Goodyear and the price of wokeness

  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2020, 03:39 PM
If Biden wins. Lizzie ( appointed Secretary of Treasury) and her marxists will kill teh tock market and the Amercan economy under her marxist policies.

Prepare for abject Venezuela poverty of America - caused the marxist DPST'!
Goodyear disavowed their HR "Woke Marxism"???
Let's see a release from the company, please. Originally Posted by oeb11
They said it didn't come from their diversity program.

Look, all corporations have to pay lip service to this BS.

I don't like it anymore than you boys do but they have to do it because leftists control the culture.
the fact is they reportedly showed this woke shit in a company presentation. their "walk back" of wokeness is rather tepid. as they catch more heat from Trump they'll make a more forceful stand but it doesn't whitewash their woke shit. most companies don't allow any so-called self-expression at work anyway. they call it "business attire" for a reason.

the jobs in the US don't give them any slack for being woke fucktards.and while it's been awhile the last set of Goodyear's i bought were shit. a set of 35x15 AT off road tires. barely got 40k miles on them and that asshole at the Goodyear shop acted like he was doing me a favor when i'd come in to get them rotated every 5,000 miles which is their own recommendation. actually that's industry standard but not the point. this asshole actually initially refused to do the rotation because i was "short" by 100 miles. i knew that but most other tires shops wouldn't even question it, close enough and i had a reason i wanted them rotated, i was taking 2 weeks vacation and was going to put about 4,000 miles on my truck on an extended road trip across the southwest and wanted them both rotated and the balance checked. he relented and did the work, for free of course. i told him i'll be back soon. he probably didn't believe me but i was back very soon after dropping 4k on those tires in 2 weeks. of course i made sure i went over 5,000 miles this time. yeah .. 5,010 miles. bahaaa. those shit tires were already wearing badly. didn't even consider Goodyear when it was time to replace the set, went to General Tire about bought a set of AT's from them and got 65k out of them. haven't considered Goodyear since. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You got 40,000 miles on your tires, free balance and rotation, and you weren't happy with that?

Fuck, you are hard to please. I get new tires every 20,000 miles because I like plenty of tread and I don't like aged rubber. Sure, you can take them down to 3/32 but you also get some spider cracking, chemical aging, and UV aging. I like a good grip on the road when I'm going 100 MPH!

I prefer Michelin and Conti but once I had a truck and only Goodyear tires held up.
lol. didn't mention it in my reply to the friendly one but i put Michelins on my current truck. highway tires, I'm done with the lifted trucks and oversize tires. Michelin doesn't even make oversize AT's. not much of a market for them. i go to discount tire now. excellent customer service. i was there to get a new set of tires after the set that was on the truck when i bought it were down to about 5k miles left which is the safe limit. so I'm waiting for the job to be done and the manager comes over and says "Mr. Waco, we have a problem with one of your rims". I'm thinking "oh fuck, I've got a bent or cracked rim. that's gonna cost out the ass at Toyota!"

so i go out to the shop with this guy and he tells me that one of the plastic center caps broke, another is cracked. i look at him and say "man, i thought you said we had a problem! that's just plastic decorative caps to cover up the axle". he tells me that many customers freak out when these cheap center caps break. and they break all the time on just about every brand not just Toyota. i tell this dude don't worry about it. he thanks me for actually being a reasonable customer. i make a joke that those two caps will cost me about 30 bucks each at Toyota. he laughs and nods.

so my truck is ready and as i pay the counter guy the manager comes in from the shop and hands me two brand new grey Toyota center caps. i say "ok, how much are they?" he says, "they are free, Mr. Waco". see what not being an hyper asshole gets you?

as i go out to the lot i see several suit types talking to the manager, they were there for the usual check-in at the shop. so i make a point to go over and ask .. "are you guys with discount tires corporate?" the guy looks a bit worried like i was going to complain but he says "yes, I'm the regional director". the manager has a sly smile as he knows what's coming. i tell that director what happened with my center caps and that the manager gave me two new ones for free because i didn't make a big nothingburger out of it. told him my already high opinion of discount tires just went up a notch. i think i made that guy's day. lol Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I don't trust Discount Tire to give me fresh off the line date codes on their tires. I also like my tires to be less than 3 months old. Once you vulcanize rubber it starts to decay slowly.

Of course, my tire guy knows I pay full price for that and I just drop off the cars and come back hours later. Anything else he finds he just fixes it because I don't like to dick around with my cars.

He also says that Assup sucks dicks because WTF told him he does.
Dang I thought this post was about maga (make America stupid) hats. Trump needs that money to pay Putin back
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You got 40,000 miles on your tires, free balance and rotation, and you weren't happy with that?

Fuck, you are hard to please. I get new tires every 20,000 miles because I like plenty of tread and I don't like aged rubber. Sure, you can take them down to 3/32 but you also get some spider cracking, chemical aging, and UV aging. I like a good grip on the road when I'm going 100 MPH! Originally Posted by friendly fred
feel free to waste your money, you appear to have plenty of it. me, it's about getting my money's worth. those tires were "rated" at 60,000 miles. I could have gotten a prorated price .. if I bought another set of their overpriced shit. those General AT's lasted 25,000 miles longer. for about 70 bucks less .. per tire.

and if you think I'm hard to please with tires, you should see me eye balling an AMP lineup.

first rule of AMP's .. if all they have is nags .. walk away. but given the high quality of the Dallas market haven't had to do that in some time.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Nice filibusters, boys.

Well executed, but totally outs of bounds, eh?

Can’t says I blames you. It must be fatiguings to constantly try to defend the indefensible.
Lapdog's Avatar
Their standard defense against the indefensible is to change the subject.
bambino's Avatar
Nice filibusters, boys.

Well executed, but totally outs of bounds, eh?

Can’t says I blames you. It must be fatiguings to constantly try to defend the indefensible. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Not nearly as fatiguing as faking a dialect that doesn’t exist.
texassapper's Avatar
They said it didn't come from their diversity program.

Look, all corporations have to pay lip service to this BS.

I don't like it anymore than you boys do but they have to do it because leftists control the culture. Originally Posted by friendly fred
BULLSHIT. Who the fuck cares if the libtards "own" culture? Fcuk them. they die from a bullet to the head like everyone else...they're nothing special they just think they are. The key is to NEVER give them a fcuking inch. If the complain that someone is wearing a MAGA hat the answer is SO WHAT?

SO WHAT? You feel threatened here at Goodyear tire? Then fcuking leave. YOU can be replaced. This nation has turned into the biggest bunch of pussy ass whiners. It's like half the country got their fcuking period.

I really can't wait until a civil war kicks off and we can put this shit to an end once and for all. I'm pretty sure that whatever emerges from the other end of this is going to be unrecognizable to all of those fcuktards calling for an end to police and capitalism etc. Gonna be a lot of forced deportations..
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Not nearly as fatiguing as faking a dialect that doesn’t exist. Originally Posted by bambino
BULLSHIT. Who the fuck cares if the libtards "own" culture? Fcuk them. they die from a bullet to the head like everyone else...they're nothing special they just think they are. The key is to NEVER give them a fcuking inch. If the complain that someone is wearing a MAGA hat the answer is SO WHAT?

SO WHAT? You feel threatened here at Goodyear tire? Then fcuking leave. YOU can be replaced. This nation has turned into the biggest bunch of pussy ass whiners. It's like half the country got their fcuking period.

I really can't wait until a civil war kicks off and we can put this shit to an end once and for all. I'm pretty sure that whatever emerges from the other end of this is going to be unrecognizable to all of those fcuktards calling for an end to police and capitalism etc. Gonna be a lot of forced deportations.. Originally Posted by texassapper
well sir, I think that pretty much covers Yssup Hummer and wokeness ..

Wow n lol n wtf. You guys really need to put the lead down and sniff some peanut butter with your shit. Slow down the meltdown
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wow n lol n wtf. You guys really need to put the lead down and sniff some peanut butter with your shit. Slow down the meltdown Originally Posted by Tsmokies
if yous say so
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I'll second what T he said.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'll second what T he said.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
two fools are still wrong