Clinton/AG Loretta Lynch have secret meeting

The way it's being reported is that there was a hidden plane that neither one of them were using for travel. That's where the meeting took place. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
that's quite the planned meeting for a talk about grandkids
gfejunkie's Avatar
that's quite the planned meeting for a talk about grandkids Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Ya think???
This was no coincidence. Imagine the security and planning that has to go into these two moving around in public places.
gfejunkie's Avatar
So far today the left's response to this has been...

"The American people don't care about this."

Uh, yeah they do you you arrogant pricks!
Now we know why the Senate had huge second thoughts about confirming Lynch as AG.

Turns out, she is exactly what everybody feared. A political Lackey who is just as big of a lying sack of shit cunt as Hillary Clinton.

Party first, Country second. That is the Democrat Party mantra.
gfejunkie's Avatar
You've changed your tune a little since this morning, Jackie. Good to see a little fire out of you.

Think Shrillery can find the clean end of this turd?

I don't think there is one.
LexusLover's Avatar
So far today the left's response to this has been...

"The American people don't care about this."

Uh, yeah they do you you arrogant pricks! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
The Gruberized are ignoring it. Remember: They're too dumb to comprehend.

The local reporter who broke the story confirmed that Bill came into the airport AFTER it was announced she would be traveling there for an event, although he claimed he was traveling their for a round of golf......and so far (he reported) no "round of golf"!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Yeah. They're hoping that the long holiday weekend will make everyone forget about it.

It won't.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Bill fucked up. Again.
LexusLover's Avatar
Bill fucked up. Again. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
He can make the deal. Hillarious-No-More can't.

After all .... Bill is working for his 3rd and 4th terms.
GingerKatt's Avatar
Ok, I don't want to be attacked, but I'm sure my girl can meet with whomever she chooses. Could be personal, could be professional. Doesn't matter.
Is this whole Board full of unconditional Trump lovers?

Ok, I don't want to be attacked, but I'm sure my girl can meet with whomever she chooses. Originally Posted by GingerKatt

No, she can't.
GingerKatt's Avatar
Really? Since when is a chat with a friend a crime?
Really? Since when is a chat with a friend a crime? Originally Posted by GingerKatt
When you are the Chief Law Enforcment Officer in the land and the person you are talking to in private is married to a person currently being investigated by The FBI.

If you are comfortable with having a lying, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling piece of shit as President, then by all means, vote for Hillary.
gfejunkie's Avatar
When you are the Chief Law Enforcment Officer in the land and the person you are talking to in private is married to a person currently being investigated by The FBI. Originally Posted by Jackie S
She has obviously never even served a day on jury duty.
The law is very specific about this.
LexusLover's Avatar
She has obviously never even served a day on jury duty.
The law is very specific about this. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Who Katt?

There are qualifications to serve as a juror.

And then there are those unwritten standards set by lawyers picking them.