker. Not a doer. Because if you were a "doer" you wouldn't post some of the shit you post ... You are as bad as Obaminable ....

.. he takes credit by twisting the facts and rewriting his bullshit ... so do you.

Try to carefully read this so you won't forget it ...

I will never parrot you!
LexusLover's Avatar
Interesting , you did not mention the fact that they talked about lying about the fact that she said she would take a breath test at the station. Do you find that strange?

Do you find it strange that she complied with the officers request to handcuff her once

If you are talking about the first time while she was dancing around, you are incorrect ... I just looked at it again. She was twisting on them and trying to move away from them. That is NOT COMPLIANCE.

and no doubt (BASED ON WHAT?)would have done so again without being thrown to the ground.

She had just removed a hand from one of the cuffs. That is NOT COMPLIANCE. Then when they tried to cuff her again (even unlock the one cuff) she started turning on them again.

This one officers temper got the best of him She pissed on him!!!

Go back and look at the video after they put her back into unit.

and he should be fired.

Some folks are not cut out for what I consider a very tough job. I think there are bad apples in every field,

you seem to think Cops are exempt from bad behavior. Not at all.

They in fact should be held to a higher standard than a drunk woman. His behavior is much worse than hers IMHO, he should have known better. Originally Posted by WTF
You embellish and misrepresent the facts to fit your opinion.
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  • WTF
  • 09-11-2013, 07:06 PM
Actually not.

Try to carefully read this so you won't forget it ...

I will never parrot you! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Really? I posted the below post Today @, 04:38 PM

This one officers temper got the best of him and he should be fired. Some folks are not cut out for what I consider a very tough job. I think there are bad apples in every field, you seem to think Cops are exempt from bad behavior. They in fact should be held to a higher standard than a drunk woman. His behavior is much worse than hers IMHO, he should have known better. Originally Posted by WTF
You posted this Today @, 06:39 PM

This will come as a shock to you, although it really shouldn't, I hold LE to a higher standard than the average citizen as far as their behavior ...

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Sounds like parroting to me...

LexusLover's Avatar
Really? I posted the below post Today @, 04:38 PM
Sounds like parroting to me... Originally Posted by WTF
You still "talking"?.... not to worry ... so is Obaminable.


Surely you are not trying to suggest that you planted that seed in my mind .... ... like I had never thought of that before .... you might go back and visit my post #14 in this thread ...

.. when you pretend to be the source of all wisdom and knowledge .. it really looks bad ... particularly when you take credit for the thoughts of others ....

.. does that turn on the bimbos who hang around you ... get their panties wet?

Like I said ... you are a talker and not a doer. It shows.
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  • WTF
  • 09-12-2013, 08:34 AM
You still "talking"?.... not to worry ... so is Obaminable.


Surely you are not trying to suggest that you planted that seed in my mind .... ... like I had never thought of that before .... you might go back and visit my post #14 in this thread ...

... Originally Posted by LexusLover
All I said was that you parroted WTF I said. I posted something at 4:38 you posted basically same thing @ 6:39.

That is called parroting or I could have said agreeing with me.....

.. does that turn on the bimbos who hang around you ... get their panties wet?

Like I said ... you are a talker and not a doer. It shows. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Does you defending bad cop behavior turn on the Cops who hang around you? Does it get their night sticks hard for you?

Like I said you are a Liar not a wise man. It shows.

LexusLover you do understand the bimbo reference you make is a tell that you have been bested in a debate and have nothing left to lie about. Anytime you bring that out, I know the debate is over and you have surrendered. Actually I do not think you know that it is a would have a hard time in poker with such an obvious tell.

Like I said you are a Liar not a wise man. It shows. Originally Posted by WTF
shhhh, don't tell anyone but it is there for the whole world to see.
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Does you defending bad cop behavior turn on the Cops who hang around you? Does it get their night sticks hard for you? Originally Posted by WTF
The cops I've met appreciate my attitude of giving them the benefit of the reasonable doubt that is protected by the due process and equal protection clause ... and the same one that I expect them to give to those with whom they have contact while on duty ....

as for night sticks ... been awhile since I've seen one out on the street ... old timers may be.

Keep up your series watching and get educated about the ways of LE ... the vastness of your knowledge is breathtaking .. to say the least.

So you don't like what I have to say, so you attack me. I take it for what it's worth. ZERO!

But you go ahead .. and huff and puff .. a little chest beating and impress those "ladies"!

I bet their britches get soaking wet just watching you post your bullshit! Right?

"You da Man"!