Who the fuck....

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-08-2012, 04:13 PM
still deflecting ?

I sincerly hope you have nothing more to add, youre yammering is pathetic
they are leaving both in droves. latest numbers I saw 80% of independents were former republicans Originally Posted by ekim008
Where are your facts for this statement? I would have trouble believing it is anywhere near 50% even from each party. I was never a Republican or a Democrat, and I have voted as an Independent since I was eligible to vote.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-08-2012, 04:44 PM
I read an article that said more people now call themselves independents than any other time in the past 75 years ..

Trump dumped the republicans and now calls himself independent ... hes smarter than I thought.
I read an article that said more people now call themselves independents than any other time in the past 75 years ..

Trump dumped the republicans and now calls himself independent ... hes smarter than I thought. Originally Posted by CJ7
Becasue things have gotten so polarized and corrupt. I could care less about abortion and gay marriage. I could also care less about the drumbeat of class warfare. I care more instead about commerce, Liberty, the health and well being of the citizens of the United States. I also care to tame and curtail the power and monetary gains of career politicians and can kickers. That's why there significantly more Independents than in the years past; the government has gotten too big, to dependent on buying votes, to run by agencies and too oppressive.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-08-2012, 04:56 PM
Ive been an independent since Reagan ran from Iran and let France do his fighting
joe bloe's Avatar
Ive been an independent since Reagan ran from Iran and let France do his fighting Originally Posted by CJ7
You're a flaming liberal.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-08-2012, 05:03 PM
You're a flaming liberal. Originally Posted by joe bloe

youre a flaming communist

and an immature one at that
joe bloe's Avatar
Most sources are from the pew report or fact check.com not my head. Originally Posted by ekim008

Did the voices in your head tell to post this? Why not post some links to actual articles? Needless to say, I still don't believe you.
Lanny's Avatar
  • Lanny
  • 06-08-2012, 05:12 PM
Some are leaving for the Tea Party movement - I doubt your 80% number.

They certainly aren't headed to the LP in any signficant wave.

A Ron Paul 3rd party run would give Obama a 2nd term.

Getting rid of Rep/Dems stranglehold is probably a good thing; but it will likely not happen. The best chance is for incremental changes that movement the Republicans (and American electorate) to a Constitutionally Conservative government. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
If Paul ran as 3rd Party candidate, it would Most Assuredly Guarantee 4 more years of Feaux change by Obama...Just as Ross Perot's 3rd Party Run got Clinton into White House in '92....Senior Bush lost the slim chance he may have had at Reelection when a third alternative was added that was not Clinton....Romneys ONLY chance is to reap benefits of disenchanted Obamaites AND getting at least half of undecideds.....
Doesnt look real promising as is, let alone if Paul mucks it up and divided anti Obama sentiment...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Paul isn't going to run. Which is probably a good thing. He raised interest in the Libertarian party, so more people will look at Gary Johnson seriously, who would be a much better President. And I don't think Johnson will effect the eventual outcome, because there are plenty of disenchanted Democrats who will find him an acceptable alternative to Obama. The hope is that Johnson will get enough votes for the party to be taken seriously.
joe bloe's Avatar
Ive been an independent since Reagan ran from Iran and let France do his fighting Originally Posted by CJ7

I don't remember Reagan running from Iran. I do remember Jimmy Carter being humiliated by the Iranian hostage debacle for 444 days. I remember Carter's botched rescue attempt of the hostages. I remember the Iranians immediately letting the hostages go as soon as Reagan took the oath of office.

You must be talking about the Marine barracks bombing in Beirut, LEBANON in 1983.

If you're talking about Reagan's response of pulling our troops out of Lebanon, I agree that was a huge mistake. Bin Laden said that was part of the reason he determined that America was a paper tiger.

Leaving the party over one mistake is certainly an overreaction.
joe bloe's Avatar
youre a flaming communist

and an immature one at that Originally Posted by CJ7
That's a first, so I'm an immature flaming communist, I'm not sure anyone has ever been called that before. You guys usually call us conservatives, Nazis or fascists. What was your second choice, doody head?
Did the voices in your head tell to post this? Why not post some links to actual articles? Needless to say, I still don't believe you. Originally Posted by joe bloe

are you familiar with the term DILLIGAF? It was from a pew report I don't post links.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
are you familiar with the term DILLIGAF? It was from a pew report I don't post links. Originally Posted by ekim008
too lazy or just do not know the facts?
joe bloe's Avatar
too lazy or just do not know the facts? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
I don't think he knows how. Or maybe the voices in his head told him not to.