Eyes Wide Shut?

ed_mustafa's Avatar
less concerned with running into my boss or neighbor Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Funny you mentioned running into your boss. A long time ago, I went with a girlfriend to a swingers place and there is Ed's boss, wife and another couple heading to one of the bedrooms in the house. Never again for Ed.
EllaInAustin's Avatar
Have you heard of these events? Or am I always the last to know these things? Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I am the last to know too - but I have to admit that it looks like a lot of fun!
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
Funny you mentioned running into your boss. A long time ago, I went with a girlfriend to a swingers place and there is Ed's boss, wife and another couple heading to one of the bedrooms in the house. Never again for Ed. Originally Posted by ed_mustafa
How awkward that must have been. Did your boss happen to see you?
ed_mustafa's Avatar
He didn't see us. He told everyone at work that he and his wife did the swingers thing. If he did see us, it probably would be no big deal, but I didn't want to find out. My GF thought it was a hoot.
He told everyone at work that he and his wife did the swingers thing. Originally Posted by ed_mustafa
Isn't that TMI for the work place? Geeze if the boss talks about that, what else goes on there?

My GF thought it was a hoot. Originally Posted by ed_mustafa
I like your girlfriend.
It's not a swingers' thing. The idea is to provide a lot of variety at a price point that is lower than what a date with each lady would require. Typically there is a maximum number of gents allowed. Everyone has a good time (well hopefully), ladies all get paid, gents get to be kids in a candy store at a "bargain" rate. Originally Posted by discreetgent
But there's the thing DG, the math doesn't add up. The guys fork over $3k for 5 hours. Many of thee ladies charge hourly rates between $350 - $500 per hour. Unless you are going to there with the mentally of "I must nail more than 5 women to get my $$ worth" it's not economically viable...even with plush surroundings. Lack of (adequate) financial rewards has been rumbling around with some of the women that have attended for quite a while now. The ones that seem to enjoy it are the ones that are there more for fun than money. More power to them...we are all allowed our own choices right?

atlcomedy's Avatar
But there's the thing DG, the math doesn't add up. The guys fork over $3k for 5 hours. Many of thee ladies charge hourly rates between $350 - $500 per hour. Unless you are going to there with the mentally of "I must nail more than 5 women to get my $$ worth" it's not economically viable...even with plush surroundings. Lack of (adequate) financial rewards has been rumbling around with some of the women that have attended for quite a while now. The ones that seem to enjoy it are the ones that are there more for fun than money. More power to them...we are all allowed our own choices right?

C Originally Posted by Camille
I tend to agree & as I've said more than once "different strokes for different folks".....but....

The argument for it is the overall experience....you get intimate with say 2 or 3 ladies (hopefully one stays over for a tip, afterall, she has to stay somewhere), hang out with a bunch of others, enjoy a great party and your total bill is 3 call it 4K with tips. If that is within your budget....what do the MasterCard commercials say? "Priceless"

If you go to the Red Sox game and want to buy a hat at Fenway & it costs $35, you either buy it or you don't (fully aware you could get the same hat for $20 at the Mall)...the organizers are putting together a somewhat unique opportunity....even if it the "whole" costs more than the "sum of its parts"
But there's the thing DG, the math doesn't add up. The guys fork over $3k for 5 hours. Many of thee ladies charge hourly rates between $350 - $500 per hour. Unless you are going to there with the mentally of "I must nail more than 5 women to get my $$ worth" it's not economically viable...even with plush surroundings. Lack of (adequate) financial rewards has been rumbling around with some of the women that have attended for quite a while now. The ones that seem to enjoy it are the ones that are there more for fun than money. More power to them...we are all allowed our own choices right?

C Originally Posted by Camille
How can both of those statements be true? Its not a good deal for either the guys or the gals? Then the party organizers must be taking a lot off the top.
Then the party organizers must be taking a lot off the top. Originally Posted by pjorourke
In a Tony Soprano voice: "hey, buddy, youse got a problem wid free enterprise?"
discreetgent's Avatar
There is one advertised in NY for SuperBowl; 4 gals, $1600/gent, 6 max, 5 ideal. So thats 8K split among 4 gals for 4 maybe 5 hours; some of it is clearly social time. 2K for the evening seems like it works for everyone
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I saw this too and thought the concept was very intriguing. Imagine a group of clients and companions who had never met before and fly into one location for the purpose of spending an amazing night playing with each other in some posh mansion or better yet, a castle. And yes, of course it could be done a whole lot cheaper via swinging, but I wasn't really attaching the issue of price as much as the concept.

There is a high-end swingers club in London that meets once a month in a townhouse usually in Belgravia or Kensington and they re-enact the mask scene from EWS. At the party, everyone keeps their mask on until the stroke of midnight and then the masks, and a lot of other things, come off. Originally Posted by nycflyer
One of the reasons why I found this so interesting is I've had, in the back of my mind, an idea for a salon of sorts for this type of meeting for a few years. It's hardly an original concept but for me to organize an orgy of sorts (with me being the event planner and not a participant) is very appealing on SO many levels. Of course, no one would "really" know about the event.

It's all in the logistics ... and the participants.

It would just be talked about in whispers ...

Have you heard of these events? Or am I always the last to know these things? Some names are familiar.


... Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
So for the $3000-3500 (estimated) does that include BCD time or is that extra?

Basically a swingers party with escorts?

Different strokes for different folks, but I guess that kinda thing just doesn't float my boat. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
EW, I heard of this some time back but like atl, it is not my thing even when I was active. Different strokes for different folks or as Chevalier likes to write - WALDT.

Its either money or time. When you have the money to fly there, you don't have the time. When you have the time, not enough money. Its a vicious cycle. Originally Posted by pjorourke
No. Call it what it is...a wife Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Can't argue with that.

I agree with Alt, airfair is cheap. But, my solution to the time dilemma is not for the man to fly to the woman, but have her fly to see him. That way we do all the travel and show up just when you need us. Problem solved. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Very reasonable Colette and I am sure that makes the guy happy.
One of the reasons why I found this so interesting is I've had, in the back of my mind, an idea for a salon of sorts for this type of meeting for a few years. It's hardly an original concept but for me to organize an orgy of sorts (with me being the event planner and not a participant) is very appealing on SO many levels. Of course, no one would "really" know about the event.

It's all in the logistics ... and the participants.

It would just be talked about in whispers ...

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Great idea. Let me know if you put it together. I saw an episode of CSI Miami (I think it was) where a murder occurred in a glassed-in room at a "sex" bar. You could go and drink/eat, hook up, then retire to the glassed-in room. Once inside, you could press a button, and the glass would become opaque and no one could see inside the room. It was really hot!!!

I'm pretty sure this kind of thing could exist UTR in Dallas--especially in certain neighborhoods. Good luck.
  • Gurth
  • 02-26-2010, 10:38 PM
I think ya'll are missing the point

“The eyes are the mirror of the soul”. Yiddish Proverb

We are all trained from birth to read facial expressions. A masked partner is a form of sensory
deprivation...............sounds fun.