Does anybody believe Roy Moore?

She voted for maybe the WaPo is doing a hit piece for the RNC!

The fucking Democrat is not going to win.

Luther Strong is the one that stands the best chance of being the real winner from this story.

And if the only evidenced that mattered was the DNA Clinton would have gotten impeached.... not voted on for impeachment but impeached.

So you are full of shit if you think these things are not Court of Public Opinions events. Originally Posted by WTF
Again, your poor reading comprehension and ability to form logical conclusions comes through. Along with your bloated ego.
bamscram's Avatar
Trump didn’t support Moore. Menendez is in court on bribery and other serious charges. Not one Dem has asked him to step down. And you seem to forget about Bill and Hillary Clinton. The Dems didn’t ask either of those reprobates to step down. And how about the chicken hawk Barney Frank? The Rebubplicans and Trump asked him to step aside. The RNC has pulled all fundraising from Moore and removed him from their website. Cmon man, it’s the Dems that want to win at all costs. Originally Posted by bambino
If you are defending Moore by bringing up Clinton that won't work.
Trump's party is not my party, neither is the democrat party.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Sounds like a last minute hit piece (no pun intended).

What's the charge? I hear the accuser is/was a Hillary volunteer. This has gotten ridiculous with accusers coming out of the woodwork from 20+ years ago with little or no corroborating evidence. It's not just Roy Moore's accuser. Originally Posted by gnadfly
This is the comment that I agree with.

Why come out with this stuff now? Why not 20-30 years ago?

This is just another 'end result' of having two polar opposites in the White House with obama and President Trump. Some people on both sides have gone bat shit crazy, and even though I don't like the guy, another part of me thinks this is dirty politics at it's dirtiest.

I did hear the interview on the radio, and Moore made some good points, however he seemed to balk on a question or two, and IMHO his balking seemed to be his way of carefully wording his comments in 'lawyer speak', call it a deflection. Maybe not a lie, but not the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
bambino's Avatar
If you are defending Moore by bringing up Clinton that won't work.
Trump's party is not my party, neither is the democrat party. Originally Posted by bamscram
I don’t support Moore, I’ve said it many times. I do support our justice system. Allegations are just allegations. So, if you don’t support Democrats you’ve been awful silent about their scandals over the years. That makes you a hypocrite. The Republicans have distanced themselves from Moore. The Dems support their miscreants. So do you.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
She voted for maybe the WaPo is doing a hit piece for the RNC!

The fucking Democrat is not going to win.

Luther Strong is the one that stands the best chance of being the real winner from this story.

And if the only evidenced that mattered was the DNA Clinton would have gotten impeached.... not voted on for impeachment but impeached.

So you are full of shit if you think these things are not Court of Public Opinions events. Originally Posted by WTF
Its Strange, not Strong.
I finally read "the court of public opinion" is charging him with "inappropriate sexual contact". Which I'm not sure is an actual chargeable crime.
bamscram's Avatar
I don’t support Moore, I’ve said it many times. I do support our justice system. Allegations are just allegations. So, if you don’t support Democrats you’ve been awful silent about their scandals over the years. That makes you a hypocrite. The Republicans have distanced themselves from Moore. The Dems support their miscreants. So do you. Originally Posted by bambino
You are completely full of shit on all counts.
Pay attention.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I finally read "the court of public opinion" is charging him with "inappropriate sexual contact". Which I'm not sure is an actual chargeable crime. Originally Posted by gnadfly
given the age of consent in alabama. I think they keep missing that point. they inject their own community standards against that of Alabama's community standards.
bambino's Avatar
You are completely full of shit on all counts.
Pay attention. Originally Posted by bamscram
I do pay attention. Over the years you rarely post anything negative about Democrats. Mostly Republican. I think you’re full of shit.
LexusLover's Avatar
given the age of consent in alabama. I think they keep missing that point. they inject their own community standards against that of Alabama's community standards. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Yea. According to Liberals ... if Moore were gay it would be ok!

Especially, if the accusers were the "same sex"!
lustylad's Avatar
Paula Jones had nothing but a he said she said and these same fuckers were wanting to convict... Originally Posted by WTF
Is that why Slick Willy paid her $700,000 to make her go away? Because she had nothing?

Any guy who exposes himself to a woman he doesn't even know is lower than pond scum. And almost as low as assup.
LexusLover's Avatar
Is that why Slick Willy paid her $700,000 to make her go away? Because she had nothing?

Any guy who exposes himself to a woman he doesn't even know is lower than pond scum. And almost as low as assup. Originally Posted by lustylad
Actually she had a lot more than "nothing" ...

.... WTF's assessment of all things judicial is to be generous ...

.... "defective"!

His "assessment" of the Zimmerman trial for the killing of Martin was that Zimmerman would be convicted of "something"! Verdict: "Not Guilty"!

But what does one expect from a house builder, besides bullshit!
bamscram's Avatar
I do pay attention. Over the years you rarely post anything negative about Democrats. Mostly Republican. I think you’re full of shit. Originally Posted by bambino
LOL, over the years are you hallucinating? Check when I joined, and don't make yourself look stupid by going there.
bambino's Avatar
LOL, over the years are you hallucinating? Check when I joined, and don't make yourself look stupid by going there. Originally Posted by bamscram
Says here 2011
bamscram's Avatar
Says here 2011 Originally Posted by bambino
You went there now you look stupid again.