Bathroom Mirrors (LOL)

Iaintliein's Avatar
Mix is best, some (quiet a few actually) guys frequently post that they prefer the cell phone/mirror shots because they fear that other types are too "Photoshoped" and don't represent what the lady actually looks like. Mind you, I sincerely hope the ladies aren't actually as fuzzing and dim as many of the mirror shots are!
It amazes me how many showcase galleries and provider pics I see that are taken by some phone camera in the bathroom.

Seriously, can't you find a mirror in the hotel bedroom??

Or, better yet, don't take the pics around the bed/bath at all.

Now, I am well aware that not all can afford photographers, or even professional photographers. But the pics don't need to include the commode in the background with the lid up. lol

Phone cameras ain't the best, but if it's what you've got, then you have to make the most of everything else (like setting the scene). Ideally, if you don't trust anyone to take your pics, you can get a cheap digital camera and a tripod and do your own. Maybe outdoors in the remote part of a park.

Just sayin'. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
IMHO I hate those photos. I think they look cheap and tacky no matter how attractive the girl looks. A mirror in the bedroom would even better.
gimme_that's Avatar
I like cell phone pics in the bathroom myself, but definitely prefer that she has those and a variety of others. I like the cell phone bathroom pics because usually the way they look in the photo is a closer composite to the way they will look when they arrive. Sometimes pictures that are super classy and spruced up hid very important features I like.
I like bathroom mirror pics when they're like this.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I like bathroom mirror pics when they're like this.
Originally Posted by Shayla
Hell yeah!!
burkalini's Avatar
Now that's a pretty face to shoot cum all over. Fuck did I say that?
Mirror pics tend to be the actual person in the person. Not all of the time, but some of time. Also you wont find many mirror pics photo-shopped or overly airbrushed. Mirror pics are more real time style.

It amazes me how many showcase galleries and provider pics I see that are taken by some phone camera in the bathroom.

Seriously, can't you find a mirror in the hotel bedroom??

Or, better yet, don't take the pics around the bed/bath at all.

Now, I am well aware that not all can afford photographers, or even professional photographers. But the pics don't need to include the commode in the background with the lid up. lol

Phone cameras ain't the best, but if it's what you've got, then you have to make the most of everything else (like setting the scene). Ideally, if you don't trust anyone to take your pics, you can get a cheap digital camera and a tripod and do your own. Maybe outdoors in the remote part of a park.

Just sayin'. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
hobby hound's Avatar
Them hip bones might hurt me and prefer a more meaty momma.
Them hip bones might hurt me and prefer a more meaty momma. Originally Posted by hobby hound
She looks pretty healthy. Just naturally petite. Probably wouldn't kill her to gain a 10 pounds or so though.
That girl's photos look nice. I've seen some that were just really bad. But I for one would never have photos from a cell phone on my ad.
hobby hound's Avatar
I would love something in the build and style LIKE Miss Z.
hobby hound's Avatar
Word is humming around Shayla that you and STILL LOOKING are going to meet up in Vegas and you know how us men want to hear all the juicy details about your fine self.
Word is humming around Shayla that you and STILL LOOKING are going to meet up in Vegas and you know how us men want to hear all the juicy details about your fine self. Originally Posted by hobby hound
Meh... I'm nothing special. You guys can finally have something to gossip about lol.
tonytiger4u's Avatar
When it comes to the pics, I really am looking for the attitude as much as anything. That look in her eye that says "come and get me"...

As for the pic quality, the best sessions I've had came from the women with the best showcase pics. They tend to be the most professional and take the business seriously. They also tend to be the best liars, which I sincerely appreciate!
When it comes to the pics, I really am looking for the attitude as much as anything. That look in her eye that says "come and get me"...

As for the pic quality, the best sessions I've had came from the women with the best showcase pics. They tend to be the most professional and take the business seriously. They also tend to be the best liars, which I sincerely appreciate! Originally Posted by tonytiger4u